So @sccit is an open zionist on a black hip hop forum?

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017

I am neither, but that is not what it’s about. If you are on the attack rant, that is what you need to address first. That is what I am saying. Everything comes from there, the whole rhetoric.

Btw, how would you feel about Nick and Griff doing mikvah?
Sep 28, 2012
i took Sccat off ignore so i can learn how to stop being an antisemite but i catch him juelzing...

this is what he said about ancient egyptians...


this is what i said...
the same jew that said ancient egyptians wasnt africans is upset people are saying jews aint get back what you put out:manny:...

this how he responded...


a "blend of middle eastern and black" aint synonymous with african...saying the ancient egyptians were a blend of middle eastern and black is just another way to say they wasnt african:stopitslime:...


Oct 11, 2017
K'lal Yisraʾel
So there is no actual lineage in the Tanakh, or was it but most are now stem from converts?
There is actual lineage, however it isn't the sole factor. The status of a Jew ol pi din Torah is not bound by genetics. Even those who are direct paternal descendants of Aharon Hakohen, kohanim, stem from converts. All Jews stem from converts whether they go back to the original Bnai Yisroel or they converted today. Moshe Rabeinu himself is descended from converts; his father-in-law Yisro is a convert and his was wife Tziporoh (daughter of Yisro) is a convert. A convert is only so in that particular generation. The child of a convert is not a convert, but a natural born Jew. The first convert precedes Masan Torah on Har Sinai. Avrohom Ovinu and Sorah Imeinu were converts, Avrohom being the very first; and thus, the Torah says אברם העברי or 'Avrom ha'Ivri' (the Hebrew word 'Ivri' is twofold: it means literally 'to cross over', referring to the fact that Avrohom physically left his birth place of Ur Kasdim and 'crossed over' the Euphrates; spiritually, Avrohom 'crossed over', or converted, from his birth place of idolatry and polytheism to the idea of one G-d and monotheism.
  • Avrohom Ovinu and Sorah Imeinu were converts.
  • Avrohom and Sorah took with them converts from Charan to Eretz C'na'an.
  • Basya bas Paroh, the woman who saved Moshe from the river, was a convert.
  • Yisro the Midyoni, the father-in-law of Moshe via Tizporoh, was a convert.
  • Moshe Rabeinu had children with Tziporoh the Midyonis, a convert.
  • The eruv rov who left Mitzroyim with Bnai Yisroel were converts.
  • Yehoshua bin Nun had children with Rachav, a convert.
  • Pinchas ben Aharon Hakohen had children with the daughter of Yehoshua bin Nun and Rachav the convert.
  • The prophets Yirmeyohu and Yechezkel are descended from Yehoshua and Rachav the convert.
  • Dovid Hamelech's paternal great-grandmother, Rus Hamoviah, was a convert.
  • Moshiach ben Dovid is a scion of Dovid Hamelech via Shlomo, and both descend from a convert, Rus.
  • The prophet Ovadyoh was a convert, chosen to prophesy against Edom for he was born an Edomi.
  • Nochrim of Shushan were converted in the time of Esther Hamalkah.
  • Avrohom Ovinu, the first Hebrew, was the first convert.
And what’s your opinion on the Lachish and the Assyrians?
Regarding the Lachish Relief on the walls of Sancheiriv's palace which depicts the subjugation of the Kingdom of Judah in the Siege of Lachish, the Jews' heads are covered with turban-like garments, perhaps sudras (ancient Jewish headdress), and they're donning a fringed, kilt-like dress. They are juxtaposed with the Nubians or Cushytes in front of them, all being captured and led away from Lachish. The Nubians were part of the garrison who fought alongside the Jews to defend the town of Lachish, who, with the Jews, were captured as prisoners by King Sancheiriv. They are distinct from the Jewish man and his family, with different textured hair and different physiognomy. (Collin, Dominique. Ancient Near Eastern Art, [University of California Press, 1995], p. 144; J. Daniel Hays, From Every People and Nation, [Intervarsity Press, 2003], p. 99).

