How are you getting 200 fps on a 144hz display?
144 hz is my display. Thats what I see. My computer allows for higher, but my monitor doesnt.
200 fps is what the game is running at. 144 hz is what is displayed to me.
if you ever see a pro counter strike player, they play at 400-600 fps, but what their monitor allows is 60-240 hz depending what monitor they have.
you always want higher fps then what your monitor/tv can display, for when it dips (more players on your screen as example) itll still be above your target hz.
example if you have a 60 fps console, 60 hz tv, but it dips to 45 fps with more players around, you may notice choppyness.
but if youre at 200 fps, and it dips to 150 fps on a 144 hz monitor you wont notice a difference because its still above its target fps goal.