So we gonna act like UFOs aint zoomin in / out the atmosphere?

Dzali OG

Dz Ali OG...Pay me like you owe me!
May 23, 2012
Duval Florida
What if these things are operating in other dimensions and maybe that's why they seem to be doing shyt that is impossible for us. :patrice:

What if time is non-linear for them? If they can experience all time at the same time then wouldn't that make them be able to move at incredible speeds? :jbhmm:

What if they operate in a dimension where they aren't bound to the effects of mass and gravity? Wouldn't that explain how they pull high-g maneuvers, seem to go in and out of the water with no effect on it and have no visible propulsion? :yeshrug:

Ding, ding, ding!


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I heard alien bytches got a crazy sex drive too.. like them shortys be bout it bout for real ..
I ain’t a man whore or nothin but if them broads come down to earth, flaunting them thick green cakes

:mjlol: and this is how the world ends

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Check out Three Body Problem series by Cixin Liu, specifically the 2nd book 'Dark Forest'. It's getting made into a Netflix show by the producers responsible for GoT, but it's still years away from release.

It reminds me of the World War Z (the book, not the movie) in that you see how flawed and unstable human nature can be, and the sacrifices/decisions that have to be made for survival.

Humans realize that aliens are coming to fukk shyt up but won't be there for 400 years and so humans have to figure out how to come up with technology to combat an alien race that is clearly already technologically way more advanced than us. Humans eventually come up with the ability to hibernate themselves and so they take the best and the brightest in the military and have them wake up from hibernation every few decades to work on strategy as humans slowly make progress.

Anyways, the day that the aliens finally arrive, humans have made so much progress technologically that the world feels completely different. They've created hundreds of huge space warships and fancy technology and are ready for battle. One of the smartest military dudes from Earth in the 2010s gets reawakened from Hibernation to commandeer one of the new spaceships. They train him how to use the ship and as they are training him, he goes full Al Qaeda, locks himself in the control room and changes the course of the spaceship to go full steam into space, light years away from Earth.

Everyone looking at him like bytch and a coward because he turned his back on the human race. They don't have enough fuel to get back to Earth so he basically killed everyone. However the commander comes from a long line of commanders spanning centuries and he tells his family story about his great great great grandfather being in war where one side had swords while the other side had used technology to create guns for the first time.

Regardless of the 400 years of preparation, He knew that humans never stood a chance against alien technology. Ever since 2010, when he found out about the alien race and their powers, he was plotting on dipping.

He was right and of the ships that humans spent centuries growing the technology to build, only two lasted more than 30 minutes in the battle and that's because they also decided to hightail it when ships around them started exploding for unknown (at the time) reasons.

He stole the ship not because he was a coward, but because he knew humans were gonna get washed and needed a new planet cuz our shyt was getting Debo'd
Wish I could rep you twice. :wow: Just finished 3 Body Problem off of your recommendation. I already cracked open Dark Forest. These are my kind of reads

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
Man... wait til you get to the Wallfacers Project :ohhh:
Genius level writing in the first book. Like I said I am a space opera junkie. I specifically like first contact series the most. I have to say this has to be near the top.

Very technical but he explained everything so thoroughly that it made sense.