"saiah 20:4 So shall the king of Assyria lead away the Egyptians prisoners, and the Ethiopians captives, young and old, naked and barefoot, even with their buttocks uncovered, to the shame of Egypt.

So shall the king of Assyria lead the captivity of Egypt and the exile of Cush, youths and old men, naked and barefoot, with bare buttocks, the shame of Egypt."

“Ziv said that many Jewish-Ethiopian customs go against modern Jewish practice, but perfectly align with customs and rituals described on scrolls found in the Qumran caves and in books dating back to the Second Temple Period. The Qumran Caves are where the Dead Sea Scrolls were found, which include the third oldest Hebrew Bible ever found.”
Ethiopian Judaism nearly identical to that practiced during Second Temple Period
Falashim had no knowledge of Hebrew: tefilos and readings from Tenach were written and recited in Ge'ez, which is also the sacred language of Ethiopian Notzrim. Thus any saifer Torah written would have been posul and required entombment. They were not aware of tefilin (numerous pairs of tefilin were found in Qumran, both tefilin shel yad and tefilin shel rosh, and it uses the exact same parchment we use till this very day: the four parshios bound up, the specific type of thread that is used, the leather made from one piece, the dye, etc). They were not aware of mezuzos (there is a Susya archeology site near Chevron where they've uncovered an early first century village that carved spaces in door frames for mezuzos). They have no history of kidushin or giten, causing problems with momzairus to arise. In common with other religious groups in Ethiopia, including Notzrim, they practiced male and female circumcision on the eighth day after birth: the operation was performed by a woman. This is why they required giyur l'chumro prior to making aliyah. I would have no more hesitation in selling my chometz to an unconverted Falasha than I would in selling it to any random stranger who might turn out to be Jewish in the maternal line. For a comprehensive history, see the book 'The Beta Israel (Falasha) in Ethiopia' by Steve Kaplan.


Oct 11, 2017
K'lal Yisraʾel
So there is no actual lineage in the Tanakh, or was it but most are now stem from converts?
You have to be a Jew by one set of criteria before you can even ask about tribal affiliation according to the other. The child of a gentile woman is not a Jew and therefore cannot be a member of a tribe. A man who has a child by a non-Jewish woman is not considered to have fulfilled the mitzvah of Pru U'Rvu and the child has no connection with him (the child is not Jewish). This is analogous to the case of the man who blasphemed in the midbor (Voyikro 24:10). The meforshim (Ramba"n, Rash"i, Medrish) explain that he was the son of a Jewish woman (and so Jewish), but because his father was a gentile he could not be a member of the tribe of Don. Hashem declared that he was to be put to death for uttering His Name and cursing; and we know from Torah that only a Jew is obligated to sanctify His Name (Voyikro 22:32). Since gentiles are not commanded by Torah to sanctify His Name, there is no concept of making a kiddush Hashem (sanctification of Hashem) or chillul Hashem (desecration of Hashem). The man in the midbor was executed for a chillul Hashem.

There is a difference between tribal identity within the Jewish Nation and being a member of the Jewish People altogether. This patriliny-matriliny bifurcation recurs at least back to the Revelation at Har Sinai and has been adhered-to by world Jewry ever since. Because of its endogamic nature, the patrilineal descent system can only be applied to those unions which take place within the 'clan' or 'family' limits (B'midbor 1:2, 18; Ezra 2:59); in other words, when both the mother and the father are Jewish. When both the mother and father are Jewish, the specific affiliation of the children within the Jewish People is patrilineal regarding whether a person is a Kohein, Levi, or Yisroel (a Yisroel is a Jew who is neither a Levi nor a Kohein). In such a case, the male children inherit the status of their father. Thus if a bas Kohein (daughter of a Kohein) marries a regular Levi, the children are Leviyim but not Kohanim. So tribal affiliation is determined by the lineage of the father; however, its transmission first requires a legitimate marriage, one which takes place between two Jews.

