So they really thought they could get Denzel to take a non lead role in Fast & Furious

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
How many actors can open a movie to 25 million or above off their name alone? 2 Guns isn't a sequel or a superhero franchise and yet Denzel Washington opened that movie to number 1 at the box office. We are in a time period where the movie industry is struggling PERIOD. Studios are still throwing gazillions of dollars at Johnny Depp to headline movies when his last three movies not named Pirates Of The Caribbean were legitimate FLOPS. Why? Because he's one of the only actors in Hollywood capable of even opening to a number 1 showing off his name.

Denzel Washington
Johnny Depp
Will Smith
Tom Cruise
Brad Pitt

Those are pretty much the last legit movie stars left right now in the "traditional" sense that the movie is marketed primarily on their name alone. They don't need superhero characters or previously established franchises to open a movie (in Depp's case he CREATED his own franchise pretty much single-handedly) which is why studios will keep banking on them. In Denzel's case he's NEVER starred in a franchise or sequel, and yet his movies still are commercially and critically successful. You think anyone is going to see a film like Unstoppable for Chris Pine? That movie grossed over 100 million on the strength of Denzel. Same thing for Safe House. Flight grossed over $150 million on a $30 million dollar budget. ANY studio would gladly pay Denzel $20 million on a production budget of $30 million and gross $150 million. And damn right he came off an Oscar nom and did 2 Guns. It's HIS movie. He's the star, he gets top billing.

And it's not even the "Denzel needs F&F" talk that's got people up in arms because we ALL know that's ludicrous. It's that people think Denzel, one of the last real movie stars would or SHOULD consider 5th or 6th fiddle to actors who are beneath him in a franchise that is beneath him. Vin Diesel will never EVER see Denzel in any facet of acting, relevance or success. Same for Paul Walker and the entire cast. Denzel can franchise his own movies if he wanted (and seems to be doing with his next project The Equalizer) so why EXACTLY would he see any common sense in being a one off villain in someone else's already established ensemble franchise?
2 guns also stars mark wahlberg, hes sharing the lead and is a part of the draw,see how their names are right next to eachother above the title?

Fast and the furious was not an established franchise, vin diesel was the star of the first. When he left the franchise went to shyt, when he returned the movies have gotten bigger and bigger each flick. Vin Diesel has never played a superhero character,well unless you count dom lol.

Heres the thing, youre trying to manipulate the success of flight as if its the norm. Firstly, it was the first live action movie robert zemeckis has made in a very long time,that itself was a big draw. Second, denzel took 10 percent of his normal fee to make the movie. He got paid 2 million for it. Not 20. If denzel asked for 20 the movie wasnt getting made. He took a pay cut to chase another oscar. The budget of flight is nowhere close to what he normally does in his movies. His last several movies have all had budgets of 80-100 million not including marketing. And they all make around 150, well at least the last few for the sake of his conversation. Because before that some of his other movies didnt make as much. Tony scott was a big draw in his movies as well. if you think 2 guns is seeing even 100 million made guess again.

Again, denzel is a better actor. But youre straight up delusional thinking denzels success is way above vin diesels. It isnt. I posted the box office numbers. The facts are staring you straight in the face, you cant argue against fact. In 15 movies vins box office is almost equal to denzels in 42 films. What dont you get? Vin is making similar pay days and has his own production company. If vin had 42 films his numbers would dwarf denzels, it isnt debateable.

In the next couple years hes got the ff movies, kojak, xxx sequel, a couple other original flicks etc. in less then five years vin will have more money, and his box office will be bigger then denzels.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Vin Diesel an A Lister:laff:
:russ: denzel above making movies that literally quadruple his movies at the box office. see how easy that is? stick to actual arguements, not smileys and fake laughing. For a poster of the year youre coming off flabby and sick

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
fight club is considered a cult classic. it stars brad pitt, an a list actor.

:what:Now you comparing fight club to chronicles of riddikk. lets look at the definition of a "cult film"

A cult film, also commonly referred to as a cult classic, is a film that has acquired a cult following. Cult films are known for their dedicated fanbase, an elaborate subculture that engage in repeated viewings, quoting dialogue, and audience participation.

I never see threads hear people speak on or quote anything from any of the riddikk movies. Fight Club on the other hand is in a different category all together. Fight Club is also a critically acclaimed movie and got a 81% on rotten tomatoes. Riddikk on the other hand got 29%

And the end of the day everything you say is a reach and every thing you type is nothing but :troll: worth material.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
:russ: denzel above making movies that literally quadruple his movies at the box office. see how easy that is? stick to actual arguements, not smileys and fake laughing. For a poster of the year youre coming off flabby and sick

Nah bruh that's like saying Shia Lebeaf is an A-list actor because the Transformers movies are box office good. Like saying Tobey Maguire is A-List because the Spider-Man Trilogy made a Gazillion dollars. Like saying Sam Worthington is A-List because Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time..... Your logic is flawed and your either trolling or your an idiot...

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
:what:Now you comparing fight club to chronicles of riddikk. lets look at the definition of a "cult film"

A cult film, also commonly referred to as a cult classic, is a film that has acquired a cult following. Cult films are known for their dedicated fanbase, an elaborate subculture that engage in repeated viewings, quoting dialogue, and audience participation.

I never see threads hear people speak on or quote anything from any of the riddikk movies. Fight Club on the other hand is in a different category all together. Fight Club is also a critically acclaimed movie and got a 81% on rotten tomatoes. Riddikk on the other hand got 29%

And the end of the day everything you say is a reach and every thing you type is nothing but :troll: worth material.
this is why idiots shouldnt talk about what they dont know. fight club was panned critically upon release and bombed at the box office. it wasnt until dvd that the movie gained a following and that critics warmed up to it. Originally critics were put off by the violence an nihilism of the film and dismissed it. this is why you cant just go on rotten tomatoes,look at the percentage and pretened to know what youre talking about. youve time and time again in this thread proven you have little knowledge in the film world.

you literally had to go look up the definition of cult film breh. that shyt is hilarious on so many levels. just google chronicles of riddikk cult film. by the way, pitch black is considered a cult classic as well, google my ignorant breh.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Nah bruh that's like saying Shia Lebeaf is an A-list actor because the Transformers movies are box office good. Like saying Tobey Maguire is A-List because the Spider-Man Trilogy made a Gazillion dollars. Like saying Sam Worthington is A-List because Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time..... Your logic is flawed and your either trolling or your an idiot...
except the fact that hes had succesful films outside of the franchise. what dont you understand about that? xXx made 277 million, more then any other denzel film has made. the pacifier made 200 million. cor made 120 million.

Youre arguement only makes sense if he had no succesful films outside of the ff franchise. but he does. Youre grasping at straws and coming up with nothing. You literally have no leg to stand on in the debate. Youve made it abundantly clear you are a stan for denzel. Youre making subjective statement after statement.


Aug 15, 2012
denzel wishes he could be in a movie that made that much

f&f>>>>> anything denze has done in the last decade


Aug 17, 2012
New York City
How many actors can open a movie to 25 million or above off their name alone? 2 Guns isn't a sequel or a superhero franchise and yet Denzel Washington opened that movie to number 1 at the box office. We are in a time period where the movie industry is struggling PERIOD. Studios are still throwing gazillions of dollars at Johnny Depp to headline movies when his last three movies not named Pirates Of The Caribbean were legitimate FLOPS. Why? Because he's one of the only actors in Hollywood capable of even opening to a number 1 showing off his name.

Denzel Washington
Johnny Depp
Will Smith
Tom Cruise
Brad Pitt

Those are pretty much the last legit movie stars left right now in the "traditional" sense that the movie is marketed primarily on their name alone. They don't need superhero characters or previously established franchises to open a movie (in Depp's case he CREATED his own franchise pretty much single-handedly) which is why studios will keep banking on them. In Denzel's case he's NEVER starred in a franchise or sequel, and yet his movies still are commercially and critically successful. You think anyone is going to see a film like Unstoppable for Chris Pine? That movie grossed over 100 million on the strength of Denzel. Same thing for Safe House. Flight grossed over $150 million on a $30 million dollar budget. ANY studio would gladly pay Denzel $20 million on a production budget of $30 million and gross $150 million. And damn right he came off an Oscar nom and did 2 Guns. It's HIS movie. He's the star, he gets top billing.

And it's not even the "Denzel needs F&F" talk that's got people up in arms because we ALL know that's ludicrous. It's that people think Denzel, one of the last real movie stars would or SHOULD consider 5th or 6th fiddle to actors who are beneath him in a franchise that is beneath him. Vin Diesel will never EVER see Denzel in any facet of acting, relevance or success. Same for Paul Walker and the entire cast. Denzel can franchise his own movies if he wanted (and seems to be doing with his next project The Equalizer) so why EXACTLY would he see any common sense in being a one off villain in someone else's already established ensemble franchise?


Let's see if "Riddikk 3" grosses more than "2 Guns". Doubtful and I'm a Vin fan. But he's not a Draw like Denzel. Vin needed the "Fast and Furious" Franchise cause his career fell off. Denzel has NEVER fallen off. He may make a subpar film here or there but he's never fallen off.


All Star
Jun 17, 2012
Fast and the furious was not an established franchise, vin diesel was the star of the first. When he left the franchise went to shyt, when he returned the movies have gotten bigger and bigger each flick. Vin Diesel has never played a superhero character,well unless you count dom lol.

Really? 2 fast2furious actually made more money than the first


May 2, 2012
ff4 made 363 million.xXx made 277 million.ff made 207 million.chronicles of riddikk made 120 millionthe pacifier made 200 million

thats his production company, he produced4 5 6.

im a fan of both but i think your numbers might be wrong, your not including budget costs

for example chronicles of riddikk made 110 mil but the budget was 105 mil

thats why it took vin so long to convince a company to make the sequel

as a fan of both

obviously denzel is a better actor but vins type of movies make more money but he'll never win a oscar

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Really? 2 fast2furious actually made more money than the first
People dont know if they hate something until they see it. 2fast was considered the worst in the franchise, even worse then tokyo drift. Paul walker has never been in a big movie outside of the ff franchise they all flop. spider man 3 ruined the sam raimi franchise,yet made tons of money. but because the response was so bad by fans they canned the fourth film and rebooted the franchise. so even if paul walker was in the third it would have been similar numbers. vin always was the driving force of the movies,the studios know that,hence why he gets paid so much more money then the rest of the cast.