So all Hitler had to do was not backstab stalin...and london west Europe is his

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
not sure if its been posted but


:mjlol:Look at france scary ass. I cant believe former French african colonies still bend the knee to the french

loyola llothta

Apr 17, 2014
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler – the history of banks who funded Nazis

Professor Antony SuttonIn and his historical book about raising Nazis and Hitler – Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler

Wall Street funded Nazis

Professor Antony SuttonIn his book, Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler, Professor Antony Sutton, author of nineteen books, provides a thoroughly documented account of the role played by Morgan, Rockefeller, General Electric Company, Standard Oil, National City Bank, Chase and Manhattan banks, Kuhn, Loeb and Company, General Motors, Ford, and other industrialists, in helping to finance the Nazis. To prove his point, Professor Sutton provides bank statements, letters from U.S. ambassadors, mainstream media sources, Congressional Records, excerpts from Congressional Investigations, and statements from the Nuremberg trials. Wall Street’s funding of the Nazis is part of authentic history.

Professor Sutton wrote that „General Motors, Ford, General Electric, DuPont,“ and other „U.S. companies intimately involved with the development of Nazi Germany were … controlled by the Wall Street elite,“ such as „the J.P. Morgan firm, the Rockefeller Chase Bank and to a lesser extent the Warburg Manhattan bank.“

„The deal bringing Hitler into the government was cut at the home of banker Baron Kurt von Schroeder on January 4, 1933,“ wrote author Marrs. Other notable figures that are said to have appeared at this meeting include Council on Foreign Relations members John Foster Dulles, and Allen Dulles, of the New York law firm Sullivan and Cromwell, which represented the Schroeder bank. Allen Dulles would eventually become a member the Bilderbergers and director of the CIA.

Zyklon B“Max Warburg,“ stated Marrs, „a major German banker, and his brother Paul Warburg, who had been instrumental in establishing the Federal Reserve System in the United States, were directors of Interssen Gemeinschaft Farben or I.G. Farben, the giant German chemical firm that produced Zyklon B gas used in Nazi extermination camps.“ On the left we see used canisters of the Zyklon B gas found by the allies after WWII. The gas was apparently produced with the full support of American industrialists.

„The financing for Adolph Hitler’s rise to power was handled through the Warburg-controlled Mendelsohn Bank of Amsterdam and later by the J. Henry Schroeder Bank with branches in Frankfurt, London and New York,“ wrote Gary Allen. „Chief legal council to the J. Henry Schroeder Bank was the firm Sullivan and Cromwell whose senior partners included John Foster and Allen Dulles.“

Author James Perloff concurs, and reveals the role that the Council on Foreign Relations played in aiding the Nazis. He states, „In 1939, on the eve of blitzkrieg, the Rockefellers’ Standard Oil of New Jersey sold $20 million in aviation fuel to … I.G. Farben [and] even had an American subsidiary called American I.G.“ Describing the CFR’s connection to the Nazis, he lists the directors of the American I.G. as „ubiquitous Paul Warburg (CFR founder), Henry A. Metz (CFR founder), and Charles E. Mitchell, who joined the CFR in 1923…“

Other U.S. companies which contributed heavily to the Nazi war machine include Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) and Union Banking Corporation (UBC), both of New York. Prescott Bush (grandfather of President George W. Bush) was a partner at BBH and director of UBC. UBC of New York, which was founded and chaired by E. Roland Harriman, is now confirmed to have been a Nazi front company.

In a story called, Bush-Nazi Link Confirmed, on October 10, 2003, The New Hampshire Daily Gazette announced, „After 60 years of inattention and even denial by the U.S. media, newly-uncovered government documents in The National Archives and Library of Congress reveal that Prescott Bush … served as a business partner … for the financial architect of the Nazi war machine from 1926 until 1942.“ A similar article appeared in the London Guardian on September 25, 2004, it was entitled, How Bush’s Grandfather Helped Hitler’s Rise to Power.