There is no concept of 'intermarriage' in Judaism, as Torah Law does not recognize 'marriage' between a Jew and a non-Jew. A child that is born from such a union is either 100% Jewish (mother is a Jew) or 100% Gentile (mother is a goya). Should an invalid 'marriage' occur, the status of the child follows the mother. Hence the child of a Jewish mother is Jewish regardless of his father. Conversely, the child of a Jewish mother and Jewish father is of course Jewish, and therefore he takes the tribal affiliation of his father (the marriage is valid). Jewish status is determined by the mother; tribal identity is determined by the father. The mother determines the prerequisite to tribal transference—Jewish status. It is this very status which is of the utmost importance as it determines not only whether the child is Jewish or not, but whether the tribal affiliation of the father can even be transmitted to the child. Being a Jew means having been born to a Jewish mother OR having validly converted to Judaism. One may convert and become a Jew, but one can not convert into a tribe.

Under no circumstances can a convert become a member of a tribe. You must be born into it, father to son, all the way back to the original B'nai Yisroel. As an example, a female convert can give birth to a Levi (her husband is a Levi), but a male convert cannot. None of the direct male descendants of a male convert can ever be a Kohein, Levi or otherwise. They are simply Jews without tribal affiliation, just like the child of a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father (e.g., Yoshke). The more esteemed a person's Halochic status, the more marital restrictions are imposed upon them. A Yisroel and a Levi may marry a Jewish convert, a Jewish divorcee or a Jewish zoina. A Kohein is prohibited to do so. If a Kohein marries any one of the aforementioned, his children are Jewish (since his wife is Jewish), but since the marriage is invalid his Kohanic status is not passed-on to his sons. The children of a Kohein who engaged in forbidden relations are considered 'chollolim', and female chollolim cannot marry Kohanim. Moreover, the children of male chollolim are also chollolim.

A person born to a Jewish mother is always considered a Jew, even if they 'convert' to another religion. A person who was born to a Jewish mother but 'converts' to another religion is considered an apostate, a Jew in rebellion, but a Jew nevertheless. A Jew who makes avairos or sins (including 'converting' to another religion) remains a Jew. If you were born a Jew, you will die a Jew. So too, a gair or gioress, a convert. Once he or she becomes a Jew, he or she will die a Jew. Gair sh'nisgaiyer k'koton sh'noilod domi ("One who converts is like a newborn child"). He or she is now 100% Jewish, and the lineage begins from that point on. A person born from ni'uf, adultery, which took place between two Jewish parents is a momzer. A momzer is not considered a second class citizen, nonetheless a momzer is only permitted to marry another momzer or a gair. It is considered especially important that a Kohein never marry a momzer. This is because Hashem apparently doesn't like guys with crushed testicles, itching diseases or descendants of momzeirim touching His stuff.


Oct 11, 2017
K'lal Yisraʾel
I am neither, but that is not what it’s about. If you are on the attack rant, that is what you need to address first. That is what I am saying. Everything comes from there, the whole rhetoric.

Btw, how would you feel about Nick and Griff doing mikvah?
It is osur min haTorah for a non-Jew to immerse in a kosher mikve of 40 se'ah unless they are doing so for the purpose of conversion under the auspices of a bais din.


Jun 22, 2013
i took Sccat off ignore so i can learn how to stop being an antisemite but i catch him juelzing...

this is what he said about ancient egyptians...

this is what i said...

this how he responded...

a "blend of middle eastern and black" aint synonymous with african...saying the ancient egyptians were a blend of middle eastern and black is just another way to say they wasnt african:stopitslime:...



Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
Jewish people always have been in Israel, even before Churchill and the U.N. decided to have the State of Israel where it is located now. Before that it was proposed to carve out a State in East Africa. There always have been Jewish people who apposed Zionism of the State of Israel. Before that time both groups coexisted in peace, before converted people from Europe decided to go to region. The reason why Arabs fought is because they were forcible displaced by people from Europe.

