12 pages and not one person can tell me what makes playstation a better system right now.
I have both systems.
The xbox is fundamentally and power wise the better system. Everything about it is streamlined and smooth, between my phone, xbox and computer and work computer I can open up a app and pick up and play 90 percent of the games on anyone of those devices with my save data in tact.
On the xbox when I get in from work, I turn it on and instantly load back to exactly where I was, if I'm jumping between a couple games. I instantly start where I left off, there is no load time, or nothing like that, I go back to a game I was playing and boom it starts up exactly where I left in in a matter of a couple seconds.
People keeping bring up exclusives when there are literally 3 console exclusives for ps5... one being a remake, the other 2 freebies
But then got the nerve to ask "What are you playing on xbox?"
No what are yall playing on the king of exclusives system
It's two systems with little to no Next generation exclusives and even when the next big on comes out "returnal" it's a 70 buck high end roguelite.
But the xbox dudes on here are the stans
At lease ratchet 15 looks like a complete package but that's not until may, then it's back to force feeding yall DLC add on's and graphical upgrades to year old games.
I bet yall think FF7RE DLC is all squares doing as a PS5 exclusives too

Nah Sony handed them a bag and said kill the ps4 version, Otherwise after may it was going to be a lonnnngggg rest of the year with more than likely no PS5 exclusives. They didn't just leave 75 percent of there user base behind.
The xbox ecosystem is clean, the system is superior and right now when there is a lack of exclusive next gen games. The handles everything superior to the PS5
Sony stans better hope Halo either gets delayed to next year or comes out the game looking only slightly better or the reason to have a PS really starts to dip...