Palpatine sensed Anakin showing up.... He stalled and Mace hesitated just enough for him to mind fukk Anakin.
Anakin killed Dooku
Grievous technically wasnt a Sith
I still shed a tear when they execute order 66 ... not as much as when i say it in theaters
I say Yoda lost as oppose to Sidous won.. oda was on the defensive but was unprepared.
And i dont acknowledge the new trilogy.. still havent watched ROS yet.. i refuse...
I posted about this before .. ANH was the second movie i saw in theaters in 1977.. my first was king kong in 1976
when I get my new phone I will look it up, but I'm pretty sure George Lucas said Mace beat Palp, and Palpatine didn't sense Anakin coming at the last minute, I know the Emperor was a genius, but Yoda and Mace were the two most powerful Jedi, Anakin even referenced how powerful Mace was in Attack of the Clones
and let's not forget my fellow Star Wars breh that when Yoda rolled up on Sidious and Sidious hit him with the Force lightning and let Yoda get back up while he was poppin sh*t, Yoda hit the Emperor with the Force all the way across the room and then Palpatine tried to run like a b1tch and Yoda cut him off at the door and was basically like if you're so powerful why leave ?
Now they didn't show how the fight got to the Senate room, but Palp had the high ground and was hurling senate seats at Yoda, now before that the light sabre duel was equal imo, and when Yoda jumped back up on the Senate seat to fight him Sidious tried to overwhelm him with Force lightning but Yoda pushed back with the Force and they blew each other away, that's why I said it was a tie imo because Palp luckily caught a grip on the seat, but Yoda couldn't hang on and fell, then Palps goons showed up
as far as General Grievous he didn't have the Force with him, but he was highly trained in light sabre fighting by Dooku, had four arms and had killed many Jedi already, it showed how nice Grievous was in these two animated Clone War movies that went straight to DVD, but Grievous was nice, just not good enough to handle a master like Obi Wan or somebody
I'm enjoying this Convo breh, one thing we BOTH AGREE ON is that The Star Wars movies after Revenge of the Sith sucked d1ck, except for Rogue One, that was actually good, recommend you check it out if you haven't seen it
but yeah breh don't waste your time watching The Force Awakens trilogy, they were all pure garbage, had the same storyline as episodes 4,5, and 6 and they completely fvcked up all of the OG characters
personally I thought they should've left the Skywalker bloodline alone and just did brand new Star Wars stories
for example Star Wars put out a trilogy book from the point of view from the Sith called Darth Bane, even if you've never read any Star Wars books, the Darth Bane trilogy is piff, they should have made those into movies instead of The Force Awakens bullsh1t, lol
Oh and one more thing about Revenge of the Sith that was dope was how emotional and tragic it was, it was a very layered movie and I think we both agree on that as well
I'm going to shoot you some rep points if I can, but if you want some new Star Wars piff cop The Darth Bane trilogy on paperback, cuz e-books fvck up sometimes or something could happen to your computer or tablet or whatever
stay cool breh