So all Hitler had to do was not backstab stalin...and london west Europe is his


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Basically due to the cold war and Russia being more agressive with proxy wars. The west decided that one way to slow down russia was to help china become more of an economical power.

So america and europe began doing business with china on a whole different level. Which dealt with them exchanging technology with them in order to off shore work to china. Which in the end how China became the economical power that they are today.

The west thinking was if China became strong it could slow down russian expansion all over asia and europe.

Realize also that Russia and china were on icy terms ever since the death of stalin.

So basically the reason why china is so powerful tiday is because of two events. One their initial tightness with with Russians (especially during the Stalin days) with Russia initailly helping them to lay the ground work for developing their first atomic bomb. (Before they eventual had policy issues which started a dicey relationship Russia and two the west in the 70s opening up trade to them and recognizing then a the true china (while still giving military support to Taiwan).

thank you for that.
repped and dapped.


Jul 14, 2015
I think you meant a 2 front war?

Anyway, to your points;

Holding off on N. Africa means starving Germany of precious fuel to literally keep the war going. Thy were in N. Africa for a reason.

Japan arguably should have held off on attacking America until...fukking never!
Admiral Yamamoto said it best "I fear we have awakened a sleeping giant and filled him with a terrible resolve."
The Japanese knew that our manufacturing capacity was something they could not overcome but even then,
they grossly underestimated America's ability to pump out Aircraft carriers non stop.

Now, let's say that Germany runs the table in Europe.
Now they are an occupying force over the Entire continent *cough* without N. African fuel *cough*
shyt on the French if you want but their was a resistance force there.
Warsaw, Poland...those fukkers fought to the death in their homes.
They took tank rounds to their homes.
This would happen all over Europe.
Stalingrad much, breh?

Lol...holy shyt, I just got to the part about Germany taking over S. America!!!
I thought I was high.
wtf you smoking negro?
Youre still on the advance timeline and not on the slow a methodical approach. If Japan JUST concentrated on the pacific theater they would be fine for a while. Germany heading south to the Middle East gets them all the oil they would ever need until they are ready to head to Africa. The timeline I’m presenting would’ve taken about 30 years of the right moves to even get to just a 1v1 with the US. By then Germany has nukes and the US doesn’t.....
And 3 front ear is what I meant. Japan obviously from the East, Italy teaming up with Germany through the south via Turkey, the Germany vs Russia 1v1 on the west.


cross that bridge
May 5, 2012
Youre still on the advance timeline and not on the slow a methodical approach. If Japan JUST concentrated on the pacific theater they would be fine for a while. Germany heading south to the Middle East gets them all the oil they would ever need until they are ready to head to Africa. The timeline I’m presenting would’ve taken about 30 years of the right moves to even get to just a 1v1 with the US. By then Germany has nukes and the US doesn’t.....
And 3 front ear is what I meant. Japan obviously from the East, Italy teaming up with Germany through the south via Turkey, the Germany vs Russia 1v1 on the west.

Lol at literally moving the goalpost 30 in order to make this fever dream possible.
Take this clown shyt somewhere else...please.

Spatial Paradox

All Star
May 16, 2012
Declaring war on an otherwise uninterested US didn't help either.

They didn't, Japan attacked the US and the US jingoists didn't like that - so they "joined the war" for a bit.

Nazi Germany was being propped up by US corporations - never forget the largest Nazi groups outside of Germany were in the US - w even had national Nazi ceremonies prior to our entrance into the war.

Actually, it was Nazi Germany that formally declared war on the US first and the US reciprocated.

German declaration of war against the United States

That said, I wouldn't say the US was "uninterested" in fighting Germany either. By the time of the attack on Pearl Harbor, the US was "neutral" in name only. If anything, the Roosevelt administration wanted to join the European war because the threat Germany presented to the rest of the world had they achieved their goals. But Roosevelt had gotten re-elected to a third term in office in part by promising to keep the US out of the war. Between that, and the isolationist streak in the American public and in Congress at the time, the administration couldn't get fully involved with the European war.

