As a hashtag and what it stands for, I am a proponent. As an organization, I feel the same as many of you do.
I don't doubt Tariq Nasheed does nice things here and there, but I assure you he's gotten more money profiting off the ills of the black community than he's put back into it & I see him as an opportunist just as I view many others who make a living off of black pain, death, and despair. The same types to preach black unity all while constantly (and publicly) participating in intraracial divisiveness. He was a failed entertainer who saw an opportunity (as did Tommy Sotomayor, Gazi, Umar Johnson Tami Lahren, Mark Dice, and the like) and took it.
He's more like the (antithesis) Tommy Sotomayor or Umar Johnson than Malcolm X or James Baldwin, but I digress.