Roman Brady
Nobody Lives Forever
that feeling when you realize you are famous

that feeling when you realize you are famous
Incentives?not saying anything revolutionary here, but it seems quite clear to me that Disney is coming for Avatar's crown based on all the incentives to see the movie depending on where tickets are bought, the day of the week its seen, and what theater a person catches a screening for it.
its like they are really executing Order 66![]()
I Stan for that movie so much, and I c/s this statement without hesitation.Star Wars will absolutely out gross Batman Vs. Superman. I'd be willing to put a ban bet on it
I loved all the prequel's attack of the clones was a little waek but still all of them were good to me. Even people always saying they suck still will watch them an still buy all the shyt. I went to the re-release of the Phantom Menace at those theaters were packed