"When Theodor Herzl began his quest to establish a homeland for the Jewish people, he sought out the support of the great powers to help achieve his goal. In 1903, Herzl turned to Great Britain and met with Joseph Chamberlain, the British colonial secretary and others high ranking officials who agreed in principle to Jewish settlement in East Africa."
The Uganda Proposal (1903)



Israel’s Religiously Divided Society

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
You have to be a Jew by one set of criteria before you can even ask about tribal affiliation according to the other. The child of a gentile woman is not a Jew and therefore cannot be a member of a tribe. A man who has a child by a non-Jewish woman is not considered to have fulfilled the mitzvah of Pru U'Rvu and the child has no connection with him (the child is not Jewish). This is analogous to the case of the man who blasphemed in the midbor (Voyikro 24:10). The meforshim (Ramba"n, Rash"i, Medrish) explain that he was the son of a Jewish woman (and so Jewish), but because his father was a gentile he could not be a member of the tribe of Don. Hashem declared that he was to be put to death for uttering His Name and cursing; and we know from Torah that only a Jew is obligated to sanctify His Name (Voyikro 22:32). Since gentiles are not commanded by Torah to sanctify His Name, there is no concept of making a kiddush Hashem (sanctification of Hashem) or chillul Hashem (desecration of Hashem). The man in the midbor was executed for a chillul Hashem.

There is a difference between tribal identity within the Jewish Nation and being a member of the Jewish People altogether. This patriliny-matriliny bifurcation recurs at least back to the Revelation at Har Sinai and has been adhered-to by world Jewry ever since. Because of its endogamic nature, the patrilineal descent system can only be applied to those unions which take place within the 'clan' or 'family' limits (B'midbor 1:2, 18; Ezra 2:59); in other words, when both the mother and the father are Jewish. When both the mother and father are Jewish, the specific affiliation of the children within the Jewish People is patrilineal regarding whether a person is a Kohein, Levi, or Yisroel (a Yisroel is a Jew who is neither a Levi nor a Kohein). In such a case, the male children inherit the status of their father. Thus if a bas Kohein (daughter of a Kohein) marries a regular Levi, the children are Leviyim but not Kohanim. So tribal affiliation is determined by the lineage of the father; however, its transmission first requires a legitimate marriage, one which takes place between two Jews.

There is no concept of 'intermarriage' in Judaism, as Torah Law does not recognize 'marriage' between a Jew and a non-Jew. A child that is born from such a union is either 100% Jewish (mother is a Jew) or 100% Gentile (mother is a goya). Should an invalid 'marriage' occur, the status of the child follows the mother. Hence the child of a Jewish mother is Jewish regardless of his father. Conversely, the child of a Jewish mother and Jewish father is of course Jewish, and therefore he takes the tribal affiliation of his father (the marriage is valid). Jewish status is determined by the mother; tribal identity is determined by the father. The mother determines the prerequisite to tribal transference—Jewish status. It is this very status which is of the utmost importance as it determines not only whether the child is Jewish or not, but whether the tribal affiliation of the father can even be transmitted to the child. Being a Jew means having been born to a Jewish mother OR having validly converted to Judaism. One may convert and become a Jew, but one can not convert into a tribe.

Under no circumstances can a convert become a member of a tribe. You must be born into it, father to son, all the way back to the original B'nai Yisroel. As an example, a female convert can give birth to a Levi (her husband is a Levi), but a male convert cannot. None of the direct male descendants of a male convert can ever be a Kohein, Levi or otherwise. They are simply Jews without tribal affiliation, just like the child of a Jewish mother and a non-Jewish father (e.g., Yoshke). The more esteemed a person's Halochic status, the more marital restrictions are imposed upon them. A Yisroel and a Levi may marry a Jewish convert, a Jewish divorcee or a Jewish zoina. A Kohein is prohibited to do so. If a Kohein marries any one of the aforementioned, his children are Jewish (since his wife is Jewish), but since the marriage is invalid his Kohanic status is not passed-on to his sons. The children of a Kohein who engaged in forbidden relations are considered 'chollolim', and female chollolim cannot marry Kohanim. Moreover, the children of male chollolim are also chollolim.

A person born to a Jewish mother is always considered a Jew, even if they 'convert' to another religion. A person who was born to a Jewish mother but 'converts' to another religion is considered an apostate, a Jew in rebellion, but a Jew nevertheless. A Jew who makes avairos or sins (including 'converting' to another religion) remains a Jew. If you were born a Jew, you will die a Jew. So too, a gair or gioress, a convert. Once he or she becomes a Jew, he or she will die a Jew. Gair sh'nisgaiyer k'koton sh'noilod domi ("One who converts is like a newborn child"). He or she is now 100% Jewish, and the lineage begins from that point on. A person born from ni'uf, adultery, which took place between two Jewish parents is a momzer. A momzer is not considered a second class citizen, nonetheless a momzer is only permitted to marry another momzer or a gair. It is considered especially important that a Kohein never marry a momzer. This is because Hashem apparently doesn't like guys with crushed testicles, itching diseases or descendants of momzeirim touching His stuff.

Its settled not jewish

Mom.was born roman catholic and converted before my birth

Oh well. Learned Hebrew for nothing :yeshrug:

All in all most of you are too wrapped up in this shyt. I barely care. Its whatever

Ish Gibor

Jan 23, 2017
There is actual lineage, however it isn't the sole factor. The status of a Jew ol pi din Torah is not bound by genetics. Even those who are direct paternal descendants of Aharon Hakohen, kohanim, stem from converts. All Jews stem from converts whether they go back to the original Bnai Yisroel or they converted today. Moshe Rabeinu himself is descended from converts; his father-in-law Yisro is a convert and his was wife Tziporoh (daughter of Yisro) is a convert. A convert is only so in that particular generation. The child of a convert is not a convert, but a natural born Jew. The first convert precedes Masan Torah on Har Sinai. Avrohom Ovinu and Sorah Imeinu were converts, Avrohom being the very first; and thus, the Torah says אברם העברי or 'Avrom ha'Ivri' (the Hebrew word 'Ivri' is twofold: it means literally 'to cross over', referring to the fact that Avrohom physically left his birth place of Ur Kasdim and 'crossed over' the Euphrates; spiritually, Avrohom 'crossed over', or converted, from his birth place of idolatry and polytheism to the idea of one G-d and monotheism.
  • Avrohom Ovinu and Sorah Imeinu were converts.
  • Avrohom and Sorah took with them converts from Charan to Eretz C'na'an.
  • Basya bas Paroh, the woman who saved Moshe from the river, was a convert.
  • Yisro the Midyoni, the father-in-law of Moshe via Tizporoh, was a convert.
  • Moshe Rabeinu had children with Tziporoh the Midyonis, a convert.
  • The eruv rov who left Mitzroyim with Bnai Yisroel were converts.
  • Yehoshua bin Nun had children with Rachav, a convert.
  • Pinchas ben Aharon Hakohen had children with the daughter of Yehoshua bin Nun and Rachav the convert.
  • The prophets Yirmeyohu and Yechezkel are descended from Yehoshua and Rachav the convert.
  • Dovid Hamelech's paternal great-grandmother, Rus Hamoviah, was a convert.
  • Moshiach ben Dovid is a scion of Dovid Hamelech via Shlomo, and both descend from a convert, Rus.
  • The prophet Ovadyoh was a convert, chosen to prophesy against Edom for he was born an Edomi.
  • Nochrim of Shushan were converted in the time of Esther Hamalkah.
  • Avrohom Ovinu, the first Hebrew, was the first convert.

