Here's a link to the pics of my Auschwitz tour.
Yep it was so cold blooded that America cut deals with certain countries. They made deal with Italy saying if you don't go communist we will help you rebuild your farming and manufactuing.
Italy doesn't go communist and the US literally shipped factory machines from detroit to help the Italian company Fiat get back off the ground.
Its amazing because right when germay fell Russia, US and Britian began to break up europe. Stalin lied and said he would give certain countries back. They even wrote on paper how the countries would be broken up into territories. I think stalin asked Roosevelt what he wanted to do with the paper and they decided just to leave it there or some shyt. Also this was the actual begining of the United Nations.
Roosevelt dies from a brain hemorrhage soon after and fat boy and little boy are dropped on Japan.
LOL. ARs can't do shyt to F35s. Only thing stopping America from becoming Nazi Germany is that our Hitler hasn't risen yet
I think you meant a 2 front war?
Anyway, to your points;
Holding off on N. Africa means starving Germany of precious fuel to literally keep the war going. Thy were in N. Africa for a reason.
Japan arguably should have held off on attacking America until...fukking never!
Admiral Yamamoto said it best "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve."
The Japanese knew that our manufacturing capacity was something they could not overcome but even then,
they grossly underestimated America's ability to pump out Aircraft carriers non stop.
Now, let's say that Germany runs the table in Europe.
Now they are an occupying force over the Entire continent *cough* without N. African fuel *cough*
shyt on the French if you want but there was a resistance force there.
Warsaw, Poland...those fukkers fought to the death in their homes.
They took tank rounds to their homes.
This would happen all over Europe.
Stalingrad much, breh? Seriously, look into what it took to lay siege to that city and they never even took it.
Lol...holy shyt, I just got to the part about Germany taking over S. America!!!
I thought I was high.
wtf you smoking negro?
We are saying the same thing. If he wanted world dominance he could’ve done it just at a much slower pace. Once you have west Europe, take Africa and the Middle East you’ll need Japan to take over the whole East and then go after Russia. Once that’s done head to South America which would be East money and leave Britain and the US last which would be your hardest battles. You isolate both, wait them out for a while, take Britain first, then with the US having zero trade partners and allies wage a holy war that probably lasts 10 years but ultimately the Germans would win it I think (especially if there’s nukes involved).
NukesThe second Germany (controlling all of mainland Europe) and Japan (assumption is they have conquered China) make a move on Russia in this scenario, why world the US wait when the logical conclusion is that they would be next? In this scenario, you would probably get an alliance between Britain, US and Russia, and still doesn't seem to be any way that Germany or Japan could take Russia. Its just too big and they got too much going on up there. Plus not to mention that your scenario means an expanded war for decades which would mean Stalin and who comes next wouldn't be spending that time twiddling their thumbs. They would be strengthening the Russian military and exponentially increasing production of war machines
I'm going to sound crazy....
Hitlers purpose wasnt to win IMO, and the Nazis were created to terrorize Europe.
also thisYeah I read that before. Its amazing the amount of US companies and their subsidiaries who assisted to rebuild Hitlers military before the start of the war. Everyone knows about IBM, but very few know about GM and Ford were building trucks and tanks for nazis germany. Or the fact that dupont, bayer and standard oil, plus tons other american companies assisted germany in rearmamant after WW1 and during WW2.
Folks still say that the IG Farben building wasn't bombed cause the US government would have had to cough up money to Dupont and Bayer after the war. Which they did supposedly have to cough up to Ford.
The History Channel was created in 1995 by Hearst/Disney ABC/NBC joint venture A+E Networks to broadcast documentaries from the Hearst archives, many of which were Nazi propaganda. By 1997 this had expanded into the Nordic and Baltic regions
I'm going to sound crazy....
Hitlers purpose wasnt to win IMO, and the Nazis were created to terrorize Europe.
Disney bought ABC's parent, CIA-linked Capital Cities in 1995, the same year the History Channel launched.
To clarify the timeline further, the History Channel was developed by A&E Networks starting in 1993, while it was owned jointly by Capital Cities/ABC, GE/NBC, and Hearst Communications. It launched 1/1/1995, and CapCities/ABC was bought by Disney in August.
Ordo Ab Chao and the Holy Roman Empire.Interesting. Why though