So in a marrige men are supposed to pay all the bills?


Barely-Known Member
May 17, 2015
the 254
If yall do go the marriage route, make sure the woman has something to lose. She should already have some education making decent money, and yall should be splitting bills. If you want her to go the homemaker route, make her work her ass off and make that shyt temporary.

You simps letting women be in marriages without sacrificing are in for some shyt

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Its not about the relationship, it’s about the family.

She is supposed to be holding down the house and children.

That’s way more than a full time jobs worth of work.

If she wants to go out, be a career woman, refuse to cook, and doesn’t want children, then yeah she needs to be paying half, but why would you marry someone like that in the first place?

Yeah, but there ARE women that work in good paying careers, pay a good portion of the bills, and do domestic work without complaining :ohhh:

But they are called "pick mes" and you hate them for being level headed :sas2:


Jul 14, 2015
This sounds beautiful. But she can leave u once she gets her masters. The fact that y’all got babies together, however, reduces that possibility.

there are dudes who paid for their woman to go to school and once she finishes, the relationship ends.
Nah fam, once she’s out I’m headed to law school, she was with me while I was getting my bachelors and we just traded and now we are trading back. Once done we are on equal footing education wise. Even after she graduates I’ll still be making twice as much as her if I stay in my current work situation so it wouldn’t be worth it for her to leave. I would take the house (my name and money all on it) and kids from her and that’s not a move she would ever even try to make.

Henny and_ HotWings

A well seasoned nikka
Nov 17, 2017
Bmore stand up!
I don’t agree that the man has to pay 100% of everything


I will say this, IF a woman expects the man to pay for EVERYTHING, then she shouldn’t be allowed to have a job and she should not have access to my bank account either…. She needs to be unemployed and needs to man the house and children and when she needs money, ask me for it and I will retrieve it for her.

She’s not about to be working, earning her own income that she just gets to stack and stack for a rainy day (or divorce) and never has to touch all while having access to all my dollars as well… tf type of bullshyt is that??? That’s beyond retarded…



Dec 2, 2015
I wouldn't marry any woman not willing to financially contribute to the household...

Most women are modern women who want traditional benefits w/o doing their due diligence that warrants said benefits.

Also, not all women is offering children, especially once they reach a certain age.

Also, factor in the high divorce rate and how the courts dogwalk men in court, it isn't a wise choice for someone to shoulder all of the financial load.

Just how I see it...


Theological Noncognitivist Since Birth
Jul 25, 2012
The Wrong Side of the Tracks
My wife and I communicated what our expectations were BEFORE we got married. Only issue we had, early-on, was who'd be responsible for paying the bills. She agreed before we got married that I'd control the money, but, after about a year and a half, she started expressing dissatisfaction with how the money was being used. My solution: made her responsible for paying ALL the bills. After a couple months, the stress overtook her and she begged me to take over.

No disagreements about money after that.

Your experience may differ.​


Sep 23, 2014
Pay all the bills, take you on vacations, out to eat, fancy dates, car note and still have $50k in savings?:mjlol:

And woman are responsible for what?

Real shyt I just saw a chick I follow on IG say the dude is supposed to pay the Bill's and if he doesn't then she'll keep her lady parts to herself. :francis:
You looking at this all wrong. The more you handle the better the stability of the family and if you and her split up you're good financially because you wasn't depending on your wife to pay half. Not to mention the money management problems women have I swear to God when I was a young nikka and needed my bytch to pay half I was thinking shyt was sweet until we split up and she she was behind on everything. Never again. Dont depend on her paying bills :usure:


May 2, 2012
You’re joking but some people do that too.

It’s better for the kids to have one parent at home, especially when they’re in their formative years.

Couldn’t imagine a stranger pretty much raising my child.
It's something we'll clown on but I don't think the husband raising the kids would be an awful idea.

Men are supposedly more disciplined with their children, I think it would be interesting to see what would happen with a generation raised by fathers.


Feb 12, 2015
I feel like this is gender trauma bonding fodder. People sensationalize horrible aspects of different types of relationships to justify their own romantic status. Married people will talk trash about single people and how awful it must be and how lonely it must be.

