2021 Grammy Award Winner
seemed like he was warning vader during their fight that killing him would martyrize him. can you show any example of obi wans martyrdom doing something that couldnt have been accomplished if he was alive
see, that's the thing, i don't think he was hinting at martyrdom. i think he was hinting at simply transferring between realms. by vader "killing" him, it only made it easier for him to do what he needed to do. he didn't have to physically be around anymore to train luke or guide him and he wasn't limited by his physical abilities (or disabilities) once he became one with the force. the whole idea was that vader couldn't win simply by killing him, it would only allow him to be more power than before thus making it easier to accomplish what he was setting out to do (train luke). i mean, what do you think is more convincing a voice and ghost like figure telling you what to do or a regular old person? he could be with luke whenever he wanted to (needed to) at the level he went to...