So they really thought they could get Denzel to take a non lead role in Fast & Furious

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
you cant help but lie can you? riddikk has a sequel coming next month.COR did very well on dvd and made a profit and has become a cult film in circles. It sold 1.5 million copies the first day of release. how did pitch black take a loss? you think the studio would greenlight chronicles of riddikk if pitch black had taken a loss? it had a budget of 23 million and made 53 million. it was his breakthrough role.

in 15 movies his movies have made almost has much as denzels movies have made in 42,almost three times the amount of films. if thats not a draw then who is? the fact his movies have grossed so much in so few films is definitive proof,im not sure what else you need to see.

SMH @ you not knowing why The Chronicles of Riddikk got made. So let me kill 2 questions with one answer.

- Pitch Black had a small budget of 23 million and was distributed by USA Films. Vin Diesel also wasn't a big name yet.

- The first Fast and Furious came out a year later which basically put him on the map. the following year he dropped XXX and he was pegged the next big action star.

- The same year XXX came out he followed it up with a FLOP in Knockaround Guys. The next year he dropped another dud in A Man Apart.

- Universal decided to put 4 times as much money into making the follow up to Pitch Black thinking it could do big numbers since Diesel was a known commodity. The gap between Pitch Black and the sequel was 4 years. The gap between the 2nd and this new one is 9 years. If a franchise is that hot, they not going to wait 9 years. They dropping this new one hoping the ride the Fast and Furious wave and think people have a renewed interest in seeing Vin Diesel again.

And you keep talking about $$$. Vin Diesels net work is only $44 million. Denzel's like like well over 100.

pete clemenza

May 1, 2012
That would've been a nice look for Denzel if he were to co-star in a FF movie. He could bring out a little bit of Alzono and it would be a nice change of pace for him role wise


May 25, 2012
Any nikka that says Denzel needs FF is an idiot. Every studio in Hollywood is after Denzel for their movies. Don't give me that bullshyt about Vin Diesel's box office when almost all of it comes from two franchises, FF and Triple xxx. No producer would seek out Vin Diesel for a movie over Denzel. Denzel headlines movies, and is the box office draw. His box office power is way greater then Diesel's.


May 19, 2012
I just cant see Denzel in the Fast and Furious universe. It just doesn't seem like it fits him and if his heart isn't in it I wouldn't want him to take the role just for a paycheck. And he doesn't seem like the type of person to do something like that anyway.

Bruce Wayne

Sep 5, 2012
Gotham City
It's not surprising that Denzel said No to a Franchise like this but isn't Mr. Washington known for ducking Sequels?

2 Guns got People twisted with what Denzel does...and it's not Action Films. Denzel doesn't Strike me as the Actor that goes for those type of Movies.:yeshrug:
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
Lmao at this thread actually doing numbers and people finding ways to try to argue that Denzel the Gawd's career would at ALL be heightened by being the 5th lead in a fukking FAST & FURIOUS movie:russ:

Listen I love the F&F franchise as much as anyone. Love what they've done with the series and how they keep reinventing it and making it fresh and exciting, but some of ya'll are damn near crazy with these ludicrous claims that Denzel would benefit from being one of these. Denzel Washington is one of last true movie stars left in Hollywood. He headlines his OWN movies, be they comedy, action, drama, even fukking stage plays. A Denzel Washington movie is as close a guarantee to a hit movie you'll get without tons of CGI or the name Pixar attached to it. Denzel in no shape form or fashion needs to be in F&F or ANY franchise not headlined by his own name. Denzel playing the background to Vin fukking Diesel and Paul Walker:stopitslime: Are ya'll really THAT delusional:what:. The man just came off an Oscar nomination and you think he's gonna go run around playing villain to Michelle Rodriguez and Tyrese:laff:

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
ive literally not seen one poster make one post saying that denzel needs fast and the furious. not one. im really not sure how that keeps being said, its like people are panicy about someone challening denzels draw youre not even reading and comprehending whats being talked about in the thread.

like i said,forbes has denzel on their grossly overpaid actors list precisely because his salary and budget of the films compared to their draw is medioce at best. they make money,but they arent breakthrough hits. no studio is rushing to get him to make small profits. he gets films like any other actor does. people in here acting like hes the biggest star in the planet when 2 guns is about to open to like 25 million and none of his films are runaway succeses even worthy of being made into franchises because they arent that profitable. an 82 million average per film is not impressive for the way you guys are slobbing all over his nuts.

he just came off an oscar nom and he made 2 guns :russ:

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Any nikka that says Denzel needs FF is an idiot. Every studio in Hollywood is after Denzel for their movies. Don't give me that bullshyt about Vin Diesel's box office when almost all of it comes from two franchises, FF and Triple xxx. No producer would seek out Vin Diesel for a movie over Denzel. Denzel headlines movies, and is the box office draw. His box office power is way greater then Diesel's.
his draw is so much greater that diesels movies make more money? youre argueing against fact.

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
SMH @ you not knowing why The Chronicles of Riddikk got made. So let me kill 2 questions with one answer.

- Pitch Black had a small budget of 23 million and was distributed by USA Films. Vin Diesel also wasn't a big name yet.

- The first Fast and Furious came out a year later which basically put him on the map. the following year he dropped XXX and he was pegged the next big action star.

- The same year XXX came out he followed it up with a FLOP in Knockaround Guys. The next year he dropped another dud in A Man Apart.

- Universal decided to put 4 times as much money into making the follow up to Pitch Black thinking it could do big numbers since Diesel was a known commodity. The gap between Pitch Black and the sequel was 4 years. The gap between the 2nd and this new one is 9 years. If a franchise is that hot, they not going to wait 9 years. They dropping this new one hoping the ride the Fast and Furious wave and think people have a renewed interest in seeing Vin Diesel again.

