They always namedrop Sarah Connor or Ellen Ripley whenever people accuse them of hating strong female characters. "I love Sarah Connor and Ripley" is basically the "I have Black friends" for the anti-SJWs. They can't hate on them because T2 and Aliens were established classics before the modern day culture war but if both of those movies dropped today I have no doubt that they'd bytch and moan about them.
"Ripley is a Mary Sue. How the hell can she survive with no combat training while all the marines died? They totally weakened the male characters around her to force the feminist agenda. Burke is an a$$hole, Hicks is a coward and Gorman is incompetent. Also Vazquez is a bullshyt character. They made her this badass marine. Not realistic. Forced feminist agenda."
"How the hell could Sarah Connor, a 90 pound woman beat up those grown men in the hospital? And how come the T-800 only pushed the female security guard but didn't fukk her up as badly as he did the male guards? I guess he's woke now? Forced feminist agenda."
Prime example of that was how some of the idiots on here reacted to Prey. Not to mention both Sarah Connor and Ripley were pretty masculine chicks, kinda cut, strong faced...not to dispariage them because they were hot in their own right in their own way. But if the only way to create a female heroine is to make them be able to fit in with one of the guys wtf is the point.