talk on Kiev's gradual descent into Mad Max beyond Thunderdome status??


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

UNSC, EU, NATO to hold urgent meetings over Ukraine

Saturday, March 01, 2014

NEW YORK/BRUSSELS - The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) will hold an emergency meeting Saturday to discuss the crisis in Ukraine, after the Russian parliament approved plans to send troops into the autonomous Crimea region of Ukraine.

The UK, one of the five permanent members of the UNSC, called the meeting at 2:00 pm EST (9:00 pm Turkey local time), to discuss the latest developments in Ukraine, within the scope of the letter Ukraine submitted to the Security Council on Friday.

UNSC held another urgent meeting on Friday regarding the situation in Ukraine saying that it is important for all political actors to exercise maximum restraint and pursue inclusive dialogue.

The Council held Friday's closed-door consultations at the request of the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN, who appealed to the Council president for an urgent meeting in a letter.

“Support was expressed for the unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine. The Council agreed that it was important that all political actors in Ukraine exercise maximum restraint, and called for an inclusive dialogue recognizing the diversity of Ukrainian society," said Raimonda Murmokaité, permanent representative of Lithuania, which holds the rotating presidency of the 15-nation body in February.

After Friday's urgent meeting of the UNSC, U.S. ambassador to the UN, Samantha Power, called upon Moscow to withdraw its armed forces from Crimea, while Russia’s UN ambassador Vitaly Churkin said that Russia is acting within existing agreements on the stationing of the Russian Black Sea fleet in Sevastopol, Crimea.

Russia is a veto-wielding permanent member of the Security Council and is able to block any proposed action by its members.

Foreign ministers of the European Union will convene at an extraordinary meeting on Monday to discuss Russia’s potential use of armed forces in Ukraine.

An Anadolu Agency correspondent in Brussels reported that the EU Foreign Ministers meeting will discuss the latest developments in Crimea, and seek to determine a joint EU position.

Meanwhile, Lithuania and Latvia called upon the North Atlantic Council, the decision-making body of NATO, to hold an extraordinary session on Ukraine, citing security concerns.

"Russia must respect Ukraine's sovereignty, territorial integrity and borders, including the movement of Russian forces in Ukraine," said Secretary General of NATO Anders Fogh Rasmussen on his official Twitter account.

Rasmussen also voiced an "urgent need" for de-escalation in Crimea, highlighting that "NATO allies continue to coordinate closely."

Earlier on Saturday, Russia’s parliament unanimously approved President Vladimir Putin's request for potential use of armed forces in Ukraine’s Crimean Autonomous Republic, as Crimea’s Prime Minister tightens the hold on security forces.

Putin’s motion to deploy Russian troops in Crimea came after Sergey Aksenov, the prime minister of the autonomous Republic of Crimea, called "for assistance in guaranteeing peace on the territory of the autonomous Republic of Crimea," upon which Kremlin said it would not disregard the appeal.

Claiming control of the security forces in the country, Aksenov said that the military, police and other security services would receive orders directly from him, according to Russian news agency Interfax.

Copyright © 2014 Anadolu Agency


May 2, 2012
Ukraine’s Navy Flagship Refuses To Follow Orders From Kiev – Report

Find story with similar tags:KIEVNAVYUKRAINE
Ukraine’s Navy flagship, the Hetman Sahaidachny frigate, has reportedly refused to follow orders from Kiev, and come over to Russia’s side and is returning home after taking part in NATO operation in the Gulf of Aden flying the Russian naval flag.

Frigate Hetman Sahaydachniy – Photo: Alexxx1979 / Wikipedia

There has been conflicting information on where exactly the vessel is, but a Russian senator has confirmed to Izvestia daily that the frigate defected to the Russian side, RT reported.

“Ukraine’s Navy flagship the Hetman Sahaidachny has come over to our side today. It has hung out the St Andrew’s flag,” Senator Igor Morozov, a member of the committee on the international affairs, told Izvestia daily.

He said the flagship is on its way back to the Black Sea after drills in the Mediterranean. “The crew has fulfilled the order by the chief commander of Ukraine’s armed forces Viktor Yanukovich,” he added.
who the hell wants to risk their soldiers for a country whose own soldiers have already sided with the russians


plata or plomo
Oct 27, 2012
That would have made sense if Bush had done anything when Russia invaded Georgia but he did nothing.

Putin does what Putin wants
I thought Bush was the one who staarted that whole Georgia confict :mjpls:

I remember seeing this young Girl comin' on foxnews saying how russia actually helped them. Foxnews achor was like: ":merchant: lets go to break" :heh:



Why you had to go?
Apr 30, 2012
Norfeast groovin…
Yes U.S and Europe. I am reading these comments on these media sites and these citizens of America are crazy. They are killing Obama for not sending forces or responding when nothing good can come out of this for our country at all. Half of Ukraine doesn't not want to lose the influence of Russia, we have soldiers all over the place in Australia, South Korea etc... We don't need this at all. Europe should be the main support for Ukraine right now. You want Ukraine in the Eu this is the perfect time to step up.

A lot of those people don't even know what's goin on to be so gung ho about gettin involved. Europe isn't gonna step up to help Ukraine if this turns into war, them and the US were a little too early in their celebrations as well as naive to believe that Moscow would just accept what happened. If the opposition stuck with the Feb 21st agreement none of this would be going on. Since the opposition felt tough enough to declare themselves as in charge, Putin felt tough enough to test just how in charge they really are. :ehh:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
A lot of those people don't even know what's goin on to be so gung ho about gettin involved. Europe isn't gonna step up to help Ukraine if this turns into war, them and the US were a little too early in their celebrations as well as naive to believe that Moscow would just accept what happened. If the opposition stuck with the Feb 21st agreement none of this would be going on. Since the opposition felt tough enough to declare themselves as in charge, Putin felt tough enough to test just how in charge they really are. :ehh:
either theres some serious media suppression going off...or twitter just ain't got shyt to say :leostare: