Actually, King Tut has West African DNA and so does Ramses III and a few other pharaohs.They weren't your ancestors so why does it matter?
Actually, King Tut has West African DNA and so does Ramses III and a few other pharaohs.They weren't your ancestors so why does it matter?
Arabs didn't invade until 600 AD. Egypt stood multiple millennia before that. Now if you want to talk about Berbers and Eurasians then you have a case but that was still a couple millennia down the line. Definitely not when Imhotep devised the Great pyramids. Only the nobility really married outsiders to create alliances but the commoners mostl likely weren't mixing.
Actually, King Tut has West African DNA and so does Ramses III and a few other pharaohs.
All these great kingdoms and yall wanna keep talking about this one solely?
I really wish I knew more about Zimbabwe
can't find shyt on it
I take bakk typing "arabs"
those humans that lived to the west and north of egypt by the red sea were migrating to the nile.
is that better?
Moses freed the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt... so you cant say that at THAT time, egypt rule was mainly african.
it wasnt
egypt blood is mixed. but didnt start that way
I really wish I knew more about Zimbabwe
can't find shyt on it
Their blood migrated to the nile![]()
Moses freed the Hebrew slaves out of Egypt... so you cant say that at THAT time, egypt rule was mainly african.
it wasnt
egypt blood is mixed. but didnt start that way
One of the biggest monuments and man made creations is there.
All these great kingdoms and yall wanna keep talking about this one solely?
It is different when White people do it because they also talk about Britain, France, Persia, Vikings, Spain, USSR, Napoleon, the Czars, Hitler, George Washington just as much as they do Hellenistic era rule, if not more. And no, Nubia/Ethiopia was not in anyway or form fukking with Mali or Ghana. You sound like a walking cliche right about now.
Berbers and Blacks? You mean the same people that are still there now
These people
@ you thinking that was a true story. There is no scientific evidence for any of the events that occurred in Exodus. Even the later Egyptian dynasties had prominent Black blood, Cleopatra's mom was fully Sub-Saharan African.
yeah, but I wanna know about the social lifethe kings/queens
etc etc.
@ believing that piece of shyt fan fiction book. Dear god you religious nuts jobs are![]()