„Prescott Sheldon Bush … father of the [former] President George [H. W.] Bush … was a partner in the Wall Street firm of Brown Brothers Harriman for 40 years,“ wrote Professor Marrs. „It was Brown Brothers Harriman that helped to finance … the 1917 communist revolution in Moscow and the rise of Hitler and Nazism, through money made possible by it and the affiliated Guaranty Trust Company.“ Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands who served in an intelligence unit for the German branch of Farben was also a member of the Nazi SS. Bernhard eventually became a founding member of the Bilderbergers.

Death ChamberIn his book, The Rockefeller File, Gary Allen wrote, „The alliance between Nazi Germany and the Rockefellers is truly shocking.“ He explained, „Hitler’s Luftwaffe ran on Standard petrol, and the Rockefellers were partners in I.G. Farben Industries, whose thousands of war products included the poison gas used in Nazi death camps.“ Professor Sutton added, „American I.G. Farben, General Electric, Standard Oil of New Jersey, Ford, and other U.S. firms“ were „directly responsible for bringing the Nazis to power.“ The Russian soldier on the right is standing on top of a death chamber, near the opening from which the gas was dropped.

„German bankers on the Farben Aufsichsrat (the supervisory Board of Directors) [of I.G. Farben] in the late 1920s included the Hamburg banker Max Warburg, whose brother Paul Warburg was a founder of the Federal Reserve System in the Unite States,“ revealed Professor Sutton. „Not coincidentally, Paul Warburg was also on the board of American I.G., Farben’s wholly owned U.S. Subsidiary.“ So what this means is that Paul Warburg aided the Nazis while working for I.G. Farben in the U.S., while his brother helped them while working for the same company in Germany.

„The two largest tank producers in Hitler’s Germany were Opel, a wholly owned subsidiary of General Motors (controlled by the J.P. Morgan firm), and the Ford A.G. subsidiary of the Ford Motor Company of Detroit,“ wrote Professor Sutton. „In brief,“ he affirmed, „American companies associated with the Morgan-Rockefeller international investment bankers … were intimately related to the growth of Nazi Industry.“

HollerithOn March, 29, 2002, The Guardian ran an article entitled, IBM Dealt Directly with Holocaust Organisers. They wrote that, „Newly discovered documents from Hitler’s Germany prove that the computer company IBM directly supplied the Nazis with technology which was used to help transport millions of people to their deaths in the concentration camps at Auschwitz and Treblinka.“ According to this mainstream publication, IBM supplied the Hollerith machines (pictured right) that determined when people would die, according to their weight, height, age, and other attributes.

Hitler & Watson MeetingSimilarly, an article entitled, How IBM Helped Automate the Nazi Death Machine in Poland, appeared in The Village Voice on March 27, 2002, alleging that there was „a strategic business alliance between IBM and the Reich, beginning in the first days of the Hitler regime and continuing right through World War II.“ It continued, „Recently discovered Nazi documents … make clear that IBM’s alliance with the Third Reich went far beyond its German subsidiary. A key factor in the Holocaust in Poland was IBM technology provided directly through … IBM New York, mainly to its headquarters at 590 Madison Avenue.“ Pictured above is a 1937 meeting between Adolph Hitler (left), and the head of IBM, Thomas J. Watson (center).

One excuse used by the industrialists that supported the Nazis, is that they had no idea what was going on. Unveiling this falsehood, Professor Sutton explained, „This financial and technical assistance is referred to as ‘accidental’ or due to the ‘short-sightedness’ of American businessmen.“ However, he stated „the evidence presented … strongly suggests some degree of premeditation on the part of these American financiers.“ He further noted, „The general impression left with the reader by modern historians is that this American technical assistance was accidental and that American industrialists were innocent of wrongdoings.“

StukasThe Kilgore Committee under the United States Senate charged with post World War II investigations concluded that „the United States accidentally played an important role in the technical arming of Germany. … Germans were brought to Detroit [Ford Motor Company] to learn the techniques of specialized production of components, and of straight-line assembly. … The techniques learned in Detroit were eventually used to construct the dive-bombing Stukas.“

To the right we see the German Stukas used during WWII, which were apparently designed with the help of Ford Motor Company. Reportedly, the planes ran on fuel supplied by Rockefeller. The report continued, „At a later period I.G. Farben representatives in this country enabled a stream of German engineers to visit not only plane plants but others of military importance, in which they learned a great deal that was eventually used against the United States.“

Professor Sutton points out, „[The Kilgore Committee] makes it clear that I.G. Farben directors had precise knowledge of the Nazi concentration camps and the use of I.G. chemicals.“ To illustrate his point, he quotes a 1945 interrogation of I.G. Farben director von Schnitzler in which Schnitzler stated, „I was horrified“ that the chemicals were being used in the camps but „kept it to myself because it was too terrible.“ Professor Sutton suggests, „not only was an influential sector of American business aware of the nature of Naziism, but for its own purposes aided Naziism wherever possible“ and „profitable.“ He charges, „The pleas of innocence do not accord with the facts.“

James Stewart Martin investigated the structure of the Nazi industry while working as Chief of the Economic Warfare Section for the Department of Justice. In his book, All Honorable Men, published in 1950, he asserts that American and British businessmen got themselves appointed to key positions in the post-war investigation. Martin concludes that this was a deliberate tactic to divert, stifle and muffle investigation of Nazi industrialists and to hide their own involvement. Regarding this matter Professor Sutton observed, „The evidence suggests there was a concerted effort not only to protect Nazi businessmen, but also to protect the collaborating elements of American and British business.“

Referring to the Kilgore Committee in 1946, Professor Sutton wrote, „Accordingly, it is not at all difficult to visualize why Nazi industrialists were puzzled by ‘investigations’ and assumed at the end of the war that their Wall Street friends would bail them out and protect them from the wrath of those who had suffered.“ Apparently these Nazis were angry that they were even on trial and boasted that their „friends“ in Wall Street would rescue them.

The Kilgore Committee in 1946 described the attitudes of these Nazi war criminals stating, „Their general attitude and expectation was that the war was over and we ought now to be assisting them in helping to get I.G. Farben and German industry back on its feet. Some of them have outwardly said that this questioning and investigation was … of short duration, because as soon as things got a little settled they would expect their friends in the Untitled States and England to be coming over. Their friends, so they said, would put a stop to activities such as these investigations…“

The Control Council which was given the task of preparing directives for the arrest and detention of war criminals, moved into Germany after the war. It was headed by the Council on Foreign Relations. Professor Sutton observed, „At the end of World War II, Wall Street moved into Germany through the Control Council to protect their old cartel friends and limit the extent to which the denazification fervor would damage old business relationships.“ He said, „General Lucius Clay, the deputy military governor for Germany, appointed … Banker William Draper [to] … put his control team together from businessmen who had represented American business in pre-war Germany.“

The CFR/Wall Street managed these investigations from the top. „So when we examine the Control Council for Germany,“ wrote Professor Sutton „we find that the head of the finance division was Louis Douglas, director of the Morgan-controlled General Motors,“ and the head of the „Economics Division was William Draper, a partner in the Dillon, Read Firm that had so much to do with building Nazi Germany in the first place.“ „All three men [Douglas, Clay, and Draper] were, not surprisingly … members of the Council on Foreign Relations,“ he added.

„None of the Americans were ever prosecuted,“ wrote Perloff. „The story of American ties to German fascism has been avoided like the plaque by the major U.S. media.“ Professor Sutton declared, „After World War II the Tribunals set up to investigate Nazi war criminals were careful to censor any materials regarding Western assistance to Hitler.“

„[At] the very core of Naziism,“ says Professor Sutton, we „find Wall Street, including Standard Oil of New Jersey and I.T.T., represented … [up] to as late as 1944.“ Referring to Wall Street’s role in funding the Nazis as being one part of a consolidation plan for world domination, he concludes, „This interplay of ideas and cooperation … was only one facet of a vast and ambitious system of cooperation and international alliance for world control.“

The professor quotes an Establishment insider; Georgetown professor Dr. Carroll Quigley, as saying that it was „nothing less than to create a world system of financial control, in private hands, able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole.“

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Speak like a child
Apr 30, 2012
Bay Area/Chicago
Also wanted to say that Hitler didn't like Stalin or Russia. Supposedly he hated communist.

