Nah breh. Like I said it isn't a majority but it's noticeable enough.
Breh, at this point I think the aim for Putin was to secure his military interests in Crimea first and cause more political turmoil within Ukraine itself secondly. From the Russian perspective, they can't risk simply invading Ukraine because while Crimea is one thing, the Pro Russian sentiments in the East and South of the country aren't nearly as defined. Plus how the fukk does Ukraine have tactical control in its territory when the govt can't even reign in the armed extremist elements within it? How do you have tactical control when your territory is basically deebo'd off you without a shot being fired between soldiers. Playin devil's advocate, if China or Russia were to gain influence in territories close to America with the intention of adding strong economic ties and military installations later on then our govt would be goin apeshyt too in fact we probably wouldn't of shown the level of restraint(For lack of a better term

) Russia has.
i have no problem with crimea going to putin as a consolation prize, i totally agree that a westernized ukraine is a threat to putin in the same manner if china or russie got influence in a territory close to america
but im not neutral or playing devils advocate, im pro american, and we already won because we have a pro western government right next to russia, if putin wants to throw a temper tantrum and get crimea as a consolation prize, thats fine with me, ukraine is a chess piece that will lead to putin's final checkmate in a few years
a pro western ukraine is putin's nightmare, in one of the articles i posted it said the only reason a pro russian president can get elected in ukraine is because of the crimean vote, with that vote gone, ukraine will be guaranteed to be pro western, in other words putin won the battle of crimea but he lost the war for ukraine, american interests are to control kiev not crimea
i think pro russian protests had a spark last week but they seem to have died down, the armed extremists elements are anti russian so that's neither here nor there, that doesn't help putin
tactical control means they control their borders, as opposed to political control which is more iffy, but the significance of tactical control is that russians cant come in without a fight the way they did in crimea
but you can analyze it anyway you want, the point is putin is not going to go into ukraine, which means we won, putin can keep the communist enclave of crimea, i think overall its a good deal for american interests
i think obama needs to up the PR tho, a lot of people dont get that the us has already won and putin is just throwing a temper tantrum