Sony introduces the world to Next Gen


May 2, 2012
Exactly, my point, why are you debating this with me, when you don't know what you are talking about

You got a PRO that can't do 4k, you got a budget 4k TV that's not a real 4k TV and can't do real HDR, the panel of the TV is cheap and has a low color gamut

You have effectively wasted 1000 dollars being a cheap ass loser lmao

You don't know even know shyt about TVs, yet you trying to debate me when you should be taking notes and realize a nikka is trying to help

a 400 dollar gaming PC at best buy can do 1080 60fps at max settings no problem, that blows away anything the PRO can do, shyt would look like real life to you compared to what you are use to

A 1080p gaming Monitor will have better imaging quality than your cheap ass 4k TV, because it will have a better panel and wider color gamut so everything will have more detail

That's what you don't get

I was like you, I had the PRO a cheap ass TCL 4kTV, thinking I was doing it, until I saw what the real shyt look like

I got my first gaming PC in 2017 i got the 1080ti, still got the same shyt only I sold the 1080ti because I said fukk it I'm upgrading to the 3080ti because I realized I was being a bum talking about not upgrading

First thing I did was compared The PRO on a 4k HDR TV to the PC, there was no comparison between Mass Effect Andromeda on the PRO in HDR compared to the PC, it was that dramatic of a difference, Arkham Knight on the PC it wasn't even close compared to the PS4 version, not even close, you have to see the shyt in person to understand how vast the gap is. I finally understood what these nikkaz was talking about, these consoles are toys, you gives these kids
This entire post proves my point about pc gamers.


I have a Samsung 4k tv and a ps4 pro and its sufficient for my gaming needs. Yall stuck in this bubble where you think the average person actually cares about any of that shyt you said.

Everything you just said is irrelevant because I dont give a damn about native 8k 1000fps bullshyt.

You keep throwing out these bullshyt ass cheap theoretical PC builds then bragging about native 4k and shyt. You not getting any of that shyt with a cheap ass $400 best buy pc. You talking about the benefits of a @Ciggavelli quality PC while telling me that you can achieve that for the same price of a console, fukk outta here breh.

The vast majority of pc gamers aren't playing on the hardware you brag about.

The vast majority of gamers dont give a fukk about your graphical settings.



May 2, 2012
Get the fukk outta here with this shyt

You can look at youtubers and see the difference between the type of PC gamer we talking about and console gamers
Console gamers are man children like Low tier god, that weirdo nikka who killed himself, and all types of corny ass nikkaz like Dj Akademiks

when the PC gamers live in a nice homes, got expensive shyt all in their home, got game rooms, and are mature adults with families, not dusty nikkaz from the basement like the majority of console players
bum ass nikkaz playing 2k and rolling swishas all day

A loser is a loser no matter what he does, if your 33 year old brother law gamed on console instead of PC he would still be a loser, what does that have to do with anything

Youtubers dont represent the average gamer.


My comment wasn't to paint pc gamers as some anti social weirdos, it was to say that PC gaming isnt the norm like yall claim it is. It was to show that the average person doesn't see the value in building a gaming pc. It's something for people who are REALLY into games, outside of just simple entertainment. You'd see more PC gamers if the average person felt the value was worth the cost.

My brother in law is not a loser, and he doesn't sit around in the basement smoking weed all day. He actually makes good money and chooses to spend obscene amounts of money on gaming because that seems to be his only interest.


May 2, 2012
Once again you are showing a low on the totem pole you, most bums you know

You save money cashing out the phone its one a time purchase, and you only have to pay a hundred dollars to upgrade the next year

yall nikkaz buying 200 dollar phone bills because you lack the discipline to stack, by the time you paid that bill for a year I done stacked up another 1200 by accident, and I can get the newest phone, upgrade my TV, upgrade the crib, because all my shyt is already paid for, and I can just sell it and add a few hundred dollars for better shyt

But also if you can finance a phone, why don't you think you can finance a fukking computer

anybody with a 620 credit score can get financing at best buy lmao, so you can easily afford whatever is in the store if you have a fukking job lmao, nikkaz buying cheap ass garbage ass 4k TVs when they can pay 50 dollars a month for a REAL 4k TV lmao
Once again you cant seem to grasp the fact that the average person doesn't live like you do.

You claimed people were buying phones upfront, that is a fukking lie and you know it. Just because you think buying a phone up front is a smarter investment doesn't change the facts.


May 2, 2012
The entire top 15 prize pool money for video games in history (over $500 million in tournament money) are PC games

Call of duty black ops 4 is first in console money, #16 total, at $7.4 million In total tournament money

dota 2 alone is at $223 million total tournament money

get the fukk outta here @TheMaster
I dont know a single person that plays those weird ass rts games for autistic kids.

shyts like bragging about how many albums vanilla ice sold.


Imagine bringing up dota when you with the brehs talking about smash bros.

Has anybody in here ever heard a nikka talking about dota in real life? We dont give a fukk about what the kids in asia are playing till they drop dead.




May 1, 2012
Bay Area
I dont know a single person that plays those weird ass rts games for autistic kids.

shyts like bragging about how many albums vanilla ice sold.


Imagine bringing up dota when you with the brehs talking about smash bros.

Has anybody in here ever heard a nikka talking about dota in real life? We dont give a fukk about what the kids in asia are playing till they drop dead.


You always been a bum mafukka
May 15, 2012
This entire post proves my point about pc gamers.


