Its hard bruh, I was on some playa shyt until I was about 26, 27. The routine was just getting old, running game until a chick lets me bone, putting her on the roster, coming thourhg on late nights and knocking her down for about 4-6 months. Once she starts talking about a relationship throw her in the bushes and find a new prospect.
Other than getting the p*ssy itself there really isn't alot of benefits, too much lying, spreading myself too thin...
I always felt like I was already "Boyfriend Material" I mean I had my own place, car, Job, manage my funds well and all that stuff they like, My only thing is I just had a bunch hoes. Once I left the hoes behind and got focused the rest was easy..
Afterwards, I realized how much time I had wasted trying to knock down hoes, time on the phone, going to see them, going out, all that shyt. If you spend that time improving yourself, it won't be hard to become "boyfriend material"
The frist step and the hardest, it to quit lying to these hoes. I mean totally. I didn't even realize how naturally I used to to lie to females about the small shyt that didn't even matter. Its true that the truth hurts but it prevents more drama in the long run