SPIN: Quick lil gems for women on dealing with men


May 5, 2012
Are there certain things a guy does, or says that lets a girl know that he loves her?

I'm just throwing this question out here. I'm interested in the responses :smugfavre:


All Star
May 22, 2012
All men are mommas boys

So how do you win off that?

Do the shyt mommas do except yell.

Don't force men to do shyt like momma did cause its like damn I ain't at home no more I'm a grown man.

But then you cook clean wash his clothes iron all that good shot it's like damn feel like I'm at home again when shyt was easy make you feel good for a time.

Women think mommas boys hard to deal with not really

Men simple we wanna do us but smart nikkas know we gotta make y'all happy to and that's easier when y'all making us happy


All Star
May 22, 2012
Are there certain things a guy does, or says that lets a girl know that he loves her?

I'm just throwing this question out here. I'm interested in the responses :smugfavre:

I think if you still getting good morning text when y'all not together and y'all been together for a while that's a sign.

If you not feeling a chick and you starting to feel like It's time to move around this ain't where I need to be you can care less about making sure she thinking bout you.

People claim love after 3 months that shyt ain't real you gets some years in that shyt that's love because you not really tryna be around people all the time who you ain't have to grow up in the house with. So actually having a person you want around is a huge step.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
1) Be submissive
It's perfectly fine to be submissive. That doesn't mean be STUPID. Women often say they want a man to take control... If that's what you really desire, then move out the way and let him run things! Always second-guessing his decisions and going against the grain will make a man flee from you as quickly as possible. On the other hand, this doesn't mean do any and everything any man says. You have to be able to judge a man's character before you get under his leadership. Like the Bible says, don't be unequally yoked. You have to see if he's going in the same direction as you. See if he makes sound decisions in his life. When you've done sufficient tests and seen he is a leader, move out the way and let him lead. Sure, give him your input, but when he makes a decision, then trust the decision he has made.

2) Stop dealing with wack, dumb wanna be player negroes
"Swag" isn't a test for what you should look in a man. If a man isn't solid on his word, he's not to be dealt with period... unless you are one of those females who love the drama and actually want a negro to lie and cheat on you. Deal with a man whose P's are P's and his Q's are Q's. If he says it is so, then you know it is so.

3) Get out of the "frog into a prince" syndrome
When you meet a negro, he's pretty much going to be that way the time you deal with him. Trying to change a man into something other than what he is is going to be a huge waste of time. You have to get the man that has the majority of characteristics you want off the bat.

4) Be consistent with your price
If you try to charge two prices for a man dealing with you, when you et exposed, you will get left lonely real fast. Don't play 'celibate' with one man who you want to be in a relationship with while being freak of the week on the sneak with another man. Be consistent with what you're doing. If you're ready for a relationship, be 100% dedicated to that.

5) If you have a problem, TALK TO YOUR MAN FIRST
A lot of women love to talk to anyone but their man when something pops up in a relationship, whether it be their homegirls or some negro they just met and don't even know like that. You get to talking to your single homegirl and she'll tell your butt something that will get you single too. You go around talking to some negro you don't really know like that and he'll make you single, get up inside you and kick you to the curb. Remember, you and your man are a TEAM. Teams handle problems internally first.

6) You look double dumb if you make your man look dumb or if you talk down on him
I'll never understand why some of these females talk down on their man to a new dude they just met and like. They think that it endears her to him when she's talking about how her man ain't doing this or that... naw it makes you look stupid and like a snake. If he was that bad, why are you with him? Second, if you are talking bad and sneaking on him, I know you will do that to me. You will get put in the hit and quit category by the new guy and dumped by your man if he finds out and has any self respect about himself.

7) Learn to bring problems up
A lot of men LOVE to see that their woman is satisfied... but if she has something that is irking her, she needs to learn how to bring it up. Nagging a man is highly likely going to have him thinking, "Man she needs to shut up forreal... if she keeps this up she's about to get dumped." You don't have to be sugar sweet, even though that might help, but if you can bring up problems in a calm way, then it'll likely get solved much faster. Life is hard enough... coming home and dealing with someone who wants to scream, fight and throw things around is going to make him really start to dislike you. Believing your man has the capability to solve problems instead of treating him like a child will get that problem solved much faster.

8) Learn to big-ups your man
You are a reflection of your man. IF you're talking down on him to others, you look dumb, because you're with him. If you give him props to others and represent for him, then you look swell, because you're his lady. The key behind this is choosing a man worthy of this respect in the first place.

9) Keep your mouth closed about your relationship, especially to your homegirls
You tell your homegirls every single problem and they can end up giving you bad advice or taking that back to your man. You tell them how he's doing this and that and making you feel so lovely and they'll start desiring to feel that too and they might very well try to take him from under you.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
So she says

"I got a good job"
"I got a degree and a solid education"
"I can cook"
"I can clean and take care of house"
"I am great in bed"
"I am independent"

You can have all of these things and still never get wifed.