I am glade you answered this. Can you explain why it has been so problematic for Ashkenazis to accept Black people as converts into Judaism? There's a long history to this. The Sephardim not so much, but in particularly coming from the Ashkenazis.

Ashkenazic Jews' mysterious origins unravelled by scientists thanks to ancient DNA

And what is you opinion on the Ethiopian Emperors Family Tree (Solomonic Dynasty)?

Regarding the Lachish Relief on the walls of Sancheiriv's palace which depicts the subjugation of the Kingdom of Judah in the Siege of Lachish, the Jews' heads are covered with turban-like garments, perhaps sudras (ancient Jewish headdress), and they're donning a fringed, kilt-like dress. They are juxtaposed with the Nubians or Cushytes in front of them, all being captured and led away from Lachish. The Nubians were part of the garrison who fought alongside the Jews to defend the town of Lachish, who, with the Jews, were captured as prisoners by King Sancheiriv. They are distinct from the Jewish man and his family, with different textured hair and different physiognomy. (Collin, Dominique. Ancient Near Eastern Art, [University of California Press, 1995], p. 144; J. Daniel Hays, From Every People and Nation, [Intervarsity Press, 2003], p. 99).

So the people in the relief are actually "Nubians or Cushytes"? From where did these "Nubians or Cushytes" stem and why were they there in the city of Lachish? I mean from where did they originate and how long had they been there in the city of Lachish? And can you explain who the Assyrian were?

I will read those books.

Falashim had no knowledge of Hebrew: tefilos and readings from Tenach were written and recited in Ge'ez, which is also the sacred language of Ethiopian Notzrim. Thus any saifer Torah written would have been posul and required entombment. They were not aware of tefilin (numerous pairs of tefilin were found in Qumran, both tefilin shel yad and tefilin shel rosh, and it uses the exact same parchment we use till this very day: the four parshios bound up, the specific type of thread that is used, the leather made from one piece, the dye, etc). They were not aware of mezuzos (there is a Susya archeology site near Chevron where they've uncovered an early first century village that carved spaces in door frames for mezuzos). They have no history of kidushin or giten, causing problems with momzairus to arise. In common with other religious groups in Ethiopia, including Notzrim, they practiced male and female circumcision on the eighth day after birth: the operation was performed by a woman. This is why they required giyur l'chumro prior to making aliyah. I would have no more hesitation in selling my chometz to an unconverted Falasha than I would in selling it to any random stranger who might turn out to be Jewish in the maternal line. For a comprehensive history, see the book 'The Beta Israel (Falasha) in Ethiopia' by Steve Kaplan.
Is it true that Ge'ez is a Semitic language? Yes or no? And from where do Semitic languages stem?

I will read the book by Steve Kaplan. I also need to read more on Dr. Yossi Ziv's conclusions, so I can compare both point of views.

"Ziv added that there were different sects of Jews living during the time of the Second Temple—the Pharisees, Sadducees, Essenes, and Zealots—who all lived according to different beliefs and rituals. Jewish rituals and customs today mostly take after the Pharisee tradition.

Another example in the differences between mainstream Judaism and Ethiopian Judaism relates to sex during Shabbat. According to modern Jewish tradition, marital relations are not only permitted, but encouraged on the day of rest. Meanwhile, Ethiopian tradition holds that all sex is forbidden on Shabbat so as not to sully the body. Examples of this Ethiopian tradition have been found in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

The discrepancies between the more "modern" Jewish law and the law of the Ethiopian Jewish elders—known as the Kessim—can be seen in different areas of Jewish law.

According to mainstream Jewish custom, people in mourning refrain from cutting their hair or shaving their beards for a specified period of time, whereas Ethiopian custom is for mourners to cut their hair short and shave their beards—another tradition Ziv saw written in texts from the Second Temple Era.'"

Ethiopian Judaism nearly identical to that practiced during Second Temple Period
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