blathering blatherskite!
Well if none of those games appeal to you... yeah they aren't worth playing and a PS5 isn't worth having . I passed up on getting a PS5 right when preorders opened because the only game I was interested in was Ghost of Tsushima. I knew that wasn't going to hold me over until they released another game that I really wanted to play . I know the crux of the console warrior's battle is the inability to understand that not everybody likes the same thing, but it happens.
I mean, 6 months into console launch during a pandemic we got over half a dozen game releases, thats not nothing, especially now. Thats more than any other console launch so far and theres more stuff coming next month and in the fall. Even control which was broken on previous gen consoles, was like an entirely new experience on the 5 in 60fps/RTX. Same with Nioh 2 Remastered, 120fps, or full 4k/60fps.
Be honest, what more could you realistically want 6 months into a new console launch?