Because a man wifing a woman has very little to do with these things.

If you can't make your man feel like a man when he's around you, he's never going to wife you.

Alot of women don't let men be men. They always wanna compete for head of the household. They wanna be equals.

Unfortunately, the way us men are wired, having a woman as a equal is not going to work in a relationship.

A women should follow her man's lead, and in return a man should respect his woman's judgment, but ultimately be the one who makes the decision.

Sexist, Chauvinistic, right?

Not really. A wife is not a slave or a servant (although the bible may beg to differ on the latter), but a companion, the vice president and first lady to the president. She stands by her man no matter what.

Which leads me to support. If you're always putting your man down, focusing on the negatives and his shortcomings, why would he want to be with you.

A man's pride is very important to him.

In addition, your success has nothing to do with him wifing you. You could be making $100,000 a year. You could be an MD or hold a PhD from an Ivy League School. If you try to make yourself appear to be the better and stronger one in the relationship, he ain't wifing you.

Being independent is okay, but it's called being a feminist at the extremes. A woman who walks around saying "She has her own" isn't attractive or wifeable to a man who wants to support his family. Shunning his support because you have your own will either end you up alone or with a man who will use you for your funds.

Sucking a mean dikk or gymnastics in the bed makes you eligible to get that late night phonecall, but not wifeable. Contrary to the belief of most women, p*ssy is in abundance. The average man can get sex on a consistent basis if he looks for it. No matter what he says in the bed, your p*ssy ain't that special in comparison to other women out there. Ever heard the expression, "why buy the cow, when u can get the milk for free".

So in conclusion, if you see yourself doing any of these aforementioned things, STOP IMMEDIATELY. This is probably why men either

A) don't mess with you
B) hit it and quit it
C) use you


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
When a man says he doesn't want a girlfriend, he really doesn't want one. And for a woman to even attempt to change his mind will result in failure, frustration from both parties and quite possibly him leaving you. As a woman, if you are looking for a relationship, I don't care how much feelings you have for a brother, he is not the one for you. Contrary to what many of you believe or how have told by your mothers or older sisters, men are not sculptures. We are not meant to be shaped and molded. Let our life experiences be accountable for doing that. If we aren't the man you need us to be by the time we meet you, then you gotta let it pass you by. He's not the man you need in your life.

Attempting to force a happily single man into a relationship and then wondering why he cheats on you constantly is an oxymoron. Another myth is that men are indecisive, and that we need a woman to guide us in the direction of a relationship. This is far from the truth. We know as soon as we meet if you if we would even consider being in a relationship with you.


Benz L. Bo$$ington
Jun 29, 2012
North Carolina
have you ever thought about perhaps what you are saying isnt that important at that current time...?

Not to sound like a a$$hole, but many times ya'll try to burden us with things when we are on "unburden mode" like during the game or while on some COD Men spend ALL DAY being burdened and until a woman has kids her burden is nothing like a true, go get money to keep the lights on Man...

which leads to my point....

Respect a man's "zone" not space which is some ideological BS...respect his ZONE...if you know that him and his boys go shoot pool on Saturday night....respect that. and DON'T assume that because he came home at 2 instead of 12:30 he was fukkin some broad...Men do random, bullshyt like go get food at 1 am.

respect that.

Preachhh! :ohlawd:


May 1, 2012
If your girlfriend has a lame ass s/o don't try and make me be best friends with the nikka by asking me to go with you every time you go over there. I'll go every once in a while to keep you happy but don't be trying to arrange "play dates" on some "you ll like him if you get to know him". I told u I don't like him and that's that. Which leads back to the 1st lesson in this thread: don't nag!


The Patron Saint of Threads
Apr 30, 2012
The Bushes
You don't need any close male friends once you have a man.

If you start showing up in house shoes, a 3x vokal jersey that you use as a sleep shirt everytime you chill with your man, you will end up sharing him.

Don't show off in public.

Don't get loud in public, as a matter of fact don't get loud in general.

If you don't agree with your man, tell him in a private conversation. Don't perform just because you have an audience.

Learn how to cook it you can't. If you can cook, do it a few times a week.

:ehh: A Scholar AND A Gentleman


May 1, 2012
:ehh: A Scholar AND A Gentleman

yea it's sad cause it's really quite easy to keep a man happy.

A lot of females go overboard in the wrong directions to try to keep a man happy.

Don't bring drama.
Give up the ass.
Maybe the mouth every now and then.
Put food in front of me.
Be faithful and honest.
Don't get huge.
Don't expect conversation or interaction during the game.

And that's about it.


May 5, 2012
How would you men feel if your woman went to the movies with another man, and he paid for her ticket?

How would you feel if it was the other way around, and you went out with another woman and she paid for your ticket?