You can keep posting walls of text and goofy links. The article already debunks the nonsensical Chinese lantern narrative. It literally flew into the ocean and out again before splitting into two and flying off again. A lantern doesn’t do that. There’s more of your agenda showing.
It didn't "literally fly into the ocean and out again". It's flying basically the same trajectory the entire time, the exact same direction as the fukking wind. It never turns towards the ocean's surface, and there's never the slightest sign of a splash or disturbance from the water of it entering or exiting the ocean. The object just occasionally disappears and reappears on video due to the image processing cause it's so few pixels across and the video quality is extremely poor.
You can watch from the simulation - the object is the EXACT same size as a paired Chinese Lantern with the EXACT same heart shape as the lanterns and is moving in the EXACT same direction and speed as the wind that night. And there's an actual company that releases Chinese Lanterns in the exact same direction from where the lantern came. And the little dot is so few pixels in the video and rendered so poorly in the low-quality video that it's clear the image processing is occasionally rendering it
But rather than believe that easy, obvious explanation, you want us to believe it is an alien spacecraft with incredible technology (but zero stealth)....that somehow never changes direction and just follows the wind.....that somehow never changes speed but just follows the wind speed....but that randomly, for no logical reason, is disappearing and reappearing into the water.
Occum's Razor - why do you have to assume an alien spacecraft that behaves exactly like a Chinese Lantern and just happens to emerge from the direction that Chinese Lanterns are released? Why not just accept that it's a Chinese Lantern? If you check the links, it's not just UFO skeptics who are saying it's a Chinese Lantern, even some of the UFO "believers" are saying the same thing.