So this is the single version.
But life is what you make it…soooooo….what’s up with all these fear street chronicles. Even I had to talk myself down off a ledge b/c sometimes when I look at marriage as a female all I see is a trap and sacrifice and stress.

But you control your life so why not just make the marriage you want?

If you want a traditional marriage (which is misunderstood in many cases anyway), then man foots all the bills, brings that check home to wifey in exchange for having to do not much of anything else beyond, hold down a job, play with the kids, and grab the shotgun if a home invasion happens.
And you go into that arrangement understanding that the woman is more vulnerable b:c she could be put out with her babies at anytime if you decide to leave or dip out with side p*ssy. So her vulnerability makes her a.) stash some money bavk for herself to ensure she has a plan b if you decide to bounce and b.) laws are set up to help with that transition if it occurs.

But that’s the risk you take if you want 100% control in a relationship as head of the household.

But if you want a more progressive marriage, then both of ya’ll work. You both contribute equitably to household responsibilities and child care. You both pool money for the good of the family and you work together as a unit for the good of everyone. No one is more important than the other and both parties are equally respected. The power dynamic is equitable so the expectation is that all parties involved are contributing financially and in as many ways as can be reasonably expected to. But in this dynamic you get less room to play b/c both of you are bringing something economically tangible to the table.

This isn’t better than the traditional way and vice versa. It’s just an option.

But what won’t work is one person giving more than the other, but still feeling entitled to benefits of both structures. Relationships aren’t about controlling or getting over on someone. Or power plays. It’s about two parties getting together b/c the lives they wish to build will be better if they build together.

But mentally ill people with validation issues, deficit mindsets, and power hungry individuals look at marriage as a power play instead of an opportunity for positive growth.


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
It's something we'll clown on but I don't think the husband raising the kids would be an awful idea.

Men are supposedly more disciplined with their children, I think it would be interesting to see what would happen with a generation raised by fathers.
At a certain age the father needs to step in and lay down laws and encourage the child in the right direction.


Son of the Robot
Oct 16, 2015
A Villa Straylight.
I feel like this is gender trauma bonding fodder. People sensationalize horrible aspects of different types of relationships to justify their own romantic status. Married people will talk trash about single people and how awful it must be and how lonely it must be.

So this is the single version.
But life is what you make it…soooooo….what’s up with all these fear street chronicles. Even I had to talk myself down off a ledge b/c sometimes when I look at marriage as a female all I see is a trap and sacrifice and stress.

But you control your life so why not just make the marriage you want?

If you want a traditional marriage (which is misunderstood in many cases anyway), then man foots all the bills, brings that check home to wifey in exchange for having to do not much of anything else beyond, hold down a job, play with the kids, and grab the shotgun if a home invasion happens.
And you go into that arrangement understanding that the woman is more vulnerable b:c she could be put out with her babies at anytime if you decide to leave or dip out with side p*ssy. So her vulnerability makes her a.) stash some money bavk for herself to ensure she has a plan b if you decide to bounce and b.) laws are set up to help with that transition if it occurs.

But that’s the risk you take if you want 100% control in a relationship as head of the household.

But if you want a more progressive marriage, then both of ya’ll work. You both contribute equitably to household responsibilities and child care. You both pool money for the good of the family and you work together as a unit for the good of everyone. No one is more important than the other and both parties are equally respected. The power dynamic is equitable so the expectation is that all parties involved are contributing financially and in as many ways as can be reasonably expected to. But in this dynamic you get less room to play b/c both of you are bringing something economically tangible to the table.

This isn’t better than the traditional way and vice versa. It’s just an option.

But what won’t work is one person giving more than the other, but still feeling entitled to benefits of both structures. Relationships aren’t about controlling or getting over on someone. Or power plays. It’s about two parties getting together b/c the lives they wish to build will be better if they build together.

But mentally ill people with validation issues, deficit mindsets, and power hungry individuals look at marriage as a power play instead of an opportunity for positive growth.
Fear is the oldest human emotion. This thread is based on fear of being used. Not hard to understand.

To your point I don't think men or women will see it from each others point of view ever in totality, trying to find the best partner is all you can do and really hope that their wills are stronger than outside forces and wicked inclinations.