I have no strings on me.
yea I was contemplating a 3 month course. they supposedly teach you all the popular languages. and even for complete beginners you leave with a nice sized portfolio. work on group projects, individual. this is like 4-5 days a week, 8 hour days. but i was still really considering going to school to get at least an associates. maybe i'll look into math myself. I always hated it, but if I plan on going this programming route I know it would be a great foundation for me. is an associates degree in math good enough to get your foot in the door somewhere?
If you are hungry , yes it will help. I don't have a degree and i'm a Sr Programmer. It really comes down to the person. When I was at the help desk, I was working with a guy who had a degree in Mechanical engineering from the University of Maryland. He should of had no problems finding a job in the DC/MD/VA area, but he couldn't. He couldn't find one in his field or land a better position within the company. He was your typical "book smarts", but lacked common sense. I told him several times, with your background try writing some programs to help us out, he'll reply with " Naw man, I don't like management"... I told him don't go above and beyond for "them", do it so you'll have something to put down on your resume. He started at the help desk straight out of High School ( he had connections through his mother ), making $20/hr. Truthfully he was probably