2019 is definantly going to be an interesting time, the way things are going right now its hard to imagine what crazy ideas and ways of living are going to be reinvented.
there was a fat white mexican who joked about this on stand up comedy a few years ago saying how blacks would need a new excuse soon, i wouldnt be suprised at all by 2019 if even more downlow cacs get very upfront about "black people living in the past". maybe even by then there will be a serious racial divide created by internet social media.
there was a fat white mexican who joked about this on stand up comedy a few years ago saying how blacks would need a new excuse soon, i wouldnt be suprised at all by 2019 if even more downlow cacs get very upfront about "black people living in the past". maybe even by then there will be a serious racial divide created by internet social media.