Phoenicia or Canaan was a Black civilization before the migration of Indo-Europeans so 9/10 especially during that time period he would still have evident black african features .
That cannot really be possible as blacks in the middle east would have lighter skin tones due to the lower amount of UV radiation, our skin color is dark brown usually because the tropical parts of Africa have alot of UV radiation, that is why skin color becomes lighter the further from the equator you go, but the eskimos have darkened skin since snow reflects UV light more. The Nordic CACs have the palest skin possibly because they never really endured the UV reflection thing in artic Greenland and Alaska that the Eskimos encountered.
Canaan cannot be a black civilzation as Canaan is the area where Neanderthals interbred with archaic humans. The most human people on earth dont even have dark skin, the San Bushmen have a light brown skin tone meaning the original humans were not even blacks like us so we are a mutation that may have took place in West Africa hundreds of thousands of years ago. The East Africans look like middle easterners with dark brown skin so might be what happens when Caucasoids develop directly in Africa. Notice how the Somali look more mixed than African americans, there was never any arab invasion in Somalia so they naturally look like that, perhaps the East Africans are the original humans since humanity originated from Kenya and the current ones are what happened when migrating West Africans mixed with them.
However the Bushmen predate every other human on this planet but lived int he southern parts of Africa so ancient humans did migrate alot in Africa. Are the East Africans more advanced than West ones? No, but the bizarre thing is the skull shape of east africans is different from west africans meaning they are not in the same racial category. A black man is someone of west african descent that is why we all have big noses, sloped foreheads, big dikks, great eyesight, deep voices, big butts, naturally muscular, and superior atheletic ability due to our west african DNA giving us a higher percentage of fast twitch muscle fibers making us great at any fast motion sport like basketball, football, baseball, sprinting, and etc. This is why African americans are so good as sports because its in our genetics due to being west african.
The east africans however are good at long distance running for some reason and shyt at short distance running. Long distance running is the basis of persistence hunting which is an archaic human form of hunting, in contrast west africans would simply sprint and stab the shyt out of any animal they see to acquire food back in ancient times. This connection to ancient human methods of hunting proves more that East Africans may be the most recent version of the original human beings, while the west africans are mutations that allowed them to survive in West Africa which is far more dangerous and hostile than East Africa. The East Africans did nothing more than darken their skin, while West Africans underwent a number of mutations. It could be said that the West African is thus superior to the East African as the West African is the most evolved, and genetically diverse class of blacks. The rest of Africa is populated by West African ethnicties only Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia have east africans. This implies that West Africans are the superior design as they conquered more land than the eastern ones. The majority of African American DNA comes from Sierra Leone, Liberia, Nigeria, Ghana, Benin, and Ivory Coast. Spend some time in these countries and you start seeing nikkas that had the same face as you. The women in these countries have similar faces to african american women as well.
Here is a pic of an east african woman

As you can see she looks like a CAC with dark skin
Why would Africa desire to conquer Europe? Europe had nothing to offer except white women...of which we had our fill and created Arabs and Chinese by breeding with.
It's well known though rarely spoken of by educated whites that africans are whom suggested they stop sleeping with farm animals and their disease problem might go away.
Africa is where you went for your studies in that day. It's no mystery why Timbuktu was sacked and burned.
If you're not a're the type of black person who's head I will take first when it hits the fan. If you're a cac as I're not shyt without your gun lol.
Europe is a much more stable area compared to Africa so conquering that continent would be more beneficial thatn staying the deathtrap that is Africa, Africa was so damn dangerous that our ape ancestors had to evolve intelligence just to survive in it.
Arabs are the most ancient group of Caucasoids on earth so thats impossible and chinese are mongoloids they are another racial category altogether thats downright impossible to create them from black DNA. The antiquity of a human ethnicity can be measured from their distance from the african equator.
The majority of pandemics in Africa are caused by nikkas eating bushmeat infected with rare diseases, there are no records of west africans even talking to europeans.
Proved me right your dumb ass wants me dead because I dont agree with you
Go ask Italy what color the moors are. And how long it took them to try and breed the black genes out their pool...
The Moors were whatever the fukk you call a north african caucasoid, the western africans didnt really have the military tactics to invade Europe so that cant be possible. Perhaps the moors were hybrids of migrating west africans and horny north african caucasoids then that makes things even more confusing.
Anyways a black person is someone of West African descent, the current Somali are black people because you can clearly see west african traits in them. Big lips is a west african trait, our ape ancestors had no lips at all that is why.
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