This isn't the N64 gen
Most of us buy digital on the same digital store.
It cost them nothing to have a free upgrade for digital. It's not like we're trying to put a SNES cartridge into a N64
it does cost them money. They are just fronting the cost to get the kickback on sales or some other sale by you spending more time with the game. a ps4 version of something and ps5 version of something isn't the same as even an xbox one to series s/x upgrade, which is just a resolution and fps boost only, the ps5 has the card system, 3d audio, dualsense features, the tutorials and whatever else built into it that developers have to spend time and money implementing. Just because other developers are giving it to you for "Free" doesn't mean it doesn't cost them anything to make.
this is why I agree with Shawn Layden saying AAA gaming is not sustainable. Because everyone wants more for less. nicer graphics, full voice acting, longer games, next gen features and updates, multiplayer modes, tons of post game support, but none of you want to pay a little extra for it, or pay for it at all.
that entitled mentality is gonna end up costing you in the long run when all your games have MTX screens in your equip menu's like ubisoft games, or just go straight up F2P