So the US pushed hard against the definition of "neutrality" in order to support the UK. By the time the attack on Pearl Harbor happened, the US was in an undeclared naval war with Germany. In the months before Pearl Harbor, US Navy destroyers helped escort supply ships to the UK and had "shoot on sight" orders for any German U-Boats they came across. One vessel got torpedoed by a U-boat it was stalking, and another was sunk.

Once the attack on Pearl Harbor happened, Hitler saw it was an opening to formally declare war to take on the US (though they weren't obligated to do so since Japan was the aggressor against the US). They were already trading blows in the Atlantic, the US was pretty openly helping the UK, and he figured the US would be distracted dealing with Japan. And by declaring war on the US first, FDR's administration wouldn't have to worry about guiding public opinion or Congress to support a war against Germany.

Unfortunately for Nazi Germany, they overestimated just how much Japan would keep the UK and the US preoccupied in the Pacific and greatly underestimated America's industrial capabilities.

African Peasant

Oct 18, 2014
Germany lost because of Russia, not Hitler or two fronts war. Germany dedicated 85% of its resources to the eastern front.

The western and southern fronts were basically quiet until 1943. Between 1941 and 1943, it was basically Germany vs the USSR. In 1943, the war was already lost for Germany. The opening of a second front only speeded up the process.

I always found the Nazi Germany era fascinating. Especially trying understand how the fukk did the people of Germany allow Hitler to get away with the shyt that he got away with. I couldn't wrap my mind around it. The conclusion that I came to was very simple - they allowed him to get away with all of it because it fed into the German people's ego and hubris. To me the only difference between Nazi German actions and philosophy and historic America is timing.

People think some how that this can't happen in contemporary America but with the rise of demagogues like Trump and whomever comes after him the possibility is there. I do think that the saving grace for America is the fact that it's not completely homogeneous and that the people can arm themselves. The moment we give up our guns we're food.

The fear of communism and the humiliation of Versailles were among the main fuel of Hitler taking over.


May 18, 2012
The fear of communism and the humiliation of Versailles were among the main fuel of Hitler taking over.

It's historical fiction but I've watched Babylon Berlin and it showed all of that in the cut. No Hitler appearance but it shows Nazis in the background gaining power and influence. It gets to the point where they make a false flag op to frame communists :merchant:


Nov 22, 2016
Had Germany not entered Africa too early, and told Japan to fkn chill for a bit then the US doesn’t enter the war until Germany has all of west Europe on lock. Japan takes over the rest of Asia and Russia then has to fight a 3 front war they can’t win. Germany takes over the entire continent and whatever is left that’s valuable in Africa to then head west to America, I would say there’s a stalemate in that war since America is too tough to defeat if the US is on defense the whole time but that leaves America completely alone as Germany had already taken South America and sits at the Mexican border to wait out an internal collapse as America has no trade partners to buy or sell with.
Canada and Switzerland chill in the cut not dealing with any of this non sense :hubie:

Agreed.......but How would they EVER have gotten England?


Nov 22, 2016
England is an island that isn’t self sufficient. Blockade them and promise the Irish their independence and they’ll tear themselves apart.

The Germans tried that exact thing. Brits were under intense pressure but they managed hold out and then America finally cracked the enigma code and it was over. Germany couldn't stop America from supplying Britain at all anymore after that.

Hitler should have just let England and America cook and settle for conquering mainland Europe. They were shook of him. He had restored German pride by taking France and the smaller countries. Job done. Its like Just chill breh you won.


Jul 14, 2015
The Germans tried that exact thing. Brits were under intense pressure but they managed hold out and then America finally cracked the enigma code and it was over. Germany couldn't stop America from supplying Britain at all anymore after that.

Hitler should have just let England and America cook and settle for conquering mainland Europe. They were shook of him. He had restored German pride by taking France and the smaller countries. Job done. Its like Just chill breh you won.
We are saying the same thing. If he wanted world dominance he could’ve done it just at a much slower pace. Once you have west Europe, take Africa and the Middle East you’ll need Japan to take over the whole East and then go after Russia. Once that’s done head to South America which would be East money and leave Britain and the US last which would be your hardest battles. You isolate both, wait them out for a while, take Britain first, then with the US having zero trade partners and allies wage a holy war that probably lasts 10 years but ultimately the Germans would win it I think (especially if there’s nukes involved).