So Kevin Gates Is Into Witchcraft For Real?


...come on let's picture the possibility...
Oct 10, 2013
I'm looking at Kevin's favorite author Ann Rice and all she writes about is witchcraft, vampire stuff and Roman Catholicism.

On my way to see the Voodoo Priest #bwa#idgt

I went to his instagram to see the post for myself, he really did say that! Curtis Sc00n once posted on his Twitter that the late E Money Bags went to someone involved in the occult to try and get blessing to help him prosper in the music industry.

I believe there is good and there is evil. You can enter into agreements with whichever one you want, man has the free will ability to do so. If you want you can call on the name of Jesus and get saved. Or if you want you can sell your soul to the devil and prosper materialistically. The choice is yours people.

Haha my dad doesnt eat other peoples food either. He just won't. But if your senses are right you can feel whether or not the food has been blessed/cursed. Your spirits should be able to look out for you.. Its like how people say "guardian angels" etc.. Your instinct is finely attuned to all the energy. You should know/feel it.
That's why you got to say grace over everything you eat and drink as well.

no the bible is by people of color. And the "romans" who adopted it into their government were people of color at the time as well. What people don't understand is that men of color ruled the roman empire and europe for a thousand years starting around 400 ad -1400ad. The rome that "fell" was the "classical" white rome and the new rome was known as the holy roman empire. The emperors were black, there are thousands of paintings from all over europe to prove this. Also the biggest church back then was in Egypt, not Rome, it just so happened that Egypt was a Province of Rome so to change the religion you had to go through the state. Christianity was spread into africa by people of color called israelites long before white people EVER became christians on a widescale. The Roman Catholic Church is a pagan institution but what Christ and His disciples taught was the gospel, not religion and they were men of color who taught other men of color in Africa well before slavery.

Here is a painting of the infamous council of nicea, where the roman catholic church canons were first decided. Emperor Constantine with the crown and all the original Catholic bishops

not a white man in sight.

Check the higher learning soon for a thread called the "Whitewashing of World History" im going to break alot of this down because the deceivers have taken pieces of our history and brainwashed us into despising it. All the great medievel kings were black, the popes were black, the germans, the vikings, the english were all black.
I wouldn't doubt the Romans being Black part, I knew the rest. One of the things was the apostle Paul was Roman and he was a Jew. I was going to comment on that further to clarify my initial post on the subject to be fair. Technically Paul was a Roman and he wrote a great deal of the New Testament. But in the context we were discussing it in I meant Roman royalty if you will or the Roman ruling powers altering scriptures.

Act 22:25
And as they bound him with thongs, Paul said unto the centurion that stood by, Is it lawful for you to scourge a man that is a Roman, and uncondemned?

Act 22:26
When the centurion heard that, he went and told the chief captain, saying, Take heed what thou doest: for this man is a Roman.

Act 22:27
Then the chief captain came, and said unto him, Tell me, art thou a Roman? He said, Yea.

Act 22:28
And the chief captain answered, With a great sum obtained I this freedom. And Paul said, But I was free born.

But here are some interesting verses and I will pose a question to you afterwards. I'm not trying to trip you up either, I'm just trying to figure this little riddle out for myself.

Act 21:38
Art not thou that Egyptian, which before these days madest an uproar, and leddest out into the wilderness four thousand men that were murderers?

Act 21:39
But Paul said, I am a man which am a Jew of Tarsus, a city in Cilicia, a citizen of no mean city: and, I beseech thee, suffer me to speak unto the people.

Act 21:40
And when he had given him licence, Paul stood on the stairs, and beckoned with the hand unto the people. And when there was made a great silence, he spake unto them in the Hebrew tongue, saying,
My point is here is a Jew that was mistaken for an Egyptian which we all know 'were' Black. I say that in past tense because this is going back roughly two thousand years, an Egyptian today could be from anywhere in the world the way they have mixed the world up.

But my point and my question is to you, is that you say Black but what type of hair do you say the Jews and the Romans had? Many people throughout the world are Black skinned but not everyone has the wholly/bushy hair. Some Black people have straight hair just as non Blacks do. So please clarify that issue for me and if you can will you do the same for the Jews and Egyptian's they were in bondage written about in the first five books of Moses. I'm going to say it's safe to say both groups were Black but was there a distinction in hair and if so which group had which type of hair.
Full on smart dumb in this thread...

Did dude just say zombies are real? Do you also believe in the "wisdom" of Africa like fukking virgin will cure your aids? Smh

Dudes actually in here proud of their people's ignorance

Haiti. Africa. Jamaica. Are lol third world shyt holes filled with uneducated poor ignorant people living in the past. Myths and superstitions flourish In ignorance. White ppl burned witches at the stake at one time but we advanced. They don't call it the *dark* ages for nothing
Black pal actually proud of living in the past
The Roman Catholic system burned heretics alive by fire through it's inquisitions/crusades/holocaust and I'm sure somewhere in the world they still are. That was the significance of putting people in ovens during Nazi Germany. The word holocaust also appears in the Catholic bible which means whole burnt or burnt whole. It's a burnt offering. The Vatican brought Roman Catholic Hitler to power with a Concordant, do the math.

Even in the twentieth century here in America people were still being burned alive:

So no you haven't advanced and you're completely ignorant of history. I don't mind trolling, even racial trolling but you actually seem to be serious here and don't realize how ignorant you are. :what:

How can i use this stuff for good purposes? i aint trying to be evil. :whoa: it seems this stuff has a lot more going if you using it for evil than good. :patrice:
No good can come from it. MAYBE you'll see something temporarily but ultimately it will turn on you. There is always a price to pay when dealing with evil.Those co-signing the bs are like new users to cocaine. yeah it's good they love it but sooner or later it's going to get a hold of them and won't let go.

bruh imma keep it real when i first heard dat song i thought it was a spell it hypnotizing as fukk song changes my mood
but i never say shyt cause i dont wanna sound like a superstitious nut but i fee the same weirdness u feel
I feel the same way about Canibus' Rip The Jacker to Infinity song. It's some kind of spell or magic or something and he does say something in it about sex magic.
The Ice Truck Killer will be observing me perform surgery,
Ritual Widow Murder, searching for her urgently,
Mix the blood so it don't coagulate,
The sex magic won't work if the bytch masturbates,
I'm guess the blood is period blood because it keeps being mentioned in this thread as being used in witchcraft and magic.

There's alot of rappers I don't mess with cause they into darkness. Killah priest just creeps me out, three six mafia, da mafia six, gangsta boo, Tech N9ne the list goes on. :camby: I remember a few tracks on that Bones Thug Art of War album just didn't sit right with me and Bizzy rappin' on 7th sign just isn't humanly possible. lol Call me crazy all you want but I used to listen to Gangsta Nip back in that day and I learned my lesson.


:rudy: Let me guess, it's just entertainment. The look Boo be having in her eyes all the time (when she isn't hiding behind sun glasses) is just eerie. MOST musicians nowadays are witches and warlocks. I'm convinced of it. All it takes is a basic understand of it and you can see it in everything they do. All of that it's satire, they do it for a reaction, they doing it for sales talk is just denial.


All Star
May 14, 2012
They say god want spirits down here to help us but humans offended them so the spirits went back. Thats the spirits they worship and make sacrifices to in Africa.