On another note I believe, so many of our people have embraced ignorance because that is what they see on a daily basis. The promotion of ignorance is prevalent anywhere blacks are the intended audience. Many of us know in the back of our mind that what we are seeing is in no way beneficial to our community and may ultimately lead to our demise. However, most people will always follow the crowd and partake in destructive behavior if they view it as "trendy" or socially acceptable. Throughout human history people have always followed ideals and partook in acts we'd view now as self sabotage and self destructive. It certainly isn't unusual for a group of people to be convinced to accept and co-conspire in their own destruction. Black people in America are no exception.
With the amount of propaganda pumped into our heads, it's amazing that there are still individuals like us who can still see past the smoke screen. And it is up to us to carry that torch of truth. Those of us who've broken the shackles are burdened with the heavy task of raising awareness among our people. I think it is important that we continue to raise awareness to those willing to listen. However, there comes a point in time when you have to leave others behind. Some people WILL NEVER become enlightened because they simply aren't ready or have been thoroughly brainwashed.