I'll provide proof the Edomites are you fakkit ass whites as soon as you explain why you're trying to pass Lamentations 5:10 off as a fever instead of the skin color being Black when I PROVED to you temperature drops when a famine occurs.
Lol You're dancing son. I'm not a female. Answer the question.
1 Thessalonians 5:21
Better take that (Lam 5:10) up with the bible, specifically the OT, since I quoted directly from it, in the OG hebrew.
I mean, a "Hebrew-Israelite" SHOULD be able to understand hebrew, no?

Speaking of "Hebrew-Israelites"
Edited: FWIW, I'll paypal you or anyone else $1,000 if y'all can find me the combined term "Hebrew-Israelite" anywhere in scripture. Here's a hint, it doesn't exist.
Btw, @LionofJudah and @Disciple of the Projects .....
Can y'all show me where in the bible the combined term "Hebrew-Israelite" appears? I'll pay $1,000 to the first person who shows me.
@LionofJudah we know you could definitely use the money, lol.
Speaking of which @LionofJudah, can you show me in the bible where the combined term "Hebrew-Israelite" appears once? Cause I can certainly show you where Christian shows up.
That $1,000 offer still stands.
Go find me that verse.
Unless you plan on running some more.
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