i think that is wildly exaggerated, the vast majority of black people and black elderly have proper ID, especially if they vote
if they dont have an ID its probably because they dont vote

i think that is wildly exaggerated, the vast majority of black people and black elderly have proper ID, especially if they vote
if they dont have an ID its probably because they dont vote
What person doesn't have a driver's license/state ID?Come on breh, you want illegal aliens deciding who's president?
You think it's okay to not let this 96 year old black woman vote? Because you're just imagining that hordes of non-citizens are voting?
96-Year-Old Black Woman Denied Voter ID in Tennessee
Quit bringing common sense into this thread. Most people here have never seen an elderly black person who's to old to work/driver and might forget to renew there ID.
You think it's okay to not let this 96 year old black woman vote? Because you're just imagining that hordes of non-citizens are voting?
96-Year-Old Black Woman Denied Voter ID in Tennessee
I know right? Even just doing an analysis on this that skips the actual content of this issue... see who's pushing these new laws. The tea party types, the GOP types. Just figure out what their objective might be, especially given that there's almost no real voter fraud that actually occurs. See the long lines at Florida poll booths in 2012 and ask yourself if these guys truly have voters' best interests at heart
...just because i don't see a problem with it tracking license plates...Some of the other things that the whole Trayvon Martin fiasco has distracted us from:
Police Documents on License Plate Scanners Reveal Mass Tracking | American Civil Liberties Union
Study: Government Tracking Movement of Every Vehicle with License Plate « CBS DC
Gov't Bureau 'Creating a Google Earth on Every Financial Transaction,' Senator Warns | CNS News
Russia in largest war games since Soviet era - CNN.com
Also the NSA spying and the ongoing conflict in Syria......but of course black people don't care about that.
You think it's okay to not let this 96 year old black woman vote? Because you're just imagining that hordes of non-citizens are voting?
96-Year-Old Black Woman Denied Voter ID in Tennessee
well, if you're willing to take people to the DMV then get organized and get it done. don't just chill and allow laws to pass that mandate it without people having IDs
you have the right to vote regardless of whether you have a bank account. just cause you TWISM think it's not that important doesn't mean you can mass disenfranchise other citizens like this
Strawman argumentThis is way different than the voter polls requiring you to pass a test. Yes, this one lady should have been handled with some common sense, but this is not the norm. I'd rather have this than a bunch of illegal Cubans voting for a Jeb Bush/Crist because they feel the Repugnant party cares for them
Breh there are literal masses of black citizens who don't have ID. There is not one recorded incidence of an illegal Cuban voting. You are playing right into the hands of people who want to suppress the black vote.
I honestly would not have a problem with these type of Voter ID laws except for the fact that they are purposely being done to stomp out minority votes. Same thing Governor Rick Scott did here in Florida with the early voting and not having it on Sunday before election.
If we lived in a more fair and equal country, I would have no problem with it, but we don't. If the states that want to do this would be willing to do reachouts to the minority communities to help them pay and make it easier to get IDs, then I might consider it, but we know that's not the case.
Breh there are literal masses of black citizens who don't have ID. There is not one recorded incidence of an illegal Cuban voting. You are playing right into the hands of people who want to suppress the black vote.
i dont support the laws either but its a pathetic tactic that doesnt me make lose sleep at night and i dont consider it to be a priority