So basically hitler hated communist, jews, blacks, mentally handicap, gypsies, versace treaty and etc.

What the hell didn't he like...:dead:

No one ever noticed this? Versailles not Versace.


May 2, 2012
Nazis would have won if it wasn’t for the terrible decision to invade the Soviet Union during the winter
They were going to lose regardless, hitler didnt know how to run a war. Plus even his own guys were trying to kill him
Apr 3, 2014
One thing through reading is I found that between Brits,Americans, and Germans there was almost a mutual respect for one another for the most part...

Between the Slavs and Russians though was totally different,and Russians are on whole other level with the brutality...

Russia made sure to repay Germany...they went on a rape rampage when they occupied Germany after the war:demonic:

Why would any female remain in Berlin
Damn them dudes raped every female in Germany:damn:

Damn no wonder current german chicks are so open :shaq:

Rep for more info on German women :jbhmm:
Apr 3, 2014
America actually laid the blueprint for Hitler. America was a huge influence on him. Hitler even said it out of his own mouth. As a matter of fact, he shytted on Roosevelt for America's hypocrisy.

And rep for the link where Hitler gives America credit for what he was doing.

And I said it before and I'll say it again... yall brehs clown a lot but yall be on it when it comes to historical knowledge

Yall laced me with lots of history game in this thread :wow:

The D-List Vet

Being in a recommendation system.
Apr 25, 2014
I'll just leave this here,German POW's who were captured in North Africa and taken to Texas prison. You know you must be some evil crackas when you have Nazi's saying you ain't shyt:mjlol:
Even Nazi prisoners of war in Texas were shocked at how black people were treated in the South

American officials were frustrated by their inability to stop their citizens from fraternizing with the enemy after the walls between the prisoners and the townspeople came down (albeit metaphorically). Women lined up against the chain link fences to watch the POWs play soccer. People piled into train stations when a transport was scheduled to arrive, hoping for a glimpse of the prisoners. Edouard Patte, a Swiss delegate of the International YMCA who worked as a Red Cross monitor, put it this way: “it’s difficult to imagine that these nice blond lads with rosy cheeks had been war baiters and murderers a short while ago.”

The POWs also found friends in the most unlikely of places, as they worked alongside African Americans hoeing and picking cotton, talking away long days in the hot sun. African American field hands were painfully aware that white Americans treated Nazi prisoners far better than they did people of color. African Americans waited on POWs when they were transported in Pullman cars to their camps, and prisoners were also allowed to eat in whites-only cafeterias. At the camp, they were dealt the most menial jobs, including spraying the prisoners with delousing foam. The slights hurt all the more because African-American soldiers fought diligently during WWII in all-black units such as the renowned Tuskegee airmen.

Yet, on an individual level, they got along with the Germans. And Germans were fond of them, in part because African American soldiers had protected them from the mobs of people who wanted to kill the POWs.

Surprisingly, given the blatant racism of the Nazi party, some of the German soldiers were also shocked by the shoddy treatment of their fellow farmworkers. “The blacks…didn’t do much better than us,” remarked one POW. “They were just in front of the wire, and we were behind the wire.” Another German soldier, who was a farmer in his civilian life, noted that African American were expected to pick two to three more times the cotton required of the POWs. “You have to see how they lived,” he said after the war. “These people were so exploited.”

And this is the military and the country that you nikkas sign up to serve:martin:
:mjlol::russ: i am laughing.
. When Nazi say you ain't shyt :deadmanny:


May 15, 2014
They were going to lose regardless, hitler didnt know how to run a war. Plus even his own guys were trying to kill him

Yep they were eventually going to run out of resources and get squeezed from both sides just like WW1.

A lot of historians have actually said that the US and many European countries looked the other way and helped Germany become the military force that they were as an opposition to the growing of russia.

They felt if germany was big enough it would prevent Russia from attacking europe. Good plan on paper until hitler turned the tables and got revenge for what happened in WW2.

And if folks don't think this is possible we actually saw this with China vs Russia in the 70s and Afghanistan vs Iran in the 80s.
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