So i found a coli brehette on tinder.


God forgives, you are forgiven.
Aug 19, 2014
Bay area
It would have been better for her to have just kept it movin than to come post in here where her terrible logic and reasoning would easily get picked apart. For shame. I won't judge her bf though if he doesn't care that she's on tinder. I know i wouldn't care if my current s/o was on there, but that's because I'm doing the same or worse. I mean no diss but she does look every bit of 30+ , those women really don't know how to act when they are still unmarried.


Action expresses priorities
Aug 27, 2013
That's a lot of question marks, it's a dating app, period :russ: Only white women do this kind of shyt, that's why there ain't another female on here co-signing this shyt cause they know it would be grounds for bushes statues if their man did it or they did it.

They don't need to cosign it. I'm not cosigning their relationships.

:camby: This is where I can't even tell if you're trolling or not, again you're not "networking" with ugly dudes are you? That speaks volumes, you got full body pics of yourself without your man anywhere in site, that says enough.

And again, I'm repeating myself because this was already asked. Males AND females. AND I already answered that I don't find all the males handsome & the ones that are just are & same for the girls. I'm not looking at them in a "romantic" way like that. I connect based on interests, mutual friends, and when it comes to "looks" meaning they look like someone I'd want to know. You guys are asking me the same questions looking for different answers or something.

I don't have instagram, linkedin, FB or twitter, I do have Google+ as does she, and we have pictures of us together...... because why wouldn't I? The only reason you'd hide your significant other on "social media" is cause the audience you're putting it up for wont like it. I'm willing to bet you have hundreds of pics on instagram, including your family and friends yet not your man, because mostly dudes follow you and they'd click that unfollow in a second :russ:

People aren't nosey when it comes to your family or friends. As soon as you put your s.o. up, they start snooping more. I don't need all that. My close friends know him and his close friends know me. The rest don't need to be in my business. Do you realize how many times I've been asked on this site alone what his race is? Who cares! No one asks me what my friends' race is lol but as soon as it has to do with a person you're dating, people have inquiring minds.

You have tinder it's more than entertainment to you because you're actively meeting people off the app :dead:. I haven't met anyone from this site and I'm not trying to meet anyone from here or Tinder, Instagram, twitter etc. Why do you keep saying optics, is that some Tinder slang, I'm not up on that

And that works for you. I just secured a National TV spot for one of my clients in February by pitching one of the producers who I met at an industry event a few years's a small world. The people I met her through, I initially met online & invited them to a Film Festival event I was helping to plan, they came, brought this chick as a guest, connection made. Like I said, just leave it at you having your personal opinion and me doing me. I say optics because your opinions are based on how you perceive something, not for what it actually is. I GET IT. I understand why you have this opinion, but I don't care because it really doesn't pertain to anything of relevance when it comes to my life.


Nov 30, 2013
I abSOlutely love sites like tinder because it's where two people meet to FUKK. The only types of females looking for relationships on those sites are either NERDS, or fukking REBOUND chicks...most females are on their for attention and it takes 4-5 back and forth messages to get the number and get fukked. But that's behind the scenes. Of...COURSE on a public FORUM like this one, a female will TRY to SAVE face and pretend like there is a LOGICAL explanaition for this type of behavior (not saying it's bad behavior) but in FACTUAL REALITY...lets be HONEST, females are as LAZY as men nowadays and JUST want an ARM around them at NIGHT whether it's their BOYFRIEND or NOT.


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Reminds me of a quote I read
A woman can tell you she loves you more than anything..while walking out the door with her new boyfriend she left you for and deep down she believes what she says .

The scary thing is she doesn't see the danger most affairs start as friends, innocent encounters.

You have a fight with your partner or he goes away for a month . You "network" with someone and you feel "chemistry" you never felt before :sas2:

:mjlol: Don't know what's worse... the naivety or just straight up bullshyting.

And they wonder why songs like "loyal" get made lol.