Rebirth is upon Us 2025
What do you plan on doing for the art? 3D or 2D?
2d Side scrolling game. very basic...
What do you plan on doing for the art? 3D or 2D?
Making a game is pretty much what gave me the motivation to program. It's something I will eventually settle down to do, but I have a lot to learn first. Stick with it and you'll eventually get to the level that you desire.
2d Side scrolling game. very basic...
Cool. a bit of a suggestion.
1.) Learn whatever language you are going to use first like Kevm3 said. Game Programming is not a program where you learn the basics of the language. I mean you can if you are motivated enough, just expect to be extra frustrated.
2.) Me personally, I would skip Java and lookup Unity 3D / C#. It's probably the most used combination for indie developers.
3.) You can fine alot of place holder art here - OpenGameArt.org . my recommendation( from experience ) Learn either programming or Art, but not both at the same time. Only reason I say this is you want to be comfortable in 1 area to motivate you to finish the other areas. You'll be more motivated if you already have some of your art done and have some idea of what you want to do or you have some of the programming done using placeholder art and then start using your art.
Unity - Game Engine - you can use it for Android & iOS.
and there's a ton of Unity 3D tutorials on Udemy.com
Thats dedication right there.Motivation - Breh is a millionaire now, the game sold over a million copies in 2 months.
The 4 years of self-imposed crunch that went into Stardew Valley
Stardew Valley developer says there were times when he almost quit
How a First-time Developer Created Stardew Valley, 2016’s Best Game to Date
I'm just trying to figure out how the hell did he support himself financially while working 70 hours a week. But damn, dude did everything by himself( which is very rare ) , the music, art , game design and programming.
edit: This is how he supported himself..
"For four years, he says, he worked an average of ten hours a day, seven days a week, on Stardew Valley. Luckily, he was living with his girlfriend, a graduate student in, appropriately, plant biology, and to help stay afloat he worked part-time as an usher at Seattle’s Paramount Theatre."
@Data-Hawk thanks again for that book, for the 1st time in all my attempts it has kept my interest lol, I've been going hard everyday since.
Making cool progress and the code is starting to make logical sense to me now lol, to think I almost wrote learning to code as something I couldn't do
@Data-Hawk thanks again for that book, for the 1st time in all my attempts it has kept my interest lol, I've been going hard everyday since.
Making cool progress and the code is starting to make logical sense to me now lol, to think I almost wrote learning to code as something I couldn't do
Can I get a heads up on this book too???
Head First C# the latest edition ( I think 3rd ). Book has tons of exercises and pictures to help you learn. Probably the closets C# book to an actual class.
Make sure to buy the print version of it
Honestly I don't consider QA lowly at all, there's just levels to it. Automation gets you paid better than manual. And my current position is an internship so I know there's better pay available once I drop the intern label. It just feels lowly on days when I have nothing to do because all my prep is done and the devs aren't ready for their work to be tested.
Your path sounds similar to a lot of BAs/Scrum masters I've met so far. I'm thinking about getting a scrum master cert on my own within the next year.
I just got promoted to Scrum Master effective this past Monday. It is not a full promotion being that I will be taking on a dual role of Sr. Business Analyst and Scrum Master. Basically responsible for the construct of the User Stories while managing the team.
I got it because one of our Scrum Masters was promoted to Agile Coach and recommended that i take his place. Used him as a mentor and backed him up so I built rapport that way.
Now that I ham working as a Scrum Master I am going to complete the internal certification at my company and also the external certification. From there I am going to go for a formal promotion where I am no longer a Sr. Business Analyst.
Ultimately, I am interested in using Agile for independent consulting. Does anyone have any experience with independent consulting via an LLC or something where you offer your skills for contract?