That shyt irked me. Had the original Parallax saga and liked that Kyle Rayner was the bad guy.
Then they p*ssy out.
Comics are wish fulfillment for little boys(not ragging on people who read them, I do myself) so they're never gonna commit to something like that.
Its the same reason why Barry Allen is back after spending like 20 years dead.
Wally was the guy who built out the flash and his rogues and sold the most comics but a big writer wanted the flash of his childhood back.
So Wally got tossed and boring Barry came back.
Same thing with Hal Jordan and Kyle Rayner.
Kyle really made the Lantern sagas shine and sold the most comics but Jordan was the favorite of the same guy I referenced above so they brought him back as the main lantern and handwaved all his crimes.
The author above is literally the comics version of Maga and its boring.