Star Wars Episode VII spoiler discussion thread (enter at your own discretion)


Jul 6, 2014
so Since Rey and Fin are the main characters....:mjpls:
Actually It seems rey and poe are the most likely love interests. Maybe another character emerges for Finn in VIII or IX, perhaps lupita's character, we don't know who she is playing yet
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Jul 6, 2014
Noteworthy comments:
Here's a link to the casting.

"Lost her parents" is interesting. Sounds like she believes her parents are dead. Added to the mother thing, could that be Luke's wife? I appreciate you could interpret it any number of ways though.

See also how Thomas is talked about. Would fit the idea of someone not comfortable with the path he's on but someone who is brave nonetheless. He's not going to be a bumbling fool.

EDIT - hmmm.... Rachel was open to bi and multi-racial actresses. That would rule out her being Han and Leia's kid. But not Luke's as his wife could have been any race before casting.

So unless Leia and Han split and she found someone else (not impossible), if Rey has Skywalker blood, I think this is the strongest hint yet that it comes from Luke's side.

And this reply makes a lot of sense:
Satipo said: ↑
So unless Leia and Han split and she found someone else (not impossible), if Rey has Skywalker blood, I think this is the strongest hint yet that it comes from Luke's side.
Agree, it would be the best choice, I have no doubts about it. There still a few things that would make me doubt, like Ridley between Han and Leia during the table read (which could be easily explained as she has more screen time with them than with Luke by far). Now, with Kylo Ren, I think if he is an offspring character (which I´m confident he is), he is more likely to be related to Leia and, specially, Han. After all, Kylo Ren kills Han and it seems it´s not by chance, he really want to kill Han. That seems too personal, the way you would expect it to be with a father, not an uncle. Plus, MSW info seems to suggest Kylo Ren knows really well who his parents are (the Falcon moment, the "don´t get too sentimental" etc).

After this debate, I´m more inclined to believe Rey is a Skywalker, who does not know about her destiny (and when her destiny is hinted to her she refuses to accept it until the very end), nor her parents nor uncles know about her. And Kylo Ren is the known offspring. He knows his destiny, his family lineage, his parents identity... But is shocked when he founds out there is another Skywalker.

I love how all this sounds.

I think, if Kylo Ren's rumored "motivations" pan out, that if the Jedi Academy is attacked and all Jedi butchered, it ought to come as the result of Ren trying to "reenact" Vader's deeds; so betrayal from within.
:damn:This goes to the red text on the previous page, kylo may have betrayed them and gone with "uber" on his own accord

I'll post this every time people freak about Finn and the lightsaber.

Original cast article has John Boyega as a Jedi, Adam Driver as a Vader-type character and Rey as the star. It has been 100% accurate since its original post date of April 29,2014. Nothing new. Finn = Jedi (but not until episode 8 when he gets trained)

This one is a different source to MSW (which I'm 99% confident in), so take the following with a bit of skepticism
Assuming the Ren stuff is true, I have some clarification for you guys. Ren is literally claiming to be Darth Vader, in the flesh. He is saying I am Darth Vader, I survived the Death Star explosion (the audience knows this is not true). Ren is a very mysterious character. He has almost no back story. The first scene of the movie is Finn finding out he has been promoted to Ren’s elite unit of storm troopers. They immediately leave on a mission. I don’t know any details about the mission but this mission is the scene from the second trailer – night time with Ren in action. Apparently Finn sees Ren in action (brutal, violent, no empathy), is like F this, and deserts. That is the beginning of the movie.

This last part actually fits pretty good with a report made by MSW back in November, about a possible line from the movie. According to the report, Daisy Ridley’s character is being captured and brought to Kylo Ren, when she says: “You’ll never be as powerful as Darth Vader!
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All Star
May 9, 2012
South East Houston
This rumor sheds some more light and offers more details about various rumors we have heard up to this point, as well as giving us some new information. And for those of you who are new to the rumors, or simply forgotten, "Uber" is Andy Serkis, "The General" is Domhnall Gleeson, Korr Sella is Maise Richardson-Sellers, Captain Phasma is Gwendoline Christie, and "Rose" is the code name for Lupita Nyong'o's character Maz Kanata. According to Jason over at MSW,
If you recall, Han Solo, Chewbacca, Rey, Finn, and BB-8 head for the green planet (that everyone that sees it thinks is Yavin IV). Rey is overcome by the beauty of this green world after having resided on the desolate Jakku for a very long time. Rey does not have a beautiful time on the green world though.

After they meet “Rose” in a pub, they head to the underground of the pub. I believe Korr Sella, an emissary for Leia, is also at the pub to speak to “Rose,” probably about what Poe Dameron encountered on Jakku. However, “Rose” is already in the catacombs below the pub inducing a vision of the past for the band of heroes. “Rose” believes she knows why the lightsaber everyone is after came to Rey but Rey doesn’t want it and she runs from the pub.

Above the green planet, “Uber” is in communication with Kylo Ren and the “The General.” “Uber” orders “The Catapult” weapon to be used against Han Solo, Rose, and the rest of the heroes. Kylo is apprehensive and “Uber” orders him not to “be so sentimental.” Down on the surface, Rey looks back to see a scene of destruction unfold before her. The weapon is fired, killing Kor Sella, taking out a “castle,” “the tunnel of love,” and the pub.

The Resistance witnesses Kor Sella’s death and springs into action. This is where we believe we will see Admiral Ackbar, very old, in a new, slightly green outfit. He is part of Leia’s “staff.” Note: Tim Rose canceled convention appearances around this time which may mean he’s back on Ackbar puppetry.

INTERIOR DAY RESISTANCE BASE – MAP ROOM Leia and staff react to Tunnel of Love unhappy ending
Thankfully the heroes are in the catacombs below the pub and survive the assault after suffering through some shaking and rumbling. They head through tunnels where they meet some Stormtrooper resistance and “Rose” uses her “special powers” to dispatch them. I assume this means she uses the Force to slam them against a wall or something unless she Jedi Mind Tricks them.

When the heroes get outside of the tunnels, things looks really dire for them. But a “black tie makes all the difference.” We believe this is when Poe Dameron returns, either with a fixed TIE he crashed back on Jakku or in the black X-wing without an explanation as far as we know. The point is, it seems Poe returns to save the day using his piloting skills.

Rey saw the First Order invade the green planet and also witnessed the destruction of the buildings by the super weapon. She’s spotted by First Order forces very quickly. Kylo Ren and his troops (who are on their way to survey the damage from the weapon) pursue Rey and capture her. Finn witnesses the capture from afar but can’t save her. BB-8 hides and evades capture too and the heroes meet up with Leia, the droids, and head for the Resistance base without Rey. (So if you’re wondering, Rey doesn’t meet Leia at this point in the film.)

Rey is then taken to the First Order Castle on the snow planet and imprisoned. Rey is escorted to her interrogation by Captain Phasma. We have reason to believe Kylo might not be in his armor for this sequence. (For some scenes, Kylo doesn’t wear his armor but instead wears the same black uniform “The General” wears with his hair slicked back, a little long, just above the shoulders).

Kylo uses his “powers” during his interrogation of Rey. Rey reverses this “probe” from Kylo as she’s mentally stronger than him or just more powerful in the Force. She then tells him:

You’ll never be as powerful as Darth Vader.

She apparently has learned something about Kylo instead of Kylo learning something about her during this metaphysical connection they have formed. But it isn’t a total win for Rey as Kylo does figure out he doesn’t need the lightsaber to carry out his goals and there is another way. (Note: the season premiere of Star Wars Rebels has a sequence that I believe is reminiscent of this between Ahsoka and Darth Vader.) Kylo then leaves to report to “Uber” about Rey and BB-8.

INTERIOR DAY FIRST ORDER CASTLE – DUNGEON Kylo Ren Tries to learn all he can from Kira. She turns the tables.

INTERIOR DAY FIRST ORDER CASTLE – CORRIDOR #1 Kylo Ren pauses outside the dungeon, flustered.

Shortly after this, Rey uses her “powers” to trick her Stormtrooper guards into leaving her unattended. We then see Rey escape via the ventilation system of the First Order Castle. She meets up with Finn, Han, and Chewbacca after they crash in the woods. She is touched the crew came back for her. I’m not sure if this is a comedic coincidence and Finn accepts credit for going back for her when it was just a coincidence or if she was part of the plan for Han Solo the whole time.

As the assault on the castle moves forward we are treated to a space and atmospheric battle that ends up relying on some good old fashioned explosives by Han and Chewbacca.

This sounds like it will be an intense scene. We get more implications that Kylo Ren has some kind of connection to our heroes, whether its Han Solo or Rey or both. I love the idea of this "Uber" telling him not to get sentimental, suggesting that there is still some level of conflict within him. The confrontation between Rey and Kylo sounds like it will be an intense sequence. Perhaps the two are unaware of any connections they might have (be they siblings, cousins, etc.) and the line, "You’ll never be as powerful as Darth Vader" is chilling.


Jul 6, 2014
@Melbournelad the more I read these spoilers the more I do see Klyo and Rey brother and sister
Either that, or cousins (if Kylo is a Solo and Kira is a Skywalker).

Also unlike the PT where Maul and Dooku were the first two villains and killed off shortly after, it seems like Ren may be the villian the whole trilogy and will become more powerful each episode.


All Star
May 9, 2012
South East Houston
Either that, or cousins (if Kylo is a Solo and Kira is a Skywalker).

Also unlike the PT where Maul and Dooku were the first two villains and killed off shortly after, it seems like Ren may be the villian the whole trilogy and will become more powerful each episode.

Gonna be fun to watch.
I got a million questions still to be answered lol


May 25, 2012
Luke's going to end up being the villain. He joined the Sith. I think the Sith Lord Cyborg is Luke Skywalker.