Yea it was something like that..he tried to juelz and say he was teaching baby about sex or some stupid shyt.
Malia in the the hospital. He beat her so bad she got lacerations on her internal organs, fluid on her heart and her uterus was basically rotten with STDs.
Velvet went back home.
They are nudist,they were walking around naked and the baby touched his penis. He explained to the kid about his own penis. Not really sinister unless you sexualize a penis. Babies touch boobs and ass all the time and nobody sexualizes that. Using the word "play" he admitted was a poor choice of words because when people "play" with their sex organs they usually mean that in a different way. But obviously a baby wouldn't play with a boob or a penis in that fashion.
This group is definitely going to continue to get sick based on the lack of protection and anal sex. He seems to think that just because hes okay,that means nobody else can get std's. But a penis and vagina is very different. You are the one transferring fluids and bacteria from one woman to the next.
So the ones who are at the most risk are the women,your contaminating their blood through unnatural sexual acts.
Not sure when people will learn that these unnatural sex acts aren't worth the risk.
"aids", throat cancer,herpes, is it really all worth it smh?