Again you don't read much on this claim....that doesn't come from me but those who write on it. ...yet Im the silly one. See they even have pictures of White Abraham too.
Why do you continue to link the old thread with this one? Still in the past? Oh I didn't read anything I just goggled everything.....
Actually, you ran from our debate after you got hit with that landslide.
Anyways, let's take a look at that Wikipedia article a little closer
In Jewish tradition, Abraham is called Avraham Avinu (אברהם אבינו), "our father Abraham," signifying that he is both the biological progenitor of the Jews (including converts, according to Jewish tradition), and the father of Judaism, the first Jew]
First off, the person who wrote that worded it terribly. But technically, they are right. The Jews came up outta Abraham's line. Judah was the son of Jacob(Israel), who was the son of Issac, who was the son of Abraham. The reason they collectively become known as Jews is due to prophecy. Specifically 1st Kings 11:13 and Hosea 1:6-. Judah came to inherit the land of israel after the Babylonian* captivity, Although they too would suffer the same fate as Israel due to their disobediance.
So while I personally wouldn't call Abraham the first literal Jew, I see what they're trying to say.
As for pictures... I won't speak on that. But then again, you do know Laban, Abraham's great nephew and Judah's grandfather, was white, right? Seeing as his name is one of the literal definitions of the word in Hebrew.