Lying and being a Pander Bear is not respecting their intelligence.I think it’s good he got skinny and still found it possible to respect women. Most men can’t balance that. Good for him!!!
that nikka aint a simpWent from a fat simp to a fit simp
But when I told the Coli that “game” was nothing more than lying in a way that sounds good.....But not their vagina, so that’s a good start. All women want is a man that “gets it”, even if he’s lying.He has a good hustle for himself being ripped and respectful of women. I’ll take it.
I didn't say they care about dikk. I said that they feel valued by how much someone wants to put their dikk in them. Essentially what you just said.Lol.
It's not the dyck
It's the money and attention
All women want is a man that “gets it”, even if he’s lying.
As long as this gentleman and other men are catering to women and putting them above their own needs, that is all that matters.
who tf is that ?
As long as this gentleman and other men are catering to women and putting them above their own needs, that is all that matters.
But not their vagina, so that’s a good start. All women want is a man that “gets it”, even if he’s lying.He has a good hustle for himself being ripped and respectful of women. I’ll take it.
I think it’s good he got skinny and still found it possible to respect women. Most men can’t balance that. Good for him!!!
Only the ones they want to fukk. Derrick makes us all feel special and valued. Bless his hustle!!! It’s refreshing.
A lot of the women see him for the fraud he is..
He makes a certain demographic of women feel special and valued..
This didn’t age well lmaooooOnly the ones they want to fukk. Derrick makes us all feel special and valued. Bless his hustle!!! It’s refreshing.