Six9ine Pleads Guilty, Snitches on Whole Crew (Confirmed)


May 28, 2012

Being locked in a box with the some of the most highly disturbed testosterone filled criminal men out, where a couple of crackers tell you when you should sleep on your shytty bed in a little scrub with another man. Tell you when you can eat, what you should eat, make your bed and on like you're a slave. Is the same as being free to do whatever the fukk you want? :dahell:

Think about what I said

In America you are not free


Go do what you want

Let's see how fast you'll see prison

And let your skin be a shade darker than most and then you tell me are you really free?

Testosterone filled criminals?

Criminals to who?

Man stop it.

Bless up Harry

lightskin jermaine

Apr 16, 2014
San Antonio

Don't talk to me, Don't talk to me
Don't talk to me, Ya done got an early release
Don't talk to me, Don't talk to me
Don't talk to me, Lookin at life and done three
Don't talk to me, Don't talk to me
Don't talk to me, I know you work for the police
Don't talk to me, Don't talk to me
Don't talk to me, I don't wanna holla
Man I ain't lying, the game done got flakey


May 28, 2012
I was in Times square chilling some drunk British cac tourists called me the Kingpin of New York. Asked me and my boys if we could get them bud I sent them down the way with some Brooklyn cats we never met talking bout "yeah these my peoples they gonna take care of you"


You ain't shyt breh :blessed:


I stay sending tourist in the wrong direction, especially when they come Uptown lord we send them to p'z.... I love it :mjlol:


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I can tell who never ever even associated with minor criminals

Cuz I agree with what he saying...but criminals don’t

They’ll be like snitching is never ok under any circumstances if you were involved

I legitimately had this same convo with my boy who hated 50 cent

What is hard to understand about this? If you voluntarily decide to take in criminal activities, you can't snitch...

If motherfukkers rob you and wanna kill you, I really doubt many people will put some "part of the game" bullshyt above their freedom, their kids, family etc.

Where you dudes from? Mad people have done exactly what you're saying. Of course, many haven't and turned snitch, but the reality us that the majority of them get they karma...

So how much time could he get after cooperating? Gotta at least still be 10-20 right? He's fukked either way lmao but if he can get out in a decade or even 15-20 he could at least have some semblance of a life when all is said and done.

Pretend to be a gangsta and incriminate yourself brehs :mjlol:

The feds have a point system based off of your priors, in addition to classifying his current charges. So the charges he pled to will carry a certain amount of time, plus the points from his priors will be added...

I have to think that by letting him cut a deal, they will forego some of the felonies he copped to, and probably disregard his prior record, too. He not getting outta this with less than a dime, and I wouldn't be surprised if he got anything up to 30. All within the realm of possibility, but his cooperation means that they not gonna slam him with the 47...

He still finished though. He gonna do anywhere from 10-30 years and either have to do all of his time on a PC block, where everybody is food like him if they touch pop anywhere, or disregard PC protection and roll like a G to the compound...

In which case, they got Whitey Bulger for thinking shyt was sweet, he rebuffed PC because he didn't think he needed it. If they got Whitey, 69 is a walking lick if he truly goes gangsta and says he wants to walk the yard in pop. There will not be a shortage of individuals waiting for his neck...

My guess? He not built like that, so he'll ask that his location is never publicly disclosed, and attempt to do his entire bid in a PC house. That can get lonely. Even in PC, fights happen. But if he ever touches the mainline yards at a fed camp, he in some big trouble...
May 26, 2012
Where's that thread about his manager being the Chicago mayors brother and a bunch of other people that are powerful and politically connected? :francis:industry plant indeed. These people aren't where they're at just for nothing.
this sounds crazy and chatty patty but what if that pedo charge was more serious than we thought and they flipped this mf a minute ago and they’re just playing it out? Them exposing him goes against that but who knows. Matter fact I’m almost positive that that’s what happened. Feds prolly turnt him out after the first breakfast club interview.
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Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
I'll add this, too. There's snitches, fags, rapists and pedos and other unsavory types in population in all the bad prisons across America. There is never a shortage of individuals stanning for a nikka with these loser reputations...

Sometimes it is celebrity and wealth, sometimes it's the "Alpo effect" where nikkas know you need to be violated, but they also know your reputation and are fearful and don't wanna be the guy to get put down by a snitch or a faq. Sometimes you end up somewhere with people who are just simply in denial that you can be a pedo, nikkas who knew you prior to prison will defend you to the end of the earth...

I've seen several stories like this that I can expound on...

If 69 goes in with his time and says nah, put me in population, and commits to taking out the first person who tries him, he will be sending a message. That doesn't mean he has to kill them, but it means he has to let them know he ain't to be fukked with. And let's be very clear: real nikkas will not ever respect his decision to snitch no matter what he does...

But if he goes to the yard and puts someone down for calling him a snitch, he will start getting stans and nikkas who will cape for him. When he gets out of solitary, if he chose population again, he would have to do it again. He would get tested at multiple yards by multiple people, and it may entail him taking someone life, or close to it, but if he did this on multiple occasions, there will come a day he can walk the yard relatively peacefully (cause altercations always happen in prison), because while he would be known as a snitch, he would also be known for handling nikkas that played him on the snitch shyt...

The Alpo effect. And there are always fanboys and you'll start to develop people who will ride for you, even knowing you a snitch, because they will know you will also pop something if pressed...

It has to be mentioned in the realm of possibility because it actually happens. Realistically, though? Nothing about him gives me the impression he can handle the Heat in jail repeatedly, for years. The pressure is more intense in there because unless you PC up, you can't hide from anybody. You use the same yards, phones, showers, dining, canteen, etc as everyone else. And it would literally take him going through this several times after coming down from the box, that shyt gets old...

He couldn't handle the heat of facing time for his own behaviors. I'd be shocked if he turned into somebody else in prison. People will be trying to extort him, offering to protect him if he pay them, and he will need to be man enough to put them in their place. So nah, he not doing this. But it's a realm of possibility and there are snitches, fags, pedos and rapists that walk the yards across Ameruca because either they got people shook, or they bought protection, or just got Stans...


Jun 11, 2012
Apparently mama Mexican and she r

this sounds crazy and chatty patty but what if that pedo charge was more serious than we thought and they flipped this mf a muinute ago and they’re just playing it out? Them exposing him goes against that but who knows.

You never know especially with who was behind him.