SPINOFF:Leader of Asian male Black female DATING WEBSITE murdered Black girl did almost no jail time

Jun 6, 2015
Mongolian nikkas like @Kublai Khan just won't admit that the leader of the group in the OP did this because of an inferiority complex.

But there is nothing to be ashamed of. The reason the White Man can still get a Black Woman without Mandingo dikk is hundreds of years of brainwashing and the whip.

Another problem is White Women also have bigger pussies so you're dealing with the same problem there too. The only reason it's easier for Asian Men to get Black p*ssy is because Black Women are running away from having to respect the Black Man. They don't respect the Asian Man either - The only Man a lot of BW will listen to, not argue with is a Prince Charming Massa whose family is in the top 10% of America with slave owner genes. They can smell their great granddaddy's whip all over the boy.

I am not :troll: either. This shyt is forreal dawg. :francis:

Why do you think many natural haired BW in Brooklyn are seen with these White Boys from Ohio and the South. They are reconnecting with their roots in more ways than one. Back to the days where their great great grandmother breastfed these CAC boys, less they get pushed out into the field to work with the rest of us negros in the hot blazing sun.

I think the reason why Black Women go to Asian Men is the same reason why Black Men go to White Women. It is heavily due to the influence of Massa.

Kublai Khan

Apr 15, 2014
Mongolian nikkas like @Kublai Khan just won't admit that the leader of the group in the OP did this because of an inferiority complex.

But there is nothing to be ashamed of. The reason the White Man can still get a Black Woman without Mandingo dikk is hundreds of years of brainwashing and the whip.

Another problem is White Women also have bigger pussies so you're dealing with the same problem there too. The only reason it's easier for Asian Men to get Black p*ssy is because Black Women are running away from having to respect the Black Man. They don't respect the Asian Man either - The only Man a lot of BW will listen to, not argue with is a Prince Charming Massa whose family is in the top 10% of America with slave owner genes. They can smell their great granddaddy's whip all over the boy.

I am not :troll: either. This shyt is forreal dawg. :francis:

Why do you think many natural haired BW in Brooklyn are seen with these White Boys from Ohio and the South. They are reconnecting with their roots in more ways than one. Back to the days where their great great grandmother breastfed these CAC boys, less they get pushed out into the field to work with the rest of us negros in the hot blazing sun.

I think the reason why Black Women go to Asian Men is the same reason why Black Men go to White Women. It is heavily due to the influence of Massa.



Her: I'm On My Monthly :Wakaokay: Your Mouth Not
Dec 26, 2015
:dwillhuh:They said it was a gang initiation back in the 90s.

By Philip P. Pan June 28, 1996
Testifying in a voice so soft that jurors had to lean forward to hear him, a Prince George's County teenager said yesterday that he joined what he thought was a social club before realizing it was a criminal gang and then a month later helped bludgeon and stab to death a classmate.

Vouthynor "Billy" Sovann, 16, spoke for nearly three hours and said he joined the gang after a classmate described it to him as a clique. For his initiation, Sovann said, he endured a beating by other gang members and learned an elaborate set of gang rules and the penalties for violating them.

The Mitchellville teenager breathed more deeply and appeared dazed when he began telling the jury at his murder trial in Upper Marlboro how he plunged a knife five times into the back of 14-year-old Tatia Brennan, then held her down and ignored her pleas for mercy while another gang member stabbed her repeatedly.

Tatia's body was found two days later, Nov. 29, covered with dirt and debris in a patch of woods about a quarter-mile from Suitland High School, where she and Sovann were sophomores. Another classmate, Shawnte Renice Perry, 16, and alleged gang leader Chris Stopher Witcher, 19, who is accused of ordering Tatia's death, are scheduled for separate trials this summer.

Yesterday, the jury deliberated 2 1/2 hours before retiring for the night. Sovann's trial lasted only a day and a half, and yet it recalled in vivid, disturbing detail a crime that surprised Prince George's County. Not only were two high school students accused of luring a classmate into the woods and stabbing her more than 40 times, but the three teenagers also were said to be members of a gang known as the Bloods.

The wave of anxiety over whether suburban young people were being lured into criminal gangs prompted a police study of gang activity in Prince George's County. The study concluded that there were 70 loosely knit juvenile social groups in the county, eight of which were considered gangs engaged in criminal activity. The study described the Bloods as a fledgling gang that was trying to model itself after the notorious Los Angeles organization of that name but had no connections to it.

