Here's my thing though-people always say that Egyptians were meticulous record keepers, and since they didn't mention Israel in hieroglyphs allegedly, then they couldn't have possibly have been slaves there. This doesn't stand a few common sense questions 1) if you kept a people as slaves, why would you need to document exactly WHO your slaves are? You obviously have them in an inferior position to you, so why would it be documented? They aren't looked at to be important 2) The Most High destroyed Egypt and Pharoah's army who pursued the Israelites, so why would the Egyptians want something as embarrassing as this in their records? I would think it would be a part of history they would want to forget. Not to mention, this ignores the fact that Pharoah's chariot wheels were found in the Red Sea which lends great credibility to the parting of the Red Sea story.