So @chris.b....lets discuss your fraudulent behavior


Jun 20, 2013
I'm not riding with anyone but myself.

There's nothing that has been exchanged between him and I that either of us take seriously.

I've never defended what he's said about black women just like I wouldn't defend what someone says negatively about white women (or all women or any particular groups of people in general).

I can understand what you're getting at, but perception isn't always reality...especially since this entire perception is based on HIS actions and the fact that I still choose to joke around with him. That doesn't mean that I don't have my individual opinions and that I roll with everything a person says.

Know that my intention to joke around with people has never been with the intent to "piss" other people off. I just take things lightly, in if he's friendly with me, I'm friendly with him. That goes for anyone on here. I really don't have it in me to get so emotionally invested or take things to heart on a forum site because none of us really know one another in reality.

Its sad how naive you are.

Youve befriended a black women hater and see absolutely no problem with why you get shyt for it, not to mention you being a white women and constantly feeding into the attention he feeds you public ally as an attempt of his to piss off the black women posters is embarrassing.. youre aware of this.. and play along. Youre not stupid.. then you try and act all slick retorting back to your oh so typical and predictable "but i have no problems with anyone.. come on guys, stop judging"

fukk outta here you phony transparent bytch:camby:
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Ricky Church

Stole Timberlake's Spaceship-Coupe
May 9, 2012
Hudson County N.J. [Jersey City 201]
Ur acting like a bird brain....

So if a poster who incessantly advocated sex w/ children on the daily started flirting with you, you would have the same dismissive, "well thats his business, I still like him because he's nice to me" tone? Of course not. You are permissive of his nasty, disgusting, racist behavior because you dont see a problem with it. Deflecting is a passive aggressive way to show solidarity with his fukked up activity. If you didnt like racism against black people, then you wouldnt like someone who constantly promotes it. You're free to like or dislike whomever, but dont insult anyone's intelligence by not copping to the implications of your actions --- no matter how indirect they may seem.
don't waste your breath.

Rusty Kuntz

It be ya own peoples, huh?
Nov 13, 2012
Myself. fukk 12(1)!
Is he not black? Why would he hate black people and how is he racist? If someone's trolling and joking around I certainly wouldn't take it seriously. I honestly think he is just trying to get a reaction and people give into it. To answer your question more directly: if I believed there is legitimate hate then no, I wouldn't be cool with it. Even if something is perceived as a joke that still doesn't mean I share the same views either.
Be deliberately obtuse, brehs and brehettes :pachaha:


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012
what am i suppose to see by looking at my avi besides a sexy demi gawd that fukks hella smutts?? and you know why that thread was made right, cuz just like you he thought he would rock with me and got his feelings hurt :banderas:

but yeah :umad:
Your hypertension, elevated blood pressure and heart disease brought on by that ultra high lipid flow and peaking hdls is really fukking your brain up. The vote in the char thread was a landslide against you and your inflated jowls barely fit in your avi pic breh. If you don't want to talk about it any more that's one thing but denial is a mfr :manny:

Elle Driver

Aug 9, 2013
At the beginning of mean streets
Ur acting like a bird brain....

So if a poster who incessantly advocated sex w/ children on the daily started flirting with you, you would have the same dismissive, "well thats his business, I still like him because he's nice to me" tone? Of course not. You are permissive of his nasty, disgusting, racist behavior because you dont see a problem with it. Deflecting is a passive aggressive way to show solidarity with his fukked up activity. If you didnt like racism against black people, then you wouldnt like someone who constantly promotes it. You're free to like or dislike whomever, but dont insult anyone's intelligence by not copping to the implications of your actions --- no matter how indirect they may seem.

This mirrors the situation with the white women bashing thread and I just let it go. nikkas tried to flip it out on me because I pointed out the passive aggressive jabs and the fact that a white women bashing thread is nowhere near the amount of Eurocentric bullshyt standards black women are faced with every day. And if it's a nikka that's saying black women are goddesses, then I'ma ride with it. Black woman is god, that's why my late father taught me, so if a white chick feels insulted by it who am I to care lol :ld: I don't expect a white person to speak out against blatant racism. It's the same online as it is offline as long as their lives aren't affected, they're comfortable in their privileged bubble. She has that typical as long as he's not insulting me why should I care attitude, now she's saying he can't be racist cause he's black himself lol. As if internalized racism doesn't exist. I'm so done with this shyt, it's gon keep circlin with no real answers just kikis and teehees.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Is he not black? Why would he hate black people and how is he racist? If someone's trolling and joking around I certainly wouldn't take it seriously. I honestly think he is just trying to get a reaction and people give into it. To answer your question more directly: if I believed there is legitimate hate then no, I wouldn't be cool with it. Even if something is perceived as a joke that still doesn't mean I share the same views either.

Being black is a social construct....its not hard wired reality genetic determinant that automatically controls one's behavior and disposition. Sorry mamm, we all dont think alike contrary to popular belief. One can certainly hate black people and be "black" themselves. What precludes one from doing such? Sht, there is dna evidence that Hitler may have been jewish, and that didnt stop him from wiping out 6 million of "his people"

Who gives a fukk whether he's trolling or joking. Its one thing to tell a joke or two, but the stupid b*stard devotes day in and day out to viciously attacking black women. Again, if someone spend every day joking and celebrating child porn, would you still like them, and make silly excuses?