Sovann, a student in the visual art magnet program at Suitland High, described the local gang in more detail during yesterday's testimony, and his defense attorney characterized it as a cult that recruited vulnerable youths and threatened them with violence for disobeying orders from gang leaders.

"I didn't know they were Bloods or anything like that," he said. "I just thought they were a clique, a family, people to watch my back and I would watch their backs, a family."

Sovann, who said he did not get along with his immigrant parents, testified that the gang members took him out to the woods during school hours on Oct. 16 and beat him until he was black-and-blue as an initiation rite.

A few days later, Sovann testified, he attended a meeting at the home of the gang leader, Witcher, known as the O.G., or original gangster. It was then, he said, that he realized he had gotten more than he bargained for.

Gang members taught him the gang's code of conduct -- colors he couldn't wear, words he couldn't say, the meaning of certain hand signals and the significance of his red bandanna. They also told him that the only way to quit the gang was to "die out" and that orders from the gang leader, so-called "O.G. calls," were to be obeyed under penalty of death.

Witcher and other gang members boasted of drive-by shootings and robberies, Sovann said, and they gave him the names of certain "enemies" of the gang -- students the gang planned to kill.

"I was petrified," Sovann said. "I was scared of these people, but I felt I was stuck in it and couldn't get out. I had nowhere to run."

Sovann testified that one morning, the Bloods gathered outside the home of one enemy student and planned to jump him on the way to school, but the student escaped by staying home that day.

On the Saturday before Tatia was killed, Sovann said, he attended another meeting at Witcher's home. During that meeting, he said, two gang members punched Tatia in the stomach several times at Witcher's command, apparently because she had warned one of the gang's enemies -- a student who had quit the Bloods to start his own gang -- that the Bloods were going to kill him.

But, Sovann testified, he learned the Bloods had more punishment in store for Tatia on Monday morning, in the school courtyard. "Shawnte took me aside, told me there was another O.G. call . . . and it was for Tia," he said.

Perry told him to meet her at her locker, he said, but he tried to avoid the situation by attending Spanish class instead. His plans were spoiled when Tatia, acting on instructions from Perry, told the teacher that Sovann was wanted at the guidance counselor's office. "She didn't know what was up," he said.

Sovann said Perry tricked Tatia into going to the woods by telling her that she was going to give her a gang tattoo and a gun that was hidden there.

Sovann said he struck Tatia first, at Perry's urging, hitting her on the head with a sink lying in the woods and knocking her down. Tatia stood up again, Sovann said, and Perry cut her throat with a kitchen knife.

Sovann said he stabbed Tatia once in the back, then dropped the knife, hoping Tatia would run, but she didn't.

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"I love you, Blood," Sovann quoted Tatia as saying before she was stabbed in the stomach and collapsed on top of him. She begged him to let her go, but he refused.

A half-hour later, after checking Tatia's pulse to make sure she was dead, Sovann said, he put on her coat to cover his bloody shirt and walked back to school. In a bathroom there, he said, he changed shirts, flushed his gloves down the toilet and stuffed Tatia's jacket in the garbage.

Three days later, Sovann broke down in tears when a police detective asked him if he was having trouble sleeping, and he gave authorities a handwritten statement.

"It was either she dies or I died. So I tried to put her out real quick, but it just didn't happen that way," he wrote. "I tried to put her out of her misery, but it just didn't happen. . . . We tried to bash her again in the head but she just couldn't die. We covered her up with heavy things so she would just wither away."

At the end of the statement, Sovann apologized for what he had done. "To Mr. and Mrs. Brennan, I'm sorry. I know that being a gang member is one of the biggest mistakes of anybody's life. . . . I hope I get my punishment." CAPTION: Vouthynor "Billy" Sovann testifies about the slaying of Tatia Brennan as the victim's mother, background, is helped from the courtroom in her wheelchair.
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Sep 10, 2015
Those Asian Man Black Woman broads are retarded. They watch a couple Asian dramas and put them nikkas on a petal stool. I've seen them Asian dudes talk utter shyt to black women on YouTube and they literally replied "oh lol you're so funny".


May 1, 2012
asians are nothing but modified cacs. cacs are a special kind of evil, but asians are some of the most sneakiest people on this planet.

@Mowgli should be ashamed.

You got raped in prison, id be more ashamed of that, but you arent because the man who did it was black. :scusthov: