I am torn on the finale - I don't hate it, but i don't love it either.
it was mid
***spoils a specific plot point, do not read if you haven't watched***
wish the leader of the chain would have survived, Disco needs a good overarching lead villain like DS9 and the previous episode showed the character's range,
Plus she went out like a secondary character
the season 2 finale was bonkers
this was more subdued
glad to see the federation coming together again though
I just wanna see the 32nd century Enterprise
maybe season 4
will still tune in with all its faults, any trek is better than no trek
There was a new 32nd century Consitution Class at Starfleet HQ. Was convinced it would be revealed to be the Enterprise in the finale but nope. Like the rest of the ships it got a couple of seconds of screen time which is more than can be said for the Vulcan/Romulan ships. Just dots on the screen.
DSC handled the Orion’s really badly. Total shyt. Ossyra was a crap villain. Oh fukk this show. The more I think on things the more it’s apparent how fukking appallingly written it is.
Since we got fukk all of a look at the ships here they are in all they’re concept art ugliness.

The Burn explanation was embarrassingly stupid as is this programmable matter nonsense. It makes ZERO practical sense. It’s just a result of this show having an obscene amount of producers and them spending a fortune on unnecessary CGI to try look cool and futuristic without giving two shyts about putting together a coherent story.
The MU, Klingon War, Control(oh fukk me that was a mess), The Burn, all poorly written rubbish. I’d be embarrassed if I was the likes of Kirsten Beyer and other Trek vets involved.
Did anyone read the Picard prequel book? I gave up when Geordie was talking to someone he had apparently met but didn’t recognise and thought to himself “I’m sure I would have remembered meeting a midget”.
fukking hell.
Even Jonathan Frakes has been sucked into the oh isn’t it all so wonderful bullshyt that secretes from every pore of the recent productions telling the fans who didn’t like it that “they were wrong to have that opinion as they didn’t know what they were on about”!
Seriously Frakes? Keep licking arse for directorial gigs. Patrick Stewart was the same. A classically trained Shakespearean actor gushing over the quality of the writing on his own show which was atrocious. It’s ok Patrick, we know they threw a stupid amount of money at you to finally to convince you to do what you had been turning down for years.
I’m now at the stage where I would have preferred no Trek than what we have been given. I’ve been happy enough with the story lines in Star Trek Online and unfortunately now that is infested with DSC, Picard & Kelvinverse shyte.
Sorry folks, that’s quite a rant but fukking needed. The recent Treks make Voyager’s Threshold episode seem like a televisual masterpiece...
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