What languages do you develop in?bump
this thread must go on.
I'm learning java and making apps on android, I have a good understanding of python and C++.
I have some projects in mind for java and python, c++ is the one I hate the most.
All 3 major OS kernels are programmed in C [Windows, OS X, Linux].
A lot of heavy game programming is some off shoot of C.
Even the Java Virtual Machine and some libraries are C and C++.
My point? Depending on what you want to do, C/C++ is required. Any job dealing with operating systems will require extensive knowledge of it. If you want to make Android Apps, Web Applets, and other things, other languages are fine.
Have you tried any stuff with Scheme or other languages like that?
^^ not very useful right now but more sexy in some respects than C type programming
Man I wish I had time to expirement. I still want to learn that "Go" language you put me on. The time right now just does not exist. I'm currently working on and perfecting systems programming concepts and languages, from C to Assembly to numerical machine Code. Getting really in depth there and doing things with kernels on the software side and processors on the hardware side. Honestly gives me so much respect for the dudes back in the day who came up and refined these machines and OSes.
Rewind to the release of the first major game system with interchangeable cartridges, the Atari VCS (a.k.a. Atari 2600) in 1977. Now instead of buying that game system, imagine you wanted a general purpose PC that could create displays of the same color and resolution as the Atari. What would the capabilities of that mythical 1977 PC need to be?
For starters, you'd need a 160x192 pixel display with a byte per pixel. Well, technically you'd need 7-bits, as the 2600 can only display 128 colors, but a byte per pixel is simpler to deal with. That works out to 30,720 bytes for the display. Sounds simple enough, but there's a major roadblock: 4K of RAM in 1977 cost roughly $125. To get enough memory for our 2600-equivalent display, ignoring everything else, would have been over $900.
For comparison, the retail price of the Atari 2600 was $200.
How did Atari's engineers do it? By cheating. Well, cheating is too strong of a word. Instead of building a financially unrealistic 30K frame buffer, they created an elaborate, specialized illusion. They built a video system--a monochrome background and two single-color sprites--that was only large enough for a single horizontal line. To get more complex displays, game code wrote and rewrote that data for each line on the TV screen. That let the Atari 2600 ship with 128bytes of RAM instead of the 30K of our fantasy system.