And you keep talking about $$$. Vin Diesels net work is only $44 million. Denzel's like like well over 100.
so a guy thats made 42 films has more money then a guy whos made 15? im truly fukking shocked breh.

every time you respond you expose you dont know what youre talking about it. knockaround guys was an ensemble cast, filmed years previous and sat on the shelf,before vin was a star. they eventually just dumped it on the market with zero promotion. thats on the studio,and not even a vin headling movie.

riddikk is basically diesels vanity franchise,hes the only reason the movie is being made,universal didnt decide to make the movie,vin diesel was making the movie with or without universal and universal signed up for it. cor made a profit,but wasnt a runaway success. it also spawned two video games(made by a game company founded by vin diesel) great games btw, an animated movie and comics. a man apart was just a poor choice for a movie,name one actor without at least one flop,most have quite a few,including denzel.

vin diesels an a lister whos a box office draw with his production company making the movies hes starring in. denezel is the better actor no doubt about it. but as a box office draw you guys are severly over rating him.

Ethnic Vagina Finder

The Great Paper Chaser
May 4, 2012
North Jersey but I miss Cali :sadcam:
so a guy thats made 42 films has more money then a guy whos made 15? im truly fukking shocked breh.

every time you respond you expose you dont know what youre talking about it. knockaround guys was an ensemble cast, filmed years previous and sat on the shelf,before vin was a star. they eventually just dumped it on the market with zero promotion. thats on the studio,and not even a vin headling movie.

riddikk is basically diesels vanity franchise,hes the only reason the movie is being made,universal didnt decide to make the movie,vin diesel was making the movie with or without universal and universal signed up for it. cor made a profit,but wasnt a runaway success. it also spawned two video games(made by a game company founded by vin diesel) great games btw, an animated movie and comics. a man apart was just a poor choice for a movie,name one actor without at least one flop,most have quite a few,including denzel.

vin diesels an a lister whos a box office draw with his production company making the movies hes starring in. denezel is the better actor no doubt about it. but as a box office draw you guys are severly over rating him.

Vin Diesel aint no fukking A list actor :childplease:. His catalog is weak as fukk. Like I said 25 percent of his movies have been fast and furious. You used the term "cult classic" when describing one of his movies... A List actors don't make cult classics. Denzel Washington is more of a draw than Vin Diesel by a mile. People bring Denzel on to give projects "credibility". Vin Diesel is nothing more than a niche actor with very limited range.
May 2, 2012
Ft. Stewart, Ga
ive literally not seen one poster make one post saying that denzel needs fast and the furious. not one. im really not sure how that keeps being said, its like people are panicy about someone challening denzels draw youre not even reading and comprehending whats being talked about in the thread.

like i said,forbes has denzel on their grossly overpaid actors list precisely because his salary and budget of the films compared to their draw is medioce at best. they make money,but they arent breakthrough hits. no studio is rushing to get him to make small profits. he gets films like any other actor does. people in here acting like hes the biggest star in the planet when 2 guns is about to open to like 25 million and none of his films are runaway succeses even worthy of being made into franchises because they arent that profitable. an 82 million average per film is not impressive for the way you guys are slobbing all over his nuts.

he just came off an oscar nom and he made 2 guns :russ:

How many actors can open a movie to 25 million or above off their name alone? 2 Guns isn't a sequel or a superhero franchise and yet Denzel Washington opened that movie to number 1 at the box office. We are in a time period where the movie industry is struggling PERIOD. Studios are still throwing gazillions of dollars at Johnny Depp to headline movies when his last three movies not named Pirates Of The Caribbean were legitimate FLOPS. Why? Because he's one of the only actors in Hollywood capable of even opening to a number 1 showing off his name.

Denzel Washington
Johnny Depp
Will Smith
Tom Cruise
Brad Pitt

Those are pretty much the last legit movie stars left right now in the "traditional" sense that the movie is marketed primarily on their name alone. They don't need superhero characters or previously established franchises to open a movie (in Depp's case he CREATED his own franchise pretty much single-handedly) which is why studios will keep banking on them. In Denzel's case he's NEVER starred in a franchise or sequel, and yet his movies still are commercially and critically successful. You think anyone is going to see a film like Unstoppable for Chris Pine? That movie grossed over 100 million on the strength of Denzel. Same thing for Safe House. Flight grossed over $150 million on a $30 million dollar budget. ANY studio would gladly pay Denzel $20 million on a production budget of $30 million and gross $150 million. And damn right he came off an Oscar nom and did 2 Guns. It's HIS movie. He's the star, he gets top billing.

And it's not even the "Denzel needs F&F" talk that's got people up in arms because we ALL know that's ludicrous. It's that people think Denzel, one of the last real movie stars would or SHOULD consider 5th or 6th fiddle to actors who are beneath him in a franchise that is beneath him. Vin Diesel will never EVER see Denzel in any facet of acting, relevance or success. Same for Paul Walker and the entire cast. Denzel can franchise his own movies if he wanted (and seems to be doing with his next project The Equalizer) so why EXACTLY would he see any common sense in being a one off villain in someone else's already established ensemble franchise?

Dominic Brehetto

Rest In Piss To Your Cousin
Jun 14, 2012
Vin Diesel aint no fukking A list actor :childplease:. His catalog is weak as fukk. Like I said 25 percent of his movies have been fast and furious. You used the term "cult classic" when describing one of his movies... A List actors don't make cult classics. Denzel Washington is more of a draw than Vin Diesel by a mile. People bring Denzel on to give projects "credibility". Vin Diesel is nothing more than a niche actor with very limited range.
fight club is considered a cult classic. it stars brad pitt, an a list actor.