I have a Samsung 4k tv and a ps4 pro and its sufficient for my gaming needs. Yall stuck in this bubble where you think the average person actually cares about any of that shyt you said.

Everything you just said is irrelevant because I dont give a damn about native 8k 1000fps bullshyt.

You keep throwing out these bullshyt ass cheap theoretical PC builds then bragging about native 4k and shyt. You not getting any of that shyt with a cheap ass $400 best buy pc. You talking about the benefits of a @Ciggavelli quality PC while telling me that you can achieve that for the same price of a console, fukk outta here breh.

The vast majority of pc gamers aren't playing on the hardware you brag about.

The vast majority of gamers dont give a fukk about your graphical settings.


The problem is you trying to debate people about shyt you know nothing about, stay in your lane and you won't get shytted on, not every samsung is created equal, like I said you don't know anything about TVs

you don't even research products before you buy them, I brought an LG HDR monitor for 1000, when I found out it wasn't real HDR I got rid off it, and got a real 4k TV with real HDR, and when I can afford a real HDR 4k monitor I will buy one

I'm not gonna hate on the monitor because I can't afford at the moment or act its not way better than what I got right now

You haven't even experienced real 4k, man stop talking about specs, graphics, and all that crap. you can't talk shyt from the bench, you got to get in the game
May 15, 2012
Once again you cant seem to grasp the fact that the average person doesn't live like you do.

You claimed people were buying phones upfront, that is a fukking lie and you know it. Just because you think buying a phone up front is a smarter investment doesn't change the facts.

I said they were spending 1200 on the phone not buying up front

same place you get a iphone on a plan you can get a gaming PC and pay 40 dollars monthly or some shyt, stop it

the point is the shyt is not as expensive as you are making it seem or like its some outrageous purchase

people not cashing out oled TVs either


May 2, 2012
The problem is you trying to debate people about shyt you know nothing about, stay in your lane and you won't get shytted on, not every samsung is created equal, like I said you don't know anything about TVs

you don't even research products before you buy them, I brought an LG HDR monitor for 1000, when I found out it wasn't real HDR I got rid off it, and got a real 4k TV with real HDR, and when I can afford a real HDR 4k monitor I will buy one

I'm not gonna hate on the monitor because I can't afford at the moment or act its not way better than what I got right now

You haven't even experienced real 4k, man stop talking about specs, graphics, and all that crap. you can't talk shyt from the bench, you got to get in the game
Who said I was trying to debate you on any of this shyt?


Fact of the matter if the general public doesn't give a fukk about any of that shyt you named. They not dropping thousands of dollars to play the same games with higher specs.

I didnt say I couldn't afford a gaming PC. It's just not that important to me, what part of that cant you understand?

Find one post of mine where I'm going into details about graphical resolutions and frames per second.


May 2, 2012
I said they were spending 1200 on the phone not buying up front

same place you get a iphone on a plan you can get a gaming PC and pay 40 dollars monthly or some shyt, stop it

the point is the shyt is not as expensive as you are making it seem or like its some outrageous purchase

people not cashing out oled TVs either
You missed my entire point.


If the average person can play a games on a $400 console, they're not gonna drop $1500 on something to play the same games on. Even if they could afford it, they dont see the value of it.

And if someone was looking to build a gaming PC, they wouldn't wanna build some cheap rig to see marginal benefits, they're gonna want to go all out and get the best that they can afford.

If you're spending less than $1500 on a gaming PC then you are taking an L.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
Just you nikkaz with that master race shyt , so I hate all of yuz...

Everybody knows the gaming world is run by consoles, you all say well look what the 2080ti can do ... but none of you have it .... none of you actually play on 4k ...

I just don’t get the platform, refresh rate ? Is that the big play ?

Just looking at somebody gaming on a pc makes me mad
I do.

I can show you my specs and tv if you want.

btw. I own both PC (doesn't everyone have a computer :wtf:) and PS4.

I used to be against PC gaming, thought it was going to be 'difficult and complicated' but some philly breh in china showed me the light. As for games I rarely pay for them. The only games I pay for, are exclusives for my PS4. the only game I've paid for all yea is spiderman during the holiday because it was discount and I had a giftcard. All other games, I have 'sites' to find them, then I mod the game and have epic experiences. I just finished Darksiders 3, I modded it to where I could go on havoc mode whenever I wanted. I had dying light (a game I actually have for the ps4), and decided to mod it, unlimited ammo, no reload, now I know what youre thinking thats cheating, no I did that because I replaced the zombies with the 'runners' to give me an even more intense game (since Ive already finished it, might as well crack it open and have some fun). I also added reshader to Tomb Raider to give it a different tint, and more high res. Same goes for GTA V, I have it for the PS4, but now that I have PC, I played it again with the 4k texture pack someone made.

I've probably played over 10 games this year, paid for not a single one except Ori because I wanted to support the devs for such an epic indie game.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012
If we added up total cost of PC + monitor + game cost vs console + tv + game cost im sure the console is twice the price of the pc

They not ready for that discussion though :mjgrin:
no need to buy a monitor. just hook the bytch up to your tv via HDMI, most people have a 1080p or 4k. game cost? :mjlol:


Mar 5, 2013
The Scriptures
Why console players get so mad around here :mjlol:

Like a younger sibling mad he got your hand me downs :mjlol:


We aren’t the little brother. This master race shyt stops now. Ya understand ?