So i found a coli brehette on tinder.


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013

You're on a dating site while you're in a relationship, that is the definition of leading someone on :dead: The dudes on there are not there to network, they are there to fukk, period. There's probably 3 non-gay dudes on that entire service right now interested in being just friends with a woman, we really acting like Linkedin doesn't exist, word?

That's like a dude hitting up backpage hoes to do their taxes or some shyt, it makes zero logical sense. Muthafukka, why didn't you just go to H & R block or get turbo tax? Try explaining that to your woman "But baby, she's good with math"
I WROTE ON THERE THAT I AM NOT LOOKING FOR THAT. How much more direct can I be? If they're assuming that maybe I'm frontin' or just saying that, that's on them, not me. My intentions are clear as day.

He has nothing to worry about. I'm crazy about him. I don't give a shyt about some stupid optics...that's exactly what it all comes down to. I know how it is and where my loyalty is.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?


So why are you on a dating app? You have offered zero rational explanation as to why a dating app is better for networking than a site designed for networking :dead: What you write down is irrelevant, because 99.99999% of the men on there want to fukk and you're taking advantage of that in some way :yeshrug:

He has nothing to worry about. I'm crazy about him. I don't give a shyt about some stupid optics...that's exactly what it all comes down to. I know how it is and where my loyalty is.


Ghostface Trillah

God-level poster
May 5, 2012
Mt. Olympus
I got no issue with this chick but lets keep it 1000 right now.

If i'm talking to/serious with a chick and i see any kind of dating/hookup app on her phone or an active profile. I'm going to stop investing in the relationship wholeheartedly and start "networking" too and make some "connections" my damn self...but that's just me. I don't give a fukk if you are the creator of the app. Call it what you want so you can sleep easy at night but it looks like you're keeping your options open.

You're asking your man to trust you while you scroll through and get contacted by his possible replacements on a site for hooking up on a daily basis. I don't know which one of you is the bigger fool.
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Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013

So why are you on a dating app? You have offered zero rational explanation as to why a dating app is better for networking than a site designed for networking :dead: What you write down is irrelevant, because 99.99999% of the men on there want to fukk and you're taking advantage of that in some way :yeshrug:

When and where did I say that it's a BETTER alternative to other networking mediums? I just said that's what I have been using Tinder for. I'm not comparing it to other networking sites...I already said I have LinkedIn as well and I network offline, too, by attending industry events, seminars etc.

It's an easy way to meet people one:one. I also said that I don't use it exclusively for business networking either. I just don't use it for dating or hook-ups (which is what most people use it for and what it's intended for..hence, me saying I get that and why you guys are all "wtf bytch please"). I've talked to people on there platonically (both male and female) who happen to be from my city and who have similar interests as me, or we happen to have several mutual fb shows you any mutual friends, interests/likes etc because it directly copies the info from your facebook.

I keep getting asked the same questions and I feel like I'm repeating myself. If it doesn't make sense to you guys then that's fine...just leave it alone then.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
When and where did I say that it's a BETTER alternative to other networking mediums? I just said that's what I have been using Tinder for. I'm not comparing it to other networking sites...I already said I have LinkedIn as well and I network offline, too, by attending industry events, seminars etc.

You don't need to say it, the fact that you're trying to push it as some "networking" site is utterly ridiculous, the only thing it's networking is sexual organs. Like I said, this is like a dude hitting up the backpages for hookers to do his taxes, I mean yeah you can use them like that but nobody with any sense will believe that's all you're using it for.

It's an easy way to meet people one:one. I also said that I don't use it exclusively for business networking either. I just don't use it for dating or hook-ups (which is what most people use it for and what it's intended for..hence, me saying I get that and why you guys are all "wtf bytch please"). I've talked to people on there platonically (both male and female) who happen to be from my city and who have similar interests as me, or we happen to have several mutual fb shows you any mutual friends, interests/likes etc because it directly copies the info from your facebook.

Spare me the nonsense, you're insulting everyone's intelligence with this that's why everyone is hitting you with the :camby: Again, it's a dating app, that is what it's intended for and that is what the vast majority of people are using it for.

I keep getting asked the same questions and I feel like I'm repeating myself. If it doesn't make sense to you guys then that's fine...just leave it alone then.

You're repeating yourself because people aren't sure if you're trolling or not at this point :yeshrug: You just keep saying networking over and over again, it's like when those tech companies just repeat the word "Synergy" about everything. You're talking to dudes that want to fukk you, and you're only "networking" with dudes that aren't ugly and I bet you don't have a single pic with your boyfriend on there, cause you know that shyt would make the dudes scatter :camby:

White women yall, white women. And the other women on here ain't :cape: cause they know they'd be at their guys neck if they were on Tinder to "network"


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
You don't need to say it, the fact that you're trying to push it as some "networking" site is utterly ridiculous, the only thing it's networking is sexual organs. Like I said, this is like a dude hitting up the backpages for hookers to do his taxes, I mean yeah you can use them like that but nobody with any sense will believe that's all you're using it for.

Spare me the nonsense, you're insulting everyone's intelligence with this that's why everyone is hitting you with the :camby: Again, it's a dating app, that is what it's intended for and that is what the vast majority of people are using it for.

You're repeating yourself because people aren't sure if you're trolling or not at this point :yeshrug: You just keep saying networking over and over again, it's like when those tech companies just repeat the word "Synergy" about everything. You're talking to dudes that want to fukk you, and you're only "networking" with dudes that aren't ugly and I bet you don't have a single pic with your boyfriend on there, cause you know that shyt would make the dudes scatter :camby:

White women yall, white women.
White women what? Spare me with that. I am very good to this man and will continue to be. If not, he wouldn't be around. fukk the bullshyt optics and opinions of Coli strangers, most of who are too intimidated to share a pic of think you are spitting knowledge to me with this post? Or that I'll all of a sudden realize "Oh maybe I shouldn't do this then" because of random opinions from people? If I were doing anything wrong or cared, I just wouldn't be doing it or coming into this thread. I'd avoid it, deny it or all that stuff that intimidated people do. Like I said, if something ever becomes an issue in my relationship (or any aspect in my life) that's a different story. If it's not an issue for the people LIVING it, then why do you have such a strong opinion on it?

"it's a dating app, that is what it's intended for and that is what the vast majority of people are using it for." Who's arguing with this? I'm just speaking on myself, not the "vast majority." It works for me for what I need it to work for. I'm not like you guys, concerning myself with what other people are doing. I'm not here telling you "you have to try Tinder for networking, it's great!"

I don't put pics of us in general on social media. Do you have a pic of yourself and your so on Linkedin or FB or Coli? It's YOUR account, not a "his and hers" account. We have mutual friends and then I have my friends and he has his. He has his career, I have mine. Not everyone needs access to my private life like that.

What do you really think is important to me? Coli opinions? The majority vote? Optics? This is entertainment to me, like most of you guys. My man, career, family, friends...that's what I put my energy towards...not how I look to a bunch of people who are overreacting over something that holds no weight in their life.

I'm happy, he's happy. You're happy, your girl is happy - what's the problem? :manny:


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
Well, at least most of the women on here are smart enough to worry about their relationships only :smile: as it should be.


All Star
May 27, 2014
I knew two girls who networked on dating sites. But they were webcam models/escorting.

That's the only kind of networking a woman can do on a hookup website. Otherwise you're just trying to justify swimming through a lake of temptation everyday. And if you are on a hookup site to do anything but hookup then you might as well be a spam bot. Pump faking on a hookup website can't really be worth the trouble unless you really love the attention


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
White women what? Spare me with that. I am very good to this man and will continue to be. If not, he wouldn't be around. fukk the bullshyt optics and opinions of Coli strangers, most of who are too intimidated to share a pic of think you are spitting knowledge to me with this post? Or that I'll all of a sudden realize "Oh maybe I shouldn't do this then" because of random opinions from people? If I were doing anything wrong or cared, I just wouldn't be doing it or coming into this thread. I'd avoid it, deny it or all that stuff that intimidated people do. Like I said, if something ever becomes an issue in my relationship (or any aspect in my life) that's a different story. If it's not an issue for the people LIVING it, then why do you have such a strong opinion on it?

That's a lot of question marks, it's a dating app, period :russ: Only white women do this kind of shyt, that's why there ain't another female on here co-signing this shyt cause they know it would be grounds for bushes statues if their man did it or they did it.

"it's a dating app, that is what it's intended for and that is what the vast majority of people are using it for." Who's arguing with this? I'm just speaking on myself, not the "vast majority." It works for me for what I need it to work for. I'm not like you guys, concerning myself with what other people are doing. I'm not here telling you "you have to try Tinder for networking, it's great!"
:camby: This is where I can't even tell if you're trolling or not, again you're not "networking" with ugly dudes are you? That speaks volumes, you got full body pics of yourself without your man anywhere in sight, that says enough.

I don't put pics of us in general on social media. Do you have a pic of yourself and your so on Linkedin or FB or Coli? It's YOUR account, not a "his and hers" account. We have mutual friends and then I have my friends and he has his. He has his career, I have mine.

I don't have instagram, linkedin, FB or twitter, I do have Google+ as does she, and we have pictures of us together...... because why wouldn't I? The only reason you'd hide your significant other on "social media" is cause the audience you're putting it up for wont like it. I'm willing to bet you have hundreds of pics on instagram, including your family and friends yet not your man, because mostly dudes follow you and they'd click that unfollow in a second :russ:

What do you really think is important to me? Coli opinions? The majority vote? Optics? This is entertainment to me, like most of you guys. My man, career, family, friends...that's what I put my energy towards...not how I look to a bunch of people who are overreacting over something that holds no weight in their life.

I'm happy, he's happy. You're happy, your girl is happy - what's the problem? :manny:

You have tinder it's more than entertainment to you because you're actively meeting people off the app :dead:. I haven't met anyone from this site and I'm not trying to meet anyone from here or Tinder, Instagram, twitter etc. Why do you keep saying optics, is that some Tinder slang, I'm not up on that :mjpls: