I was on a site trying to make a point about how i hope The New Era gives a shot towards black wrestlers like Jason Jordan, Rich Swann, Moose, Apollo Crews. I said atleast one of these guys should be WWE Champion (not World Champion) in the next 5 years.
you already know how the convo went.It was alot more but it basically went like this...
I mentioned how
Jay Lethal should come in WWE and be NXT champion once the brand split raids the current talent they have.
Cacs said "no why? let the best wrestlers be champion"
Im like "Wrestling is fake, Jay Lethal has proved his worth, if they can just hand Finn the title on a silver platter, lets see what Jay Lethal can do on a low level
cacs said "but but but Big E was NXT champion so WWE isnt being prejudiced
I said "yeah, when no one was really watching it like that

I want to see a black guy come in with all these indy darlings and be NXT champion in 2016-2017.
cacs said "but what about Ron Simmons? he was champ and the Rock? I dont want to hear that noise. Blacks always crying racism"
i said "WWE acknowledges black history month each year with the same old recycled ass videos of Ernie Ladd, Rocky Johnson, and Ron Simmons, and it will stay that way for the next 10 years" I told them I just want my kid to see WWE and say "one day ill grow up and be WWE champion" and i want to tell him/her that its possible but its not when closet racist cacs like Dok Hendrix wont let a talented black man or woman shine (Naomi still aint been Divas/Womens champ)
cacs said "we have a racist in here guys, they all agreed and banned me"