Yep. If Nazi Germany never attacked the UK and invaded Russia in the early spring....well.....the world would have been a lot different. The Jews outside of American soil would have been wiped out, Europe would have been speaking German outside of England and Switzerland, and they would have nukes to wipe out "undesirable" cultures around the world.
Germans didn't create nukes due to Deutsche Physik
"Effect on the German nuclear program[edit]
It is occasionally put forth[12] that there is a great irony in the Nazis' labeling modern physics as "Jewish science", since it was exactly modern physics—and the work of many European exiles—which was used to create the atomic bomb. Even if the German government had not embraced Lenard and Stark's ideas, the German antisemitic agenda was enough by itself to destroy the Jewish scientific community in Germany. Furthermore, the German nuclear weapons program was never pursued with anywhere near the vigor of the Manhattan Project in the United States, and for that reason would likely not have succeeded in any case.[13] The movement did not actually go as far as preventing the nuclear energy scientists from using quantum mechanics and relativity,[14] but the education of young scientists and engineers suffered, not only from the loss of the Jewish scientists but also from political appointments and other interference. In 1938, Himmler wrote to Heisenberg that he could discuss modern physics but not mention Jewish scientists such as Bohr and Einstein in connection with it.[15]"
Deutsche Physik - Wikipedia