Solo Is Set To Become The First Ever Bomb In Star Wars


May 29, 2018
They don't have a plan, nor someone in charge with a vision.

Kennedy and crew might have been around with George, but George was the creative force.

George, love or hate him, was a visionary. Dude was creative as f*ck. He had his weaknesses with dialogue and some casting choices with the prequels no doubt, but man could he build worlds,create unique characters, have good fight and flight sequences, and gave great visuals in his films.

All that is missing with these new films,except for maybe Rogue One. Funny, that is the newer film George said he liked.

You can't just sh*t on the legacy that made Star Wars what is.

JJ knew. That is why he made TFA as pretty much a rehash of a New Hope. For the most part,people liked it. It wasn't panned.

Then Rogue One unexpectedly came through and crushed the buildings.

All that undone by TLJ. Till this day, Rian Johsnon doesn't know what he actually did with TLJ. He seems like a nice guy. Looper was cool. But what he did with TLJ, they trashed the legacy. On top of it, it was really a bad movie altogether.

And because it was a bad movie, and they were all about letting the past die, then why would people go out and see Solo. It is the past, right? Who would really care about a Lando spinoff Kennedy recently suggested, if her handpicked director for TLJ and Disney shills in the media already told everyone to let go of the past.

This is what happens when you don't have a plan. They let Rian do whatever he wanted and then gave him a new Star Wars triology before TLJ was even released!!???


Solo wasn't bad, but it wasn't good either.

It was pretty much whatever. That has what this franchise has become.

There is no fatigue. Marvel showed you that.

Something ain't right. How many director changes have there been? Rogue One, Solo, Episode IX in this short time span?

You can't keep putting it on the fans, fatigue, etc. Stop with the excuses and agendas. People want something they can enjoy watching.


Outside of Rogue One and to a certain extent TFA, we haven't gotten that with the bad TLJ and mediocre Solo.

George was all about Star Wars (and his money too :smugfavre:). Kennedy seems like she is all about her own politics. That is cool if that is your thing. But if it comes at the expense of good storytelling and a beloved movie franchise, then....I don't know.


They need a creative visionary at the helm or an executive force that has an eye for creative talent to direct/write these stories.


Oct 31, 2017
St. Louis, U.S.A.

Looks like some NBC Sitcom from 1989.

Mad About Chew

Mantis Toboggan M.D.

Drink wolf cola
Mar 18, 2014
Boba fett and obi wan movies could actually be dope though
There’s not enough material for Fett in the films to this point to justify giving him his own movie though in my opinion. He hardly has any lines and you don’t really learn anything about him in the films. Kenobi getting his own movie would be redundant. He should’ve been the central character of the prequel trilogy.

It's pretty much all on JJ to save the franchise. That's an ASTRONOMICAL burden he is now forced to carry. Just think of how ridiculous that is.

He might need to consult with George on what to do. Even behind Kathleen's back if necessary.
It’s really an unfair thing to be done to JJ. Definitely go behind her back if needed, but I don’t think there’s anything they can do besides retcon the last Jedi. There’s nothing to build on. It spent its whole run time discarding rules of its established universe, writing characters to act in ways that are contradictory to who they are, back tracking on certain character arcs, doing nothing to develop any characters, utterly destroying the rebellion to the point that all that’s left is enough to crew one ship with no money or ships besides the falcon, and it closed off all the story points the force awakens had set up without going anywhere with any of them so there’s nothing to explore in part 9. I don’t see how he can fix this any other way. That movie was really the perfect example of how not to make a movie, and especially as a sequel and the middle part of a trilogy. It completely violated all the fundamental basics of fiction storytelling and movie making, managing to damage both the film before and after it.

Nothing wrong with the nostalgia if done properly, they are just butchering it. Even with TFA being ANH 1.5 you could at least see the start of a transition. Unfortunately TLJ completely shytted on everything we've come to know of the Star Wars universe and IMO destroyed the franchise. Solo was a one off no one asked for. The ones we want are Obi, Boba, even Plagueis
This. The force awakens played it a bit too safe for my taste, but it’s central characters weren’t all walking the same path. There were clearly new things being explored or set up to explore. I wanted to see what happens when Finn recovers. I wanted to see who snoke was and how he corrupted Ben solo. I wanted to know who Rey was, who her parents were, and why she was so powerful out of nowhere. Most of all, we all wanted to see what Luke was doing out on that island. The nostalgia was a large appetizer, but the main course had substance to it as well.
Aug 3, 2012
There’s not enough material for Fett in the films to this point to justify giving him his own movie though in my opinion. He hardly has any lines and you don’t really learn anything about him in the films. Kenobi getting his own movie would be redundant. He should’ve been the central character of the prequel trilogy.

There doesn't have to be any previous material for Fett, he still has tons of storyline to work with. His father dueled obi wan, and was dicapitated by mace windu. Most importantly he's a bounty hunter that works directly with the empire, he brushes shoulders with the emperor and Darth vader. That's a ton to work with, like I said if done right a Fett movie could be great.
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May 29, 2018
Fett is just a cool looking character that is about it.

Everybody doesn't warrant a spinoff movie.

That is part of the dilemma Star Wars is starting to face.

Star Wars was all about relationships and a universe of different collections of aliens,people,changelings, droids,etc.

The Star Wars universe isn't like the Marvel Cinematic Universe or even the DC Universe.

Star Wars is more like X-Men. Where the collective group is stronger than isolated characters outside of Vader and Logan, respectively.
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Geek Nasty

Brain Knowledgeably Whizzy
Jan 30, 2015
South Kakalaka
There’s not enough material for Fett in the films to this point to justify giving him his own movie though in my opinion. He hardly has any lines and you don’t really learn anything about him in the films. Kenobi getting his own movie would be redundant. He should’ve been the central character of the prequel trilogy.

It’s really an unfair thing to be done to JJ. Definitely go behind her back if needed, but I don’t think there’s anything they can do besides retcon the last Jedi. There’s nothing to build on. It spent its whole run time discarding rules of its established universe, writing characters to act in ways that are contradictory to who they are, back tracking on certain character arcs, doing nothing to develop any characters, utterly destroying the rebellion to the point that all that’s left is enough to crew one ship with no money or ships besides the falcon, and it closed off all the story points the force awakens had set up without going anywhere with any of them so there’s nothing to explore in part 9. I don’t see how he can fix this any other way. That movie was really the perfect example of how not to make a movie, and especially as a sequel and the middle part of a trilogy. It completely violated all the fundamental basics of fiction storytelling and movie making, managing to damage both the film before and after it.

This. The force awakens played it a bit too safe for my taste, but it’s central characters weren’t all walking the same path. There were clearly new things being explored or set up to explore. I wanted to see what happens when Finn recovers. I wanted to see who snoke was and how he corrupted Ben solo. I wanted to know who Rey was, who her parents were, and why she was so powerful out of nowhere. Most of all, we all wanted to see what Luke was doing out on that island. The nostalgia was a large appetizer, but the main course had substance to it as well.

Fett didn't even have a name as I recall until they figured out how much fans liked him. He got knocked out just like his daddy did, so I never felt him


May 29, 2018

I don't mind a fett movie or a maul movie. I actually enjoyed solo too. Rogue one wasn't needed but it was a great movie.

A good movie is a good movie. If marvel can make a rat and tree that popular then Disney should have no problem making a good fett or maul movie.
Not quite. GOTG are a team. It is pretty much an alternate universe of Star Wars. :pachaha:

Noboby is screaming for a spinoff of Groot or Rocket or Drax.

Fett and Maul are good for what they were in Star Wars. That is it.