Just got my 3D imax tickets for opening night . It's a great time too be alive .
How much

Just got my 3D imax tickets for opening night . It's a great time too be alive .
The hate from Star Wars nerds for black characters turns me off from forum discussions.
The hate Mace was getting, my gawd.
Episode I: Mace is in like three scenes and is established to be on the same level as Yoda.
Fanreaction: he's the reason Anakin will turn evil plus he's a secret Sith Lord in league with the Emperor (even though Yoda cosigned EVERYTHING Mace does in the movie.)
Episode II: Mace again on the same level as Yoda, making calls without needing his approval. OWNS the hyped Jango Fett and saves the day.
Fanreaction: omg did you see that look on his face whe he killed Jango? He's a Sith. Plus why is he making moves without Yoda? Sith in league with the Emperor (again, Yoda cosigned every movie Mace made).
Episode III: Mace proven to be correct in mistrusting Palpatine/senators/Anakin plus he whoops the Emperor's ass (who he was supposed to be in league with)
Fanreaction: omg not only is he evil, he's even worse than the Emperor Anakin was right to betray him. Plus the Emperor faked it (Yoda and Obi-Wan cosigned his moves PLUS George had to come out multiple times to explicitly state that Mace legitimitely pulled the Emperor's card in that fight.)
so which one is Kylo Ren.
I've got a very bad feeling about this.
Really hoping my man Finn ends up putting up a decent fight, at least.
Han Solo didnt have the force and he was the baddest dude in the OG trilogy thoughI don't think Finn dies. But I think Kylo Ren gives Finn that work and Daisy saves him. And it's revealed she has the Force inside of her. I hope they both have the Force, at least. It would suck for the black guy not to have The Force and have the chance to be the hero.
I still deep down believe Finn will be revealed to be the true lead in later movies.
sadly... yeah. That's how they see us. On this trailer and the last one every shot they showed of him the reaction was an awkward
type of silence. But most people simply acted like they didn't see him
Original trilogy is a mustI've never seen a Star Wars movieMight fukk w/ this one. Should I watch all the other ones first?
The reception this is getting everywhere is crazy to me. Am I the only cynical one? I guess I'm still bitter about the prequels but I can't forget the crazy hype surrounding the first trailer of The Phantom Menace, and look how that turned out. Yes, I really want this to be good because the OT is my shyt, but I'm frankly shocked at the excitement this trailer is generating, considering the past disappointments.
The reception this is getting everywhere is crazy to me. Am I the only cynical one? I guess I'm still bitter about the prequels but I can't forget the crazy hype surrounding the first trailer of The Phantom Menace, and look how that turned out. Yes, I really want this to be good because the OT is my shyt, but I'm frankly shocked at the excitement this trailer is generating, considering the past disappointments.
Them KNIGHTS of REN![]()
oh shyt you right famlooks like Kylo Ren has the higher ground![]()
The reception this is getting everywhere is crazy to me. Am I the only cynical one? I guess I'm still bitter about the prequels but I can't forget the crazy hype surrounding the first trailer of The Phantom Menace, and look how that turned out. Yes, I really want this to be good because the OT is my shyt, but I'm frankly shocked at the excitement this trailer is generating, considering the past disappointments.