Oh and can't forget "we aren't diverse"

Dude was mad that some of us weren't feeling this Star Wars sh!t and fkd around and lost his cool and showed his true colors/thoughts about all Black people:
According to him, if you're not interested in Star Wars that means we're now stuck in the 50s
Clearly can see the depths of c00nery witch which he is coming from now, and where this convo was doomed to be headed
"Typical n!gga" ? Who says that
Think you're above, better, different than other Black people just because you like Star Wars brehs

Funny how ppl expose themselves. What started off as just simple jokes lead to this n!gga losing his cool and showing his true colors
EDIT EXLUSIVE!! Now you can tell @Nelomaxwell exactly how you feel about being a